10 REM This is probably the shortest 11 REM useful program on this SIG. 12 REM After executing this program, 13 REM the TELCOM program will have 14 REM two additional functions: 15 REM F6 - Space - Returns an Ascii 16 REM text string containing the 17 REM number of Free bytes of RAM 18 REM left on the system. 19 REM F7 - Files - Returns the names 20 REM of all files currently in 21 REM RAM. 22 REM 23 REM These functions are status 24 REM reports and will display at 25 REM the current cursor position. 26 REM The screen will scroll, if 27 REM necessary. This information is 28 REM NOT transmitted through the 29 REM RS-232/Modem port. 30 REM 31 REM To reset F6 and F7 back to their 32 REM previous undefined state, it 33 REM will be necessary to perform a 34 REM COLD START, or the program can 35 REM be re-executed with line 110 36 REM modified to read: 37 REM 110 DATA 210,0,210,0 38 REM (Actually, this patch will 39 REM substitute an error BEEP for the 40 REM non-existant functions. 100 FORX=1TO4:READN:POKEX+64267,N:NEXTX 110 DATA172,126,58,31 120 REM Replace line 110 with: DATA 201,0,201,0 to reset TELCOM F6 & F7