------------------------ Documentation for PIXTEL ------------------------ Now the M100 has a terminal program that displays CompuServe's radar maps, CB pictures, and FBI Ten-Most-Wanted posters, live, on-line. It's free in the M100 SIG. It's PIXTEL. The program piggy-backs on TELCOM, the M100's built-in telecommunications program. PIXTEL behaves just like TELCOM, allowing auto log-on and uploading and downloading. But it also looks to CompuServe's computers like a VIDTEX program with high and medium resolution graphics capabilities and cursor control. So CompuServe sends the graphics without the annoying "Your terminal won't handle this" messages. The images are displayed on the screen as they come in, and may be simultaneously saved in a file for later printing or re-display. Since you don't have to download the data and then display it with a special display program, you don't need a lot of storage. PIXTEL takes up less than 400 bytes. PIXTEL.CO is loaded into your M100 when you run PIXTEL.BA, a BASIC program, and PIXTEL.BA is the program you should download from this SIG. After PIXTEL.BA has been run once, you don't need it any more as long as PIXTEL.CO remains in memory. When PIXTEL receives a high-resolution or medium-resolution graphic, the display scrolls up from the bottom of the screen, a line at a time. The effect is kind of like a photograph being pulled slowly under a window the size of your M100 screen. Use control-S to pause, and control-Q to resume. If you are technically-minded and want to know more about how it works, you might want to check out the file PIXTEL.ASM, the assembly source for PIXTEL.CO. If you want to look at a file containing encoded graphics that has already been downloaded, use this BASIC routine: 10 CLEAR 256,62560:LOADM "PIXTEL.CO":POKE 62579,201:CALL 62560:REM Hello 20 INPUT "File to display";FI$ 30 OPEN FI$ FOR INPUT AS 1 40 C$=INPUT$(1,1):PRINT C$; 50 IF NOT EOF(1) GOTO 40 60 POKE 64200,255:REM Goodbye PIXTEL! PIXTEL will lurk in BASIC until you POKE it goodbye, or until you go to the menu. It doesn't interfere with BASIC, but it doesn't work with TEXT, so it's a good idea to POKE it goodbye until you need it again if you use it from within a BASIC program. -------- Trouble? -------- If you try to run PIXTEL.CO after running another program, and the screen clears, the computer beeps, and the menu returns, don't fret. That happens if the space where PIXTEL.CO normally runs has been reclaimed. Got into BASIC, enter CLEAR 256,62560, and try running PIXTEL.CO again from the menu and it should work. PIXTEL usually can keep up at 300 baud, but if you get images that are skewed or scrambled, make sure XON-XOFF protocol is enabled. That causes CompuServe to wait for your M100 when it gets behind. Enable XON-XOFF protocol by setting STAT:xxxxE, where the x's are replaced by appropriate letters and numbers. For example, STAT:M7I1E works fine, as does STAT:M8N1E. This is set once at the first prompt in TELCOM or PIXTEL. PIXTEL was developed on a bare 24K M100, so I don't know whether it runs on any modified hardware or with other software. It hooks into TELCOM through the screen output hook, and preserves any existing hook, so just maybe it can co- exist with the rest of the world. I would like to hear from users if it does and if it doesn't. Wally Hubbard, 70346,1716