0 'TOWANG.BA. Comments to Howard Benner, 70235,1337. v.2 1/28/84 1 'TOWANG.BA is a short file transfer program for sending from the 100 2 'to any communicating Wang word processor that can emulate a TTY 3 'terminal. It autodials numbers you insert in line 199 (up to 4), 4 'establishes a connection, sets parameters to M7E1E, lists all files. 5 'Your Wang parameters should be set to 300 baud, even parity. 6 'During transmission, the text is displayed on the 100's screen, with a 7 '"]" at each point where the 100 has sent a dummy character to defeat the 8 'Wang's quirk of eating the first character after a CR/LF. 9 'It may or may not work with other hardware that eats initial bytes. 10 CLS:MAXFILES = 2:GOSUB100:FILES 20 LINEINPUT"File to Transfer: ";FN$ 30 CLS:OPENFN$ FOR INPUT AS 1 40 OPEN"MDM:7E1E" FOR OUTPUT AS 2 50 I$=INPUT$(1,1) 60 PRINTI$;:IFASC(I$)<>10THENPRINT#2, I$; 70 IFASC(I$)=10 THEN PRINT"]";: PRINT#2," "; 80 IF NOT EOF(1) THEN 50 ELSE PRINT TIME$:PRINT"]";DATE$ 90 PRINT#2,TIME$:PRINT#2," ";DATE$: CLOSE:BEEP:END 100 CLS:PRINT"Phone number to call" 110 FOR X=1 TO 4:PRINT" <"X"> ";:READN: PRINTN:NEXT:PRINT" < 5 > ";" OTHER" 120 INPUT" ";N$:N=VAL(N$):RESTORE 125 IFN<>5THENFORX=1TON:READPN:NEXT ELSEINPUT"Number :";PN 130 PH$=STR$(PN)+"<>" 140 PRINT" Calling ";PH$ 150 M=VARPTR(PH$) 160 AD=PEEK(M+1)+(PEEK(M+2)*256) 170 CALL21200:CALL21293,0,AD:CLS:RETURN 199 DATA 2125551212, 5551212, 95551212, 1212