I have been successful in developing a procedure which allows me to create files on the M100 and upload them into my Apple II as text files for use with the Apple-Writer II word processor. I have developed three programs which combine on one disc to make an auto-boot systems for the Apple. Here's how it works. Program number one (HELLO.M-A) is used as the boot program on the disk. It instructs the user and also sets up the pointers to allow room for the machine language programa which converts the machine language ("B") files into text ("T") files. Program number two (M-A.BA) is the program which receives the uploaded file from the M100 and stores it on the disk as a "B" file. It also loads program number three (B-TCON.BIN) which is a machine language file which does the "B" to "T" conversion. The converter program looks for a "B file called < INPUT> and converts it into a "T" file called . Program two then renames the file as defined by user. Note that program number two sets HIMEM:4095, to provide maximum file room. This will permit a file length to be uploaded which just about fills the total memory of the M100. For details, program two is a variant of the the upload program contained in the November 83 issue of CALL -APPLE, page 56, while the machine language program is a variant of an example program contained in the appendix of the book "Beneath Apple DOS". These publications should be consulted for in depth information. I am using the CCS 7710A serial card at 600 baud. The RS232 cable is a straight, pin-for-pin cable with no transistions. (Pin one to pine one, etc.) Let me hear if all this works for you. David P. Allen [70310,355]