SWEEP is an m/l program that must be located at or above HIMEM. However, the loader program allows you to select its location. SWEEP is 228 bytes long. Since SWEEP must be setup before entering Telcom, it must be adapted to the software you might be using for dialing and logging on before entering Telcom. PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS: Program Line 115. Access to SWEEP. .If you do not use any special software and access TELCOM directly from the Main Menu or if your software brings you to Entry Mode, remove the 2nd line 115 from the program before loading it in. If your software brings you to Terminal Mode, remove the 1st line 115 or leave it in (in which case the 2nd line 115 will overwrite the 1st). If your software ends by CALL XXXXX, which is neither one of the two addresses mentionned, the hexadecimal expression of this address (low byte first) must be line 115 (instead of the 2 lines 115 shown in the program). Next, those accessing TELCOM from the Main Menu can use SWEEP.CO instead. If sufficiently experienced, they can change TELCOM's address to that of SWEEP. One can also enter BASIC and type CALL XXXXX where XXXXX is the address of SWEEP. Those using a special software before accessing Telcom must change the CALLed address (at end of software) to that of SWEEP. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS .With the cut/paste method, move the program lines to a new .DO file. .Verify the checksum (= 92673), then adjust line 115 as explained in the PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS. Whatever you do, line 115 MUST contain no more, no less than 4 bytes of DATA. Next, go to BASIC and Load"XXXXXX",R. XXXXXX stands for the .DO's file name. No extension required. R will run the program, load SWEEP into the HIMEM area and return you to the Main Menu. The menu will display SWEEP.CO which you can save or kill, as it is already loaded in at the address you chose. You can also save or kill the BA version of the DO file which is in the current BA file. Nothing more needs to be done. You enter Telcom just as you did before. ============================== 1 CLS:' *SWEEP* by Mike Kelton, CIS ID# 100325,1507 Dated: Dec. 12th,1994 2 PRINT@89,CHR$(27)"K";:INPUT"Start address ";S:PRINT@170,CHR$(27)"J": 3 IFS<32769ORS>62732THENBEEP:PRINT@170,"Not a valid address":GOTO2 4 IFHIMEM<=STHEN6ELSEBEEP:PRINT@167,"Please set Himem to"S 5 IFINKEY$=""THEN5ELSEMENU 6 PRINT@168,"Your Himem set to"HIMEM:PRINT@248,"OK to continue ? (Y/N)"; 7 A$=INPUT$(1):IFA$=""THEN7ELSEA=ASC(A$)AND223:IFA=78THENMENUELSEIFA<>89THEN7 8 PRINT@247,"Loading... Wait 8 seconds." 10 DEFINTB,I,J:DEFSNGK,L:DIMK(16):H$="/0123456789ABCDEF":P=S:L=S-32768 20 FORI=0TO16:READK(I):K(I)=L+K(I):NEXT 30 FORJ=1TO6:READD$:FORI=1TOLEN(D$)STEP2:B=16*INSTR(H$,MID$(D$,I,1))+INSTR(H$,MID$(D$,I+1,1))-34 40 IFB<0THENGOSUB70ELSEPOKEP,B 50 P=P+1:NEXT:NEXT 60 FORI=-86TO-76:READB:POKEI,B:NEXT:SAVEM"SWEEP",S,P-1,S 70 B=B+17:POKEP,K(B)MOD256:P=P+1:POKEP,128+K(B)\256:RETURN 100 DATA15,16,23,77,92,109,116,122,141,169,175,179,184,186,197,199,215 110 DATA2AE2FA22/021/122E2FAC3 115 DATA4651:REM Entry Mode 115 DATA5554:REM Terminal Mode 120 DATA21000022E2FA79C94F3AEEFDB7CA//380EED7CE6FDD65479C021ED14E3FE7FC82146F67ED61BCA/B79FE1BCA/BCDC5732A 130 DATA39F6FE20DA/7CD/ECC/32239F6EBCD4074AF32F2FFC911C0FC2100FECDFB4521/4E5EBCDDF45CD5C76CD3875AF47D3FE0E 140 DATA5FAFD3FF0DC2/678C640C2/5CD9E5A210101C911/2D5FE0DCA/9FE09CA/CFE08C2/ACD/8CA/ACD/D25C026282DC925C2/F 150 DATAF1AF32F2FF77C9CD/D7C3DE607C2/CC90E20E5CD864571D1D5CDEE73E1243E2994C026013A3DF6C6089523C02E01C9 200 DATA5,77,0,69,0,78,0,85,0,13,0