LIB 4 - Applications [71256,44] dave mack ABACUS.100 Text, Bytes: 2475, Count: 446, 12-Feb-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 MATH CALCULATOR TAX PRINT A 7-function calculator with memory and print-out capability in 1389 bytes. This is final version of ABACUS.DM and contains an improved FUNCTION menu. PA=406 [75715,1724] ADDKID.100 Text, Bytes: 3885, Count: 115, 06-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 MATH DRILL ADD SUBTRACT MULTIPLY DIVIDE This program will help your kid(s) practice their math. PA=118 [72737,2551] ADDLAB.100 Text, Bytes: 1582, Count: 50, 29-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS LABEL RETURN ENVELOPE MAILING LIST Program ADDLAB.100 makes address labels for return envelopes on sheets of three wide by eleven long peel off labels (1" X 2-") using a 12 pitch daisy wheel printer. Checksum = 108,566 [73146,2627] ADDLTR.DOC Text, Bytes: 3375, Count: 193, 29-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MAIL LETTERS LIST DATABASE DBNEW Documentation for ADDLTR.PGM. Formatts and prints letters to selected addresses using a DBNEW.100 data file. Has a flexible address selection capability. Checksum=287,235. [73146,2627] ADDLTR.PGM Text, Bytes: 3770, Count: 159, 29-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MAIL LETTERS LIST DATABASE DBNEW Formatts and prints letters to selected addresses using a DBNEW.100 data file. Has a flexible address selection capability. Checksum=233,770 [73146,2627] ADDR.DOC Text, Bytes: 600, Count: 321, 14-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS MAIL LABLES LIST Documentation for ADDR.PGM. [73146,2627] ADDR.PGM Text, Bytes: 7155, Count: 376, 16-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS LIST MAIL LABLES This program builds an address list file, edits or adds to an existing one and prints out all or selected addresses either on standard lables or on paper for filing. checksum is 412,699. [73146,2627] ADDRP.100 Text, Bytes: 3195, Count: 262, 06-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBNEW DBASE MAIL LIST ADDRESS LABELS A BASIC program to print formatted address labels DBNEW.100 files. Checksum: 207,073 [73146,2627] ADDRP.DOC Text, Bytes: 3405, Count: 259, 04-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBNEW DBASE MAIL LIST ADDRESS LABELS Documentation for ADDRP.100 [72216,512] AEROB.BA Text, Bytes: 1540, Count: 101, 08-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 AEROBICS EXERCISE PULSE HEALTH PRINT PRINTER For you or your spouse. Aerobic pulse rates for max workouts; results ouput to printer. Checksum: 111,330 [76077,2405] AGENCY.DO Text, Bytes: 256, Count: 68, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT TRAFFIC REPORTS St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] Required data file for SPADAS.BA [70235,1337] ALARM.100 Text, Bytes: 1680, Count: 233, 23-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: ALARM TIMER STOPWATCH CLOCK ALARM.100 is a combination timer and alarm clock. When REM's are edited out it takes less than 1K of RAM. Contains a useful subroutine to accurately add any span of time =< 24 hours to the present time. PA=133 [75665,1045] ALARM.100 Text, Bytes: 1195, Count: 228, 13-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: BACKGROUND ALARM CLOCK PROGRAM Alarm clock will beep at preset time as long as computer is turned on, even if you're in BASIC, TEXT, TELCOM, etc. This one has an added function key, F4 "Resl" to set the "resolution" of the alarm, from 10 secs to an hour, e.g. if it is set for 12:00:xx then the alarm will beep for a whole minute, once a second, from 12:00:00 to 12:00:59. If you've used my ALARMS.100 pgm, do a POKE 62975,201 before use. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LUCID. (215 prior accesses) [76672,650] ALARM.BA Text, Bytes: 484, Count: 162, 11-May-87 Title : Keywords: SMALL ALARM CLOCK SNOOZE 100 102 BASIC This is a very small(352 byte) alarm clock for the Model 100. It has a programmable snooze and a "maximum time" feature to disable the snooze and remind you that it's time to get up. Checksum 30,085 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems CIS 76672,650 [75665,1045] ALARM.BAS Text, Bytes: 570, Count: 366, 25-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: M100 ALARM CLOCK PROGRAM Program continuously displays the time. You enter a time for the alarm to sound. Illustrates use of ON TIME$ and ON ERROR commands and how to get keyboard input while performing another task at the same (almost) time. (Sysop note: 168 accesses prior to latest upload) [76666,2512] ALARM.BAS Text, Bytes: 967, Count: 97, 17-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: ALARM 100 102 200 BUSINESS WAKEUP ARISE CLOCK SLEEP TIME Alarm program asks for desired wakeup time; default value is 06:30, which can be changed in line 6. At wakeup time you get short beeps which gradually get longer, more insistent. After 4-5 minutes program starts "wailing". Any keystroke ends program. If you don't respond, program ends after about 30 minutes. Checksum = 59,480 [76672,650] ALARM.DO Text, Bytes: 2159, Count: 124, 11-May-87 Title : Keywords: SMALL ALARM CLOCK SNOOZE DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for ALARM.BA which is a 352 byte alarm clock program with snooze and other features. Checksum=176,514 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems [70076,501] ALARM2.100 Text, Bytes: 1285, Count: 133, 13-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: ALARM TAPE TIMER TONE This program is a new version of ALARM.100. It sets a timer for either a tone alarm, a tape alarm, or both. PA=136 [76576,3337] ALARM6.BAS Text, Bytes: 6140, Count: 243, 06-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ALARM