0 REM LOGON 3/30/84 by Rick Perry [75665,1045] 1 CLEAR500:DEFINTA-Z:DIMM(15):CLS:FORN=0TO15:READM(N):NEXT 2 A$="7I1E"+CHR$(0):V=VARPTR(A$):CALL6118,0,PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256 3 CLOSE:OPEN"adrs"FORINPUTAS1:LINEINPUT"Find:";A$ 4 CALL6+VARPTR(M(0)),0,VARPTR(A$):IFA$="MENU"THENMENU 5 IFEOF(1)THEN3ELSELINEINPUT#1,Y$:I=INSTR(Y$,":") 6 B$=LEFT$(Y$,I):CALL6+VARPTR(M(0)),0,VARPTR(B$) 7 IFINSTR(B$,A$)=0THEN5ELSEJ=INSTR(I,Y$,"<"):IFJ=0THEN5 8 PRINTLEFT$(Y$,J)">";:B$=INPUT$(1):PRINT 9 IFB$=CHR$(27)THEN3ELSEIFASC(B$)<>13THEN5 10 CLOSE:A$=MID$(Y$,I+1,J-I-1)+CHR$(0) 11 PRINT"Calling "LEFT$(Y$,I);:V=VARPTR(A$) 12 CALL21293,0,PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256:CALL21172:PRINT:N=0:X=0 13 N=N+1:CALLVARPTR(M(0)),0,VARPTR(X) 14 IFX=0THEN17ELSEB$=INKEY$:IFB$=""ANDN<1000THEN13 15 CALL21179:IFB$>""THEN3ELSEPRINT"NO CARRIER":N=0 16 N=N+1:CALL21264:IFINKEY$>""THEN3ELSEIFN<9THEN16ELSE11 17 PRINT"CONNECT":BEEP:CALL21264:A$=MID$(Y$,J)+CHR$(0) 18 V=VARPTR(A$):CALL21392,60,PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256:CLEAR0:CALL21608 19 DATA-4147,30574,201,-18562,20424,32291,26147,4463 20 DATA2,-5683,6449,6865,-5683,4623,3347,-5688 21 ' This program will retrieve a phone number and auto-logon sequence 22 'from the ADRS.DO file and attempt to logon to a host computer. 23 ' After dialing, if no carrier is detected within 20 seconds, 24 'or if you press any key, the program will hang up. 25 'After waiting 20 seconds more, it will retry the number 26 'unless you press any key. 27 ' If the carrier is detected, it will BEEP and procede through 28 'the auto-logon sequence as specified in the ADRS line, 29 'then jump to TELCOM's Term mode. 30 ' At the "Find:" prompt, enter a string to search for 31 'in the ADRS file or press F8 to return to the Menu. 32 ' When the string is found press ENTER to begin auto-dial, 33 'or press ESC to return to the "Find:" prompt, 34 'or press any other key to continue searching.