100/100 Documentation F7 will bring up the prompt to enter "ext or asic. If DIRACC is loaded and DIRPOK has been run, pressing 'T' will bring the user to TEXT, where a file can be created, or edited off-line for later uploading. F8 will exit text and reenter TELCOM. Pressing 'B' at the previous prompt will bring the user to BASIC, where programs can be run or files killed. Exiting to Menu, however, will disconnect the line. To reenter TELCOM, press F6, which should be defined as "CALLHIMEM"+chr$(13). Running the DIRACC loader program will set the F6 function key to do this. MODEL 100 FUNCTION KEYS WITHIN VT100 MODE The Model 100's 40 column by 8 line screen is a window into one sixth of a normal 80 column by 24 line VT100 screen. In VT100 mode, the following keys are used for special functions: F1 will show Section 1 of the VT100 screen As illustrated in FIGURE 1 below, this is the upper most left sixth of the screen (lines 1-8, columns 1-40) F2 will show Section 2, the middle left sixth of the screen (lines 9-16, columns 1-40) F3 will show Section 3, the lower left sixth of the screen (lines 17-24, columns 1-40) F4 will move down four rows from whatever vertical and horizontal position is presently being viewed. F5 will display columns 1-40 at the present vertical position. If already at the left margin, no action will be taken F6 will display columns 21-60, showing the middle section of the screen. The vertical position coincides with the current vertical position. F7 will display the left side of the screen, columns 41-80 in its present vertical position. PASTE -the PASTE function key- will return to the original screen where the cursor is presently located and exit view mode. The PASTE key is also used to exit fast mode and resume full echo to the screen. F8 will return to TELCOM. The screen will not clear, so any prompt you had at the cursor will remain. CODE e (e for exit) will return to TELCOM, but it will clear the screen before doing so. LABEL will bring up the row and column number of the present cursor location in the bottom left corner of the screen. This display will disappear automatically as soon as the screen needs to scroll, or can be erased immediately if it covers important text by pressing PASTE PRINT -the PRINT function key- will print the screen to the printer if it is attached and turned on. If no printer is connected to the parallel port, no action is taken. The screen printed is the full 80x24 screen of the VT100, not just the small Model 100 window. page -5- 100/100 Documentation |-----F6------| |-------F5-------|------F7-------| c1 c21 c41 c61 80 ____________________________________ | | | | | | | | | F4 | F1 | | | |-- | (Section 1) | (Section 4) ||| PASTE | | | | ||| --------------Line 8--------------\/ key | | | | | 4 | | | to | F2 | | | | r | (Section 2) | (Section 5) | o Resume | | | | | w --------------Line 16------------- s | | | | | | | | d | F3 | | | | o | (Section 3) | (Section 6) | w | | | | | n --------------Line 24------------- FIGURE #1 Moving Around the VT100 Screen GRAPH 'a' will send a CTRL A to the host computer. A CTRL A is used in some editing programs, including command line editing on the VAX to switch between insert and replace mode. Since the SHIFT Left Arrow generates the same code as CTRL A, and has been mapped to become the PF4 function key (see below), some way is needed to generate a CTRL A to send to the host. The GRAPH a will send such a code (ASCII Code 1). CODE 'x' toggles between XON/XOFF enabled, and disabled. It may never be required. It was put into 100/100, because some electronic switches interpret the XOFF character sent out as an actual character and invalidates the choice. It is usually only required at speeds greater than 300 baud, using an external modem, where the screen on the Model 100 cannot keep up with the characters received and when the switch being used sends a full screen of information, rather than a single line prompt, before a choice is allowed. Pushing CODE x will turn off XON/XOFF if it is on, and turn it on if it is off. When returning to TELCOM, whichever mode has been set using the STAT command will be used, regardless of the toggle state inside the VT100 emulator. GRAPH 'f' enters "fast mode" in which characters received from the host page -6- 100/100 Documentation are not echoed to the screen in order to speed up performance. Instead only cursor movement and the column/row display in the lower left corner are shown. Transmission can then be stopped and the screen viewed with the function keys. The PASTE key exits fast mode. GRAPH NUMBER KEYS produce the code of the number keys on the VT100 keypad, if in application mode. The number keys used here are not the ones at the top of the Model 100, but the ones used to generate numbers when the NUM key is depressed. The keys produce the keypad equivalents in application mode, not the numbers. The keypad keys on a VT100 produce two different sets of code when pressed, either a special application code, or the numbers. Application mode is typically used in applications like word processing and editing where rather than produce a number, a function is produced when the key is depressed. If you are in an application that uses the keypad to produce numbers, press the NUM key and use the same keys. A VT100 will automatically switch between application mode and numeric mode for these keys, but 100/100 will not. If you are using the GRAPH key combination and it doesn't seem to be working, try the NUM key instead. One exception to the GRAPH number key is the '1' (one) or 'j' key. Unfortunately, GRAPH j is not recognized by the Model 100 as a key being pressed, therefore the user must press GRAPH SHIFT J. Since the three key combination can be somewhat awkward, GRAPH 'h' will produce the same code. Either combination will work. Both combinations are less than desired and may cause the user some consternation until experience makes their use a habit. Until then, the user is likely to press GRPH j more than once and wonder why no response is obtained. The limitation of the Model 100, however, makes this situation unavoidable. In addition to the number keys, GRPH . (period) will produce the keypad period, GRPH , (comma) will produce the keypad comma, GRPH ' (single quote) the keypad enter, and GRPH / (slash) will produce the keypad minus. The slash was chosen rather than the minus sign, for two reasons; one was its proximity to the other keys, rather than on the top row of the keyboard. The other is that the GRPH - combination on the Model 100 is used to produce the ASCII code 96, the backslash character. The GRPH ' (single quote) was chosen to represent the keypad ENTER key since it sits right next to the ENTER key on the Model 100. CODE SHIFT R will reset the screen. The screen is cleared, the cursor is homed, top and bottom margins are reset to 1 and 24 respectively, and tab stops are set to their defaults. PF Function Keys are produced by using the SHIFT Arrow Keys. PF1 -sometimes the GOLD key on the VT100- is emulated with the SHIFT Left Arrow key. PF2 is SHIFT Right Arrow key page -7- 100/100 Documentation PF3 is SHIFT Up Arrow key PF4 is SHIFT Down Arrow key The Key Layout for the VT100 keypad keys looks like the following, where the top characters in the box represent what is on the Model 100 key and the bottom most character in the box, between the '- -' respresents the keypad equivalent on the VT100 keypad. --------------------- |SHFT|SHFT|SHFT|SHFT| Model 100 Cursor Keys -> | <- | -> | /\ | \/ | (Use SHIFT + Cursor Key) | PF1| PF2| PF3| PF4| --------------------- ------------------- | & | * | ( | | 7/7 | 8/8 | 9/9 | | -7- | -8- | -9- | Use GRPH + Key ---------------------- | | | | | U/4 | I/5 | O/6 | | -4- | -5- | -6- | ------------------------------------- | |SHIFT| | | : | " | | H | J/1 | K/2 | L/3 | ; | ' | | -1- | -1- | -2- | -3- | |-ENT-| ------------------------------------- | | < | > | ? | | M/0 | , | . | / | | -0- | -,- | -.- | --- | ------------------------- (Minus) FIGURE #2 Keypad Emulation Keys Deactivating F6 and F7 after removing VTEMUL.CO To prevent jumping to non-existent code after removing this program run this small BASIC program: 10 POKE 64268,243:POKE 64269,127 20 POKE 64270,243:POKE 64271,127 page -8-