MULTI TIME ZONE CLOCK DAYLIGHT STANDARD This is a multi time zone, multi alarm program that you can use in any time zone for the continental USA. It gives you Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones, both daylight savings and standard time. You can move from one zone to another and with the press of a botton the time is correct. For more info read ALARM6.DOC. Checksum = 344,690 [76576,3337] ALARM6.DOC Text, Bytes: 3290, Count: 201, 05-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: ALARM MULTI TIME ZONES TANDY 100 CLOCK This is the directions for ALARM6.BAS a multi time zone, multi alarm program that you can use in any time zone for the continental USA. It gives you Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones, both daylight savings and standard time. You can move from one zone to another and with the press of a botton the time is correct. Checksum = 269,415 [75665,1045] ALARMS.100 Text, Bytes: 2625, Count: 533, 25-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BACKGROUND ALARM CLOCK SORT PROGRAM Unique "background" alarm clock will beep at preset time as long as computer is turned on, even if you're in BASIC, TEXT, TELCOM, etc. Also, pgm includes M/L routine to sort text files with variable length lines, IN PLACE. No limit to number of lines in file, but each line must be <=255 chars. Bonus F-keys allow access to SCHEDL & ADDRSS, plus use of alternate NOTE.DO file. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LUCID. (237 prior accesses) [70375,1070] ALLMVC.DOC Text, Bytes: 6140, Count: 785, 25-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: MINIVC SPREADSHEET BASIC PROGRAM INFO INFORMATION DOCUMENTATION This is a brief explaination (just over 6K to download) of all the various features of MiniVC. It is mainly for those who have never used a spreadsheet program before, and those who have not yet learned the syntax. It should be useful for any version of MiniVC. The documentation is current thru MiniVC.JGB. [75765,374] ALMCLK.100 Text, Bytes: 2075, Count: 98, 22-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ALARM CLOCK ALMCLK.100 is yet another clock program with a snooze alarm. It may be of some interest to the programmer because the clock continues to be displayed during input. Also, it has an animated cursor, and the input is "Self Formatting", you don't need to enter colons. Use "ESC" to exit any mode. PA=250 [75665,1405] ALPHA.100 Text, Bytes: 1980, Count: 382, 08-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: TRS 80 TRS80 MODEL 100 M100 CAPITALIZATION ML ROUTINE REQUIRED M/L routine that capitalizes lower case. Documentation in REMark statements. [70116,436] AM-PM.100 Text, Bytes: 445, Count: 218, 15-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: AM-PM MILITARY CLOCK TIME This program converts model 100 clock time (military 24 hour clock) to standard AM-PM time. PA=304 [71036,1153] AMORT.BA Text, Bytes: 1605, Count: 528, 01-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: MORTGAGE LOAD AMORTIZATION PAYMENT PRINCIPLE INTEREST Used to figure fixed rate loans, such as house mortgages, car loans etc. Will figure the monthly payment and then gives a month by month payment and principle payment breakdown. Figures total interest paid at the end. This program also has a printout routine not included here to save memory. Checksum: 101,302 [71646,1322] AMORT.RY Text, Bytes: 95, Count: 374, 26-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: LOAN MORTAGE PAYMENT AMORTIZATION M100 T200 This one-line program computes the monthly payment for an amortized loan. When run, AMORT prompts you for "amount", "years", and "interest". Respond with the amount of the loan, the duration of the loan in years, and the interest rate ( for eleven percent, enter "11", NOT ".11"). For a 54 month loan, enter the years as "4.5" etc. This program requires 76 bytes in BASIC. -Ray Yeargin (71646,1322) Checksum: 6419 [71036,1153] AMORT1.BA Text, Bytes: 2805, Count: 617, 11-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 AMORTIZATION LOAN FINANCE INTEREST MORTGAGE PRINT Like AMORT.BA but with the printout routine added. Needs 80 col printer ( minimum). Needs about 2k more memory than AMORT.BA Checksum: 175,991 [73327,3073] Frank Kienast ANIMAL.DO Text, Bytes: 413, Count: 70, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: ANIMAL LEARN AI CYBERNETICS EXPERT SYSTEMS Demo knowledge file of animals for LEARN.BA. [70205,1144] ANNDOC.100 Text, Bytes: 1430, Count: 303, 18-Jul-83 Title : Keywords: ANNUITIES documentation for annuit.100 [70205,1144] ANNUIT.100 Text, Bytes: 4640, Count: 397, 21-Sep-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ANNUITY LOAN INTEREST Calculates annuity/loan quantities. See ANNDOC.100 Checksum%: 262,757 [72216,512] ANX.BA Text, Bytes: 5390, Count: 155, 21-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 PSYCHOLOGY ANXIETY NERVES TENSION Good Anxiety test with 85 questions. Excellent printer output. Checksum: 359,634 [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND APOINT.BA Text, Bytes: 1553, Count: 119, 10-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: APPOINTMENT NOTE.DO SCHEDUAL THIS IS AN APPOINTMENT PROGRAM THAT USES THE NOTE.DO FILE IN THE SAME FORMAT AS TANDY'S EXECUTIVE CALENDAR PROGRAM. THE PROGRAM IS MENU DRIVEN AND TAKES UP ABOUT 7K LESS SPACE THEN THE ABOVE PROGRAM CHECKSUM=84,881 [76701,40] Denny Thomas APPT.TMP Text, Bytes: 1949, Count: 68, 25-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC-SYS TMPC TODO TO-DO CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM ACROATIX Sample TMPC support program that adds appointments to the single-date section of the calendar. See the manual for further details. Checksum = 127,293 See TMPC.INF for extremely important information and instructions. [73720,2456] APPTR1.MPC Text, Bytes: 1332, Count: 61, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utility. (1 of 2) See TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 86,088 [73720,2456] APPTR2.MPC Text, Bytes: 1100, Count: 60, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utility. (2 of 2) See TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 70,947 [74716,476] George Toft APTEVL.SLK Text, Bytes: 5315, Count: 53, 17-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: MSPLAN 100 200 APTEVL APARTMENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS EVALUATE AN MSPLAN Spreadsheet that helps evaluate the monthly cash flow involved in rental properties. Includes instructions on use. Checksum = 383,775 [75775,1430] Don Zeikel AREACD.100 Text, Bytes: 1943, Count: 81, 05-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: PHONE TELEPHONE AREA CODE LONG DISTANCE STATE Never again be befuddled by a "While you were out" message; don't call California at 5 AM or Delaware during the lunch hour! Just enter telephone area code and see the name of the state. Or enter state abbreviation and see ALL area codes (gives you a sporting chance when calling Long Distance Information). BASIC, should run on 102 and 200 as well as 100. Checksum = 118,900. [75655,1056] ARTS.DO Text, Bytes: 3178, Count: 36, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: FUN GAME QUIZ TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS Question/Answer text file required by: QZ-100.BA checksum = 259,798 Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers [72356,3326] Charles Lewis AUTO.BAS Text, Bytes: 739, Count: 94, 22-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE CRDFIL TEMPLATE BASIC 100 102 200 This program will allow you to updata a cardfile automobile maintenance log. It automoatically computes miles per gallon and cost per mile. Read AUTO.DOC to see how the cardfile template must be set up. [72356,3326] Charles Lewis AUTO.DOC Text, Bytes: 1310, Count: 118, 30-Jan-88(30-Jan-88) Title : Keywords: AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE CRDFIL TEMPLATE DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for AUTO.BAS, an automobile maintenance program that uses a CRDFIL template for data storage. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton BANNER.100 Text, Bytes: 4105, Count: 603, 04-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BANNER POSTER SIGN PRINT PRINTER Print banners sideways on your printer. Tested on a TTXpress. Should work on any printer. Documentation is included within program. Model 100 specific. Uses character matrix in ROM. Checksum: 293,997 Bytes as .DO: 4104 Bytes as .BA: 3585 [72216,512] BAROP.BA Text, Bytes: 2990, Count: 78, 21-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 BAR RESTAURANT BEER LIQUOR COST PROFIT Program for bar management; calculates profit on beer & whiskey based on size of glass, ounces per bottle/keg, and price charged per glass. See BAROP.DOC Checksum: 187,723 [72216,512] BAROP.DOC Text, Bytes: 2975, Count: 64, 21-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 BAR RESTAURANT BEER LIQUOR COST PROFIT Documentation for BAROP.BA [74776,2421] BEARIN.BAS Text, Bytes: 2225, Count: 222, 31-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: M100 NEC MBASIC BEARINGS ANGLE COMPUTATIONS Short MBASIC program forthe M100 or NEC that computes the distance and angle between any two global points. Great fun for the weary traveller. Modified for the lap by me from a public domain program. Geneva version available on PCS-19. Checksum: 119,462 Paul MacDonald 74776,2421 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEAPP.BA Text, Bytes: 6316, Count: 123, 15-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is the file conversion utility for DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for the M100/102. For complete system download DATAB.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO. Checksum=394,840 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEDO1.DO Text, Bytes: 11379, Count: 132, 15-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is part 1 of the reference manual for DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for the M100/102. For complete system download DATA.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO. [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEDO2.DO Text, Bytes: 12801, Count: 125, 15-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is part 2 of the reference manual for DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for the M100/102. For the complete system download DATAB.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO. [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEFIL.BA Text, Bytes: 5376, Count: 137, 13-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is the file utility subprogram of DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for M100/102. For complete system download DATAB.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO Checksum=330,159 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEELBL.BA Text, Bytes: 4736, Count: 108, 13-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is the label print utility for DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for M100/102. For complete system download DATAB.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO Checksum=296,165 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEREM.DO Text, Bytes: 1408, Count: 113, 13-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This file contains comment lines which can be merged with DATAB.BA for those who want some minimal documentation of how the program works. [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEESRT.BA Text, Bytes: 4352, Count: 129, 13-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is the file sort utility of DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for M100/102. For complete system download DATAB.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO. Checksum=271,272 [76606,2266] BELTS.100 Text, Bytes: 1750, Count: 57, 04-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BELT MOTOR DRIVE ENGINEERING Here is a program to ease selection of a motor drive belt. If you know what it is, you need it. Checksum: 105,723 [76606,2266] BELTS.DOC Text, Bytes: 350, Count: 56, 04-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BELT MOTOR DRIVE ENGINEERING Documentation for BELTS.100 [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBCNT.DO Text, Bytes: 1532, Count: 59, 14-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: 100 TAPE FILE COUNTER TDD1 BASIC LIBRARY LABEL DIRECTORY CASSETTE This file contains new lines for merging into BIBLIO.BA and BIBPRT.BA (this DL) that will enable them to include the tape counter location of cassette files in both BIBFYL and the Directory. CHECKSUM = 111,340 [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBDOC.DO Text, Bytes: 9065, Count: 110, 04-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: M100 TAPE FILE TDD BASIC LIBRARY LABEL CASSETTE CROSS-REFERENCE Documents BIBLIO.BA, a comprehensive automatic catalog system for disk and cass files. [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBLDR.BA Text, Bytes: 1725, Count: 101, 03-Jan-88(03-Jan-88) Title : Keywords: 100 102 BASIC FILES TAPE DISK TDD CASSETTE LIBRARY CROSS-REFERENCE Checksum=101878. Loader for BIBSRT.CO used with BIBLIO.BA. [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBLIO.BA Text, Bytes: 6659, Count: 70, 29-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: 100 FILES LIBRARY RAM BASIC DIRECTORY CROSS-REFERENCE DISK TAPE CASSETTE CHEK=416745 BIBLIO is an automatic, easy to use file cataloging system which stores, updates and cross-references your Disk and tape files, prints labels and directories in a variety of formats and doesn't require any separate DOS. It stores file sizes; and free RAM is the only limit on quantitiy of files stored. (v.3 fixes a very minor search routine bug.) Download BIBLIO.BA, BIBDOC.DO, BIBLDR.BA, BIBPRT.BA & BIBCNT.DO (for BIBPRT.BA). [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBPRT.BA Text, Bytes: 5965, Count: 57, 29-Jan-89 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC FILES TAPE CASSETTE DISK LIST DIRECTORY BIBPRT.BA v1.3 uses BIBFYL.DO data files made using BIBLIO.100, BIBPWR.100 or BIBLIO.200 to print fully formated cross-refs and source directories PLUS labels for disk and tape sleeves and jackets. v1.3 includes "WKSHT" option for printing 80 col. files list w/comments. Read instructions in 1st 14 program lines. 4426 bytes as .BA; checksum = 387,034. [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBPWR.BA Text, Bytes: 6685, Count: 54, 21-Jul-88 Title : 4440; read BIBPWR.DOC first. Keywords: 100 BASIC LIBRARY FILES SORT CROSS-REFERENCE TAPE DISK UPDATE POWR-DOS Automatic, easy to use file reference system which will STORE, update and x-ref the names of Disk AND Tape files with location sizes and comments; RECORD update dates; FIND individual file/subject references anywhere; PRINT disk and cassette labels plus two different styles of directories; alpha. cross referenced, and alpha. source by source. Disk based, POWR-DOS version of BIBLIO.BA. BIBPWR.BA (v1.2) chksm=424440; read BIBPWR.DOC first. [73267,552] RANDY HESS BIBPWR.DOC Text, Bytes: 14141, Count: 49, 16-Jul-88 Title : ; read BIBPWR.DOC first.- Keywords: 100 BASIC TAPE DISK UPDATE POWR-DOS FILES CROSS-REF LIBRARY SORT automatic, easy to use file reference system which will store, update and x-ref the names of Disk AND Tape files with location, sizes and comments; tracks of update dates; find individual file/subject references anywhere; print disk and cassette labels PLUS two different styles of directories. Disk based, POWR-DOS version of BIBLIO.BA (DL4). BIBPWR.BA chksm=423334; read BIBPWR.DOC first [70265,676] BILLER.100 Text, Bytes: 4215, Count: 311, 11-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: 100 BILLER BASIC TIMEKEEPING TIME LAWYER PROFESSIONAL PROJECT BILL Be sure to download BILLER.DOC for instructions to this program. This is a slightly improved and reformatted of a 1985 timekeeping program written for the M200. This one is formatted for the M100. It will keep track of project time spent in amounts as small as 1 minute and will compute bills based upon your hourly rate whenever you wish. Very useful to lawyers and others selling their time. Checksum: 260,595 [70265,676] BILLER.DOC Text, Bytes: 3785, Count: 279, 11-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: 100 BILLER BASIC TIMEKEEPING TIME LAWYER PROFESSIONAL PROJECT BILL Documentation for BILLER.100 [70365,574] david williams BILLS.202 Text, Bytes: 4325, Count: 236, 03-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: TIME BILLING BILL LAWYER BASIC BUSINESS ACCOUNT Bills 202 (date bug in reports FIXED) keeps track of your time by the minute and creates simple screen reports and individual client files for uploading to your office WP system. Read Bills.doc this UL, because you must create a simple dummy text file to use the program. The program uses the function keys, prompts you for input, and keeps track of ALL your time. Checksum 265192. [70465,203] Leonard Erickson BILLS.BAS Text, Bytes: 7870, Count: 86, 04-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 BILLS ACCOUNTING SHARES PHONE HOME UTILITIES DVI A program for handling bills in a multi-person household. Can handle bills that are paid by only some of the people or that have unequal shares (such as long distance). Requires DVI & printer. It *may* work with the TDD & an alternate OS. Checksum:479,596 Documentation is in BILLS.DOC [70465,203] be sure to get the one with that PPN!!! [70365,574] david williams BILLS.DOC Text, Bytes: 3425, Count: 228, 23-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: TIMEKEEPING BILLING LAWYERS This is the doc file for bills.200. Download and read before running bills.200, because you have to create a dummy text file (described in bills. doc) for the program to work. Bills.200 was designed to use little memory. It is transparently simple and easy to modify.You can add improvements, but diminish the space you need for the text files that store your client information. That's the trade off. Good luck! [70465,203] Leonard Erickson BILLS.DOC Text, Bytes: 3240, Count: 73, 04-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 BILLS ACCOUNTS SHARES PHONE HOME UTILITIES DVI Documentation for BILLS.BAS. It *must* be read before using the file! Note: Program and documentation changed 01/03/87. New version recommended *strongly*! [74756,413] BKBOOK.BAS Text, Bytes: 4641, Count: 81, 24-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS NOTES NOTEBOOK PHONE LIST Blackbook is a program to print out the contents of your ADRS or other data file in a pocket notebook format, ready to cut out and assemble. Checksums: BKBOOK.BAS=321257; BKBOOK.DOC=390139 [74756,413] BKBOOK.DOC Text, Bytes: 5148, Count: 73, 24-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS NOTES NOTEBOOK PHONE LIST Blackbook is a program to print out the contents of your ADRS or other data file in a pocket notebook format, ready to cut out and assemble. Checksums: BKBOOK.BAS=321257; BKBOOK.DOC=390139 [72300,3072] BLOOD.PRS Text, Bytes: 1602, Count: 127, 27-Oct-87 Title : By Bill Heiman 72300,3072 Keywords: MEDICAL BLOOD PRESSURE PULSE HEALTH BASIC 100 102 200 Enhanced version of PULSE.BA; easier to write to and allows an 8 letter comment to be added to each entry. It uses less than 1150 bytes of ram with rems removed. Used to record Blood Pressure and Pulse readings to a file called BP.DO for a permanent record. It automatically inserts the Date and Time of entry into the file. The DO file can be printed to a printer using Shift/Print Checksum is 99,363 By Bill Heiman 72300,3072 [75655,1056] BOXING.DO Text, Bytes: 2963, Count: 36, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: FUN GAME QUIZ TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS Question/Answer text file required by: QZ-100.BA checksum = 231,777 Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers [76703,4311] Eiji Miura BUSNES.CAT Text, Bytes: 9646, Count: 158, 22-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - Business Keywords: CATALOG BUSINESS DATABASE INVOICE ORDER MAIL LIST This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which are business-oriented. Including database, invoice and order form writers, and mailing lists. [76703,446] CAL.BA Text, Bytes: 3365, Count: 441, 03-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY 100 200 NEC 8201 BASIC CALENDAR YEAR PRINTER PRINT CAL.BA prints out a full page, two column, calendar for any year from 1753 to 3999. Lines 880-940, DATA for the year heading, may be changed to fit your tastes. This program is compatible with the Model 100, Tandy 200, and NEC 8201; see CAL.600 for Tandy 600 version. Checksum: 184,808 [70506,223] CAL.DOC Text, Bytes: 3615, Count: 274, 19-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: HEX 100 MACHINE CODE ML CAL CALENDAR NOTE APPOINTMENTS TODO CAL.RLC is an upgrade of CAL.CO, a machine language appointment calendar for the Model 100. It is smaller (3341 Bytes), faster and relocatable. Convert with RLCLDR.BA in DL4. Besure to read CAL.DOC and RLCLDR.DOC before converting. CAL.SRC is TCOMP source code. CHECKSUM for CAL.RLC = 398,049 CHECKSUM for CAL.SRC = 380,043 [70506,223] CAL.RLC Text, Bytes: 7410, Count: 248, 19-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: HEX 100 MACHINE CODE ML CAL CALENDAR NOTE APPOINTMENTS TODO CAL.RLC is an upgrade of CAL.CO, a machine language appointment calendar for the Model 100. It is smaller (3341 Bytes), faster and relocatable. Convert with RLCLDR.BA in DL 7. Besure to read CAL.DOC and RLCLDR.DOC before converting. CAL.SRC is TCOMP source code. CHECKSUM for CAL.RLC = 398,049 CHECKSUM for CAL.SRC = 380,043 [70506,223] CAL.SRC Text, Bytes: 6370, Count: 93, 18-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: HEX 100 MACHINE CODE ML CAL CALENDAR NOTE APPOINTMENTS TODO CAL.RLC is an upgrade of CAL.CO, a machine language appointment calendar for the Model 100. It is smaller (3341 Bytes), faster and relocatable. Convert with RLCLDR.BA in DL4. Besure to read CAL.DOC and RLCLDR.DOC before converting. CAL.SRC is TCOMP source code. CHECKSUM for CAL.RLC = 398,049 CHECKSUM for CAL.SRC = 380,043 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CALBUG.THD Text, Bytes: 5328, Count: 50, 06-May-87 Title : Keywords: CLKCAL HPCALC CALCULATOR BUG 100 MESSAGES THREAD The programs here sometimes don't work as they should. Much of the time, users download, have trouble, and give up -- without reporting the problem This is a set of messages where the trouble was reported, for the programs CLKCAL.100 & HPCALC.100. We need more such reports (well, if they are appropriate!). [76703,372] CALC.100 Text, Bytes: 1760, Count: 143, 15-Jun-83 Title : Keywords: MATH CALCULATE A simple math program for the model 100. PA=197 [75715,1510] CALC.100 Text, Bytes: 5295, Count: 284, 11-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR HEX DECIMAL OCTAL ALARM PRINTER This program simulates a Scientific Calculator with Memory, a Hex to Decimal and Decimal to Hex conversion, an Octal to Hex and decimal conversion. It will also activate an alarm at a given time, and perform hex addition and subtraction. (Sysop note: 228 accesses prior to being moved to this section) [73547,3312] CALC.BAS Text, Bytes: 6015, Count: 290, 02-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 PLOT GRAPH ROOT MATHEMATICS SCIENCE PLOTTING GRAPHING WORKSPACE Calc is a BASIC workspace that plots data flexibly, curve-fits, integrates, finds roots, and lists defined variables. Checksum: 398,001 [74025,1026] Terry Irving CALC.BAS Text, Bytes: 1791, Count: 222, 04-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 CALC CALCULATOR MATH BASIC MONEY TIME TV CALC.BAS is a simple, short program that simply adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. What more do you want? It also works in three formats, numbers, money and TIME. The last is very useful to TV or Radio people who need to add and subtract minutes and seconds fast. There are no docs. All functions are f-key driven. Remove lines 0-4 after your conscience is satisfied. Checksum=105901 [75126,3153] CALCFX.DO2 Text, Bytes: 1155, Count: 151, 04-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CALCULATOR MAY PORTABLE MAGAZINE CALC BARBOLA CALCFX.DO2 is an enhanced fix for the calculator program which appeared the May Portable 100/2/6. It is similar to CALCFIX.DO but embellished & personalized. It gives an enhanced display as well as key definitions on the screen. Checksum: 72,326 [72176,2315] CALCNT.BA Text, Bytes: 8100, Count: 300, 27-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: CALORIES FOOD DIET BASIC 100 200 NEC CALCNT, or Calorie counter, will enable you to choose your foods with care, if you are a bit pot-bellied. Checksum: 536,452 [70205,1144] CALEND.100 Text, Bytes: 1370, Count: 411, 15-Jul-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CALENDAR MONTH SCREEN DISPLAY Program displays calendar for any month. PA=287 [73107,1177] CALFIX.DO Text, Bytes: 315, Count: 98, 31-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 CALC CALC.BA PORTABLE MAGAZINE This is a fix for my program CALC.BA which was published in the MAY '86 issue of Portable 100 magazine. It is useless to anyone who doesn't already have a copy of CALC.BA in their machine. Simply merge the fix into your copy of CALC. Checksum = 17,429 [75655,25] CALNDR.100 Text, Bytes: 1325, Count: 222, 05-Jun-83 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 CALENDAR This program displays a calendar of the current month. Any key except "A" will return you to the Menu. "A" will allow you to display any month in the Gregorian calendar. Defaults in "A" will display the month following, or the last one displayed. PA=173 [74756,413] CARTPT.BA Text, Bytes: 6626, Count: 108, 17-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: GRAPH GRAPHICS CARTESIAN CHART BASIC 100 PLOT CARTPT.BA (Checksum=409,298) is a general purpose graphing program which draws linear, similog and log-log scales on the M100 screen. Improved version 11/15/87.2 supports user specified grids, and both manual and automatic scale ranging. Screen dump can easily be added. See CARTPT.DOC [74756,413] CARTPT.DOC Text, Bytes: 6342, Count: 97, 15-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: GRAPH GRAPHICS CHART CARTESIAN BASIC 100 CARTPT.BA is a flexible graph plotting utility offering linear and log scale plotting and histogram (bar style) output. Provision is made for user installed screen-to-printer dump routines. Latest version 11/15/87. See CARTPT.DOC for instructions (formatted for printing). [72216,512] CASH.BA Text, Bytes: 1555, Count: 144, 21-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 GARAGE SALE CASH REGISTER CALCULATOR MONEY Simple Cash Register Program with optional printed receipt and "Total Sales So Far" option Checksum: 98,135 [71436,703] CASLAB.100 Text, Bytes: 3105, Count: 90, 04-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 ML CASSETTE LABEL CENTER MULTIPLE COPIES MAXLEN MAXIMUM Cassette label maker which centers title on five (5) lines. This is to be used with labels which are on a tractor feed form. Checksum: 183,326 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura CAT-04.ARC Bin, Bytes: 61897, Count: 219, 22-Jun-90 Title : Archived Library Catalog Keywords: CATALOG LIBRARY ARC IBM This ARChive file for PC/MS-DOS contains all catalog (.CAT) files in THIS Library. Binary file; download with protocol and use ARC utiltiy to extract files. [72326,3652] CDMCDC.DOC Text, Bytes: 10776, Count: 100, 15-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: CDMCDC CRDMCD CRDMAC CRDFIL CARD MACRO DATABASE LCD TEXT XBASIC CDMCDC.DOC Major Addition to CRDFIL series.... Providing Macro, screen scrolling (for cards larger than LCD display), Relational Data Files, XBASIC support, Concatenation of Responses, Reverse Video and many other features. This is the first document file - Additions comprise over 14 files - 1 or 2 will be uploaded each week. Checksum = 918,305 [72326,3652] CDTMMC.ETJ Text, Bytes: 3318, Count: 71, 20-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: CDTMMC CRDMCD CDMCDC CRDMAC CRDFIL TEMPLATE CARD MACRO BASE 2nd file in CRDMAC series. This file when merged with CRDTMP.BAS allows templates of any size to be created for CRDFIL programs. Larger cards can be used with CRDFIL.BAS after it has been merged with CRDMCD.ETJ See CDMCDC.DOC or Remark lines for documentation. Checksum = 225,249 [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman CHECKS.CA Text, Bytes: 660, Count: 192, 28-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: 100 CHECK REGISTER LUCID TEMPLATE DATABASE SUPER ROM DEPOSIT ACCOUNT A checkbook template for use with LUCID Database in Super ROM. Handles checks, deposits, and keeps current account balance.. Requires CHANGE.BA from DL4 to convert hex data into .CA file. Uses CHKVW.DB for viewpoints. Checksum: 32,989 [70346,1716] Wally Hubbard CHIBIT.DO Text, Bytes: 1165, Count: 129, 29-May-85 Title : Keywords: GRAPHIC CONVERSION TIME TIMER CLOCK STOPWATCH CHIBIT.DO is a program which will code/decode M100 files containing graphic characters so they may be transmitted over CompuServe. See TIMER.DOC in this DL for a practical use. ASCII characters with values greater than 127 are converted; i.e. "^239" represents ASCII code #239. Checksum = 71,778 PA=74 [70320,174] CHIMES.100 Text, Bytes: 1335, Count: 357, 15-Jun-83 Title : Keywords: CLOCK SIMULATION WITH CHIMES [75765,441] CHKBAL.DO Text, Bytes: 3870, Count: 469, 14-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: SPREADSHEET TEMPLATE CHECKBOOK BALANCER SPREAD.WM3 MINIVC Template for SPREAD.WM balances monthly checkbook statements. It duplicates the worksheet that comes on the back of monthly checking statements. Elements marked with astericks "*" have messages with instructions. Just enter statement balance, checks, auto tellers, and deposits, then calculate it does the rest. Gives a nice printout to file with your statement and checks. Simple not fancy maybe someone can use it. Checksum 167,450 [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman CHKVW.DB Text, Bytes: 610, Count: 162, 28-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: 100 CHECK REGISTER ACCOUNT BALANCE VIEWPOINTS LUCID DATABASE SUPER ROM A viewpoint file for use with CHECKS.CA, a check register using LUCID Database in Super ROM. Checksum: 27,693 [72677,42] Carmen Paone CIS132.BA Text, Bytes: 1185, Count: 30, 01-Aug-90 Title : CIS132.BA helps in CIS uploads. Keywords: BASIC TEXT BUFFER LIMIT CIS 100 102 200 ASCII 132 CIS132.BA will allow the user to keep his lines under the CIS buffer limit of 132 characters. It sets up a .DO file for transmission to CIS by disallowing lines that exceed the buffer limit. Checksum = 85,853 [70721,3223] RON VANBENTHUSEN CITIES.DO Text, Bytes: 8455, Count: 32, 09-Sep-91 Title : CITIES.DO Keywords: CITY WEATHER COMPARITOR DATA COMPANION FILE. CITIES.DO Data Companion File for CTOCWC.BA City TO City Weather Comparitor Checksum = <402895> [73405,1246] CKBOOK.BA Text, Bytes: 7920, Count: 302, 28-Dec-86 Title : ions...Checksum: 495,669 Keywords: BASIC 100 200 CHECK BALANCE SEARCH PRINT RECORD DATABASE DEPOSIT CKBOOK.BA is an easy-to-use check printing program to organize a complete financial record keeping system. The program writes to any check format. Each record can be saved along with balances to a file on cassette, DVI or other storage device. Ten different searches can be done on monthly records for important tax information. See CKFILE.DO, a sample monthly data file, and CKDATA.DO, a sample file to configure check printing. Checksum: 495,669 [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND CKBOOK.BA Text, Bytes: 1634, Count: 119, 10-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: CHECK CHECKS CHECKBOOK BALANCE ACCOUNT MONEY CKBOOK.BA IS A CHECK BALANCING PROGRAM THAT IS BASICALLY MENU DRIVEN YOU ENTER CHECK AMOUNTS AS + OR POSITIVE NUMBERS AND ENTER DEPOSITS AS - OR NEGITVE NUMBERS. CHECKSUM=87,473 [73405,1246] CKBOOK.DOC Text, Bytes: 12165, Count: 249, 30-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 CHECK BALANCE SEARCH PRINT RECORD DATABASE DEPOSIT CKBOOK.BA is a check writing and record program to setup an entire financial reporting program. Records are saved to any mass storage device and later searched on ten different fields for recall. See CKDATA.DO and CKFILE.DO as sample configuration files. Due to the DOC length, you may want to download to printer via echo. [73405,1246] CKDATA.DO Text, Bytes: 270, Count: 184, 28-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: DATA 100 200 CHECK BALANCE SEARCH PRINT RECORD DATABASE DEPOSIT CKDATA.DO is a sample configuration file to demonstrate use of CKBOOK.BA, a check printing, record, and search program. The file is used by CKBOOK to identify the mass storage device and properly print the checks to your custom design. Save the file under a different name for use as an example. See CKBOOK.BA and CKFILE.DO. See CKBOOK.DOC for instructions. [73405,1246] CKFILE.DO Text, Bytes: 460, Count: 174, 28-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: DATA 100 200 CHECK BALANCE SEARCH PRINT RECORD DATABASE DEPOSIT CKFILE.DO is a sample file to demonstrate use of CKBOOK.BA, a check printing,record and search program. The file is used by CKBOOK to temporarily store in RAM each month's check information for printing and later saving to a mass storage device. See CKBOOK.BA and CKDATA.DO. See CKBOOK.DOC for instructions. [70506,1102] Jim Ferris CLKCAL.100 Text, Bytes: 5825, Count: 415, 25-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CLOCK CALENDAR APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULE CALCULATOR New version of CLKCAL.100 adapted from APOINT.220 by Richard Ross and CLKDAT.101 by Howard Benner. Has a calculator function and a changing line that shows upcoming appointment times in the NOTE.DO file that have the current date. Requires 3704 bytes in .BA form. Checksum = 384,445 By Jim Ferris (70506,1102) [Sysop note: damaged file of Jan-84, re-uploaded Dec-86] Previous accesses: 812 [70235,1337] CLKCAL.IPL Text, Bytes: 3095, Count: 655, 11-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: CLKDAT CALENDAR CLOCK IPL DATEBUG TIME DATE DISPLAY CLKDAT.101 without the chimes, ticks and tocks. More suited for a business, school or just a quiet, attractive opening screen. Also features a menu-driven perpetual calendar -- just hit during the clock/calendar display. [70235,1337] CLKDAT.101 Text, Bytes: 4430, Count: 573, 09-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: CLOCK CALENDAR IPL DATE TIME DATEBUG DISPLAY A modified clkdat.199 that takes full advantage of the program's calendar generator. V.101 features a ticking clock and the current month's calendar. Hitting branches to a program that generates an accurate calendar for any month from 1/1900 to 12/2099. Great display and a good IPL program. Howard J. Benner 70235,1337 [76606,2266] CLNDAR.BA Text, Bytes: 975, Count: 230, 04-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CALENDAR A short, simple calendar program. Checksum: 59,273 [73117,2006] CLOCK.DOC Text, Bytes: 1245, Count: 368, 15-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 CLOCK GRAPHIC ALARM TIMER STOP WATCH Documentation for CLOCK.PMS [73117,2006] CLOCK.PMS Text, Bytes: 4020, Count: 484, 15-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 GRAPHIC CLOCK ALARM TIMER STOP WATCH This programs utilizes graphics for full watch face (seconds/minutes/hours) + (1) Alarm Clock (2) Stop Watch (3) Timer Peter Stanwyck 23117,2006 CHECKSUM: 248,010 Documentation in CLOCK.doc [75665,643] COMPLX.100 Text, Bytes: 3345, Count: 51, 28-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: MATH COMPLEX IMAGINARY NUMBERS This program allows user to work with "Complex Numbers" (A+BI). PA=73 [73720,2456] CONCEP.MPC Text, Bytes: 10322, Count: 81, 29-Nov-88 Title : Concepts of time planning that relate to TMPC Keywords: TMPC CONCEPT IDEAS THOUGHTS DESIGN USERS Here are some additional and practical concepts on time planning. These useful and relevant thoughts confirm the sound design of TMPC. By Jean-Luc Crevier [73720,2456] [75765,374] CONT.100 Text, Bytes: 1780, Count: 81, 22-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER CONT.100 is a program which toggles the cassette motor relay on and off at preset times. It was primarily written as a (wireless) relay driver connected to the cassette port to turn appliances on and off, but can be adapted forother uses like a multi-time alarm clock. PA=72 [75765,374] CONT.DOC Text, Bytes: 1155, Count: 74, 22-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 TIMER DOC Documentation for CONT.100 a program which operates the cassette relay to control other devices at set times. PA=72 [70506,553] COST.ING Text, Bytes: 1080, Count: 147, 27-May-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 COST ACCOUNTING RETAIL WHOLESALE DISCOUNT COSTING COST.ING is a simple utility that allows purchasing agents and the like to speak to their 100's in familiar terms. Discounts are entered on top of discounts to arrive at the familiar "50 & 10" format.To end the discount query mode, enter a blank discount (). [72326,3652] CRDDFS.ETJ Text, Bytes: 2230, Count: 84, 13-Nov-88(13-Nov-88) Title : Keywords: CRDDFS CRDFIL CDMCDC CARD CRDDMC DATABASE MACRO LOAD RELATIONAL CRDDFS.ETJ 6th in series on enhancements to CRDFIL programs. This standalone program loads CRDFIL data files into RAM in sections. Program will also load in sectionally any document or data file keeping track of which section has been loaded and sequentially loading the next section. See remark lines and/or CDMCDC.DOC for documentation. Checksum = 160,167 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson CRDFIL.BAS Text, Bytes: 4372, Count: 78, 16-Jul-94 Title : Original CardFile Program for the 100/102/200 Keywords: CARD FILE CARDFILE BASIC 100 102 200 DATABASE TEMPLATE CRDFIL The original CRDFIL program for the Model 100/102/200, written by Tony Anderson. Program creates custom-prompted screens and data files in response to prompted input which resemble "card files". A "card" consists of a screenful of data. Cards can be displayed sequentially, "card after card", of selectively with a search mode. Data can be added to existing files in the same prompted format, or by entering the data in the proper form in the data file. Checksum = 287,465 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura CRDFIL.CAT Text, Bytes: 4140, Count: 138, 22-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG CRDFILE CARDFILE This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files related to the CRDFIL program, including support files, utility programs and enhancements. [72076,2735] CRDFIL.DO3 Text, Bytes: 3069, Count: 245, 24-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: CARDFILE CRDFIL FILE DATABASE DB TXTFMT LABELS DATA TEXT LINK CRDFIL.PR4 is one of the Cardfile series developed by Tony Anderson. This program is a revision of CRDFIL.PR1 with the following functions: Extracts from Cardfiles and writes to any device in many formats (cards, labels, etc). CRDFIL.DO3 contains the documentation and instructions. Program checksum = 559,190 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson CRDFIL.DOC Text, Bytes: 8732, Count: 51, 16-Jul-94 Title : Documentation/Instructions for original CRDFIL Keywords: CARD FILE CARDFILE DOCUMENTATION 100 102 200 TEMPLATE DATABASE CRDFIL Original documentation for the Christmas 1987 release of CRDFIL, a card file program for the Tandy Model 100/102/200. Instructions, ruminations, general advice. Also, use the direct command BRO KEY=CRDFIL to see related files and programs contributed by other forum members. [72356,3326] Charles Lewis CRDFIL.EDT Text, Bytes: 5431, Count: 210, 15-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: CARD FILE CARDFILE CRDFIL TEMPLATE FORMAT EDIT BASIC 100 102 Modifications suggested for CRDFIL which allows review of newly entered data in the "Add" routine, allowing correction of typos. Also, an Editing program that allows editing of CRDFIL data