PBXCHG.100 changes phone numbers in your ADRS.DO file, adding or deleting prefixes required by switchboards. It is written specifically for use on our CENTREX system, to use only the last 4 digits for in-house dialing. You might be able to modify it for other systems... sorry, I don't know enough about them to help. To use: 1) Your ADRS.DO file must be set up with proper colons and dashes. (I have NOT tried it with '=' embedded.) Numbers must be formatted like this: In house - :555-1212: or :1212: Local, outside- :888-4414: Long Distance - :1-817-390-3700: (CIS, Source, DJNS as above + logon) 2) Edit lines 20 and 25, inserting your CENTREX prefix in PF$, and your home area code in AC$. 3) Run the program. When asked for "Access code", enter the following: At work :"9" At home : Traveling :"8" (required by most hotels. I find few of their systems will accept auto- dial, but you can try it anyway. Adds 8-1-home area code. ) Be aware the program uses a temporary file ADS.DO, and be sure there's no conflict. Good dialing...Ed Juge