cpmsnd cpmsnd allows easy transfer of text files between the model 100 and most CP/M based systems. In addition, the programs snd100.com and rcv100.com are provided for the CP/M system snd100 and rcv100 must first be configured for the CP/M implementation. This requires that the iobyte be implemented in the BIOS and that it be possible to redirect console i/o to the rs232 interface. First determine from the system documentation the correct value of the iobyte to redirect the console to the rs232. Only the low two bits are significant to snd100 and rcv100. Put snd100.com, rcv100.com and sndrcv.sub on the B: disk and DDT.COM, SUBMIT.COM, and XSUB.COM on the A: disk. Type the command submit b:sndrcv where is the proper value of the iobyte for redirection of console to the rs232. To transfer files, first set the rs232 interface to the proper data rate, number of stop bits and parity. CPMSND assumes 1200 baud, 8 bits, no parity. Connect the model 100 to the CP/M with the proper cable. To transfer from the model 100 to CP/M, first enter the command rcv100 e on the CP/M system. The "e" is optional. If present, the file will be echoed on the screen. After the message "Ready to receive" is displayed, run SNDCPM.BA on the model 100. You will be prompted for the file to send (must be a text (.DO) file) and for the output file (default COM:58n1e). NOTE: The file must be small enough to fit in memory on the CP/M system. NOTE: The file to send may be a cassette file. To send a file from the CP/M system to the model 100, first execute the proper command on the model 100 to receive. For BASIC programs, you may use a comand such as load "com:58n1e" in basic or may use the file load function (F) of TEXT. On the CP/M system enter the command snd100 e where "e" is optional and indicates the file is to be echoed to the screen as it is sent