0 ' S-TIME.BA is a very short byte-save version of CSTIME.BA It is only 430 1 ' bytes as a BA prog with rems removed compared to the 1500+ bytes of CSTIME 2 'It is compatible with CSSORT and writes the same format as CSTIME 3 'What you loose is the starting time of the logon and also the read 4 'features. The read can be done from CSTIME, CSSORT or the DO file direct 5 'You also loose the double check of the line before entering to the file 6 'Results from CSTIME and S-TIME can be merged for reading and both programs 7 'write to the same (C-TIME) file. S-TIME is best to use when on a trip 8 ' when ram memory is so precious. S-TIME is Short-TIME 9 '------- CUT ON DOTTED LINE ------------------------------------------------ 10 FI$="C-TIME.DO":TI$=LEFT$(TIME$,5):CI$="###" 12 CLS:PRINT@52,"Time Off > ";TI$:PRINT 14 INPUT" CSIS Minutes On-Line > ";MOL:S$="":PRINT 16 INPUT" SERVICE <5>=error <9>=menu > ";S$ 18 IFS$="5"THEN12ELSEIFVAL(S$)=9THENMENU 20 IFS$=""THEN16ELSES$=S$+" ":S$=LEFT$(S$,2):S$=S$+CHR$(32) 22 OPENFI$FORAPPENDAS1 24 PRINT#1,S$;DATE$;" off at > ";:PRINT#1,TI$;" = "; 26 PRINT#1,USINGCI$;MOL;:PRINT#1," min." 28 CLOSE1 30 PRINT@280," ENTERED TO FILES =rerun <9>=Menu"; 32 X$="":X$=INKEY$:IFX$=""THEN32ELSEIFX$="9"THENMENUELSEGOTO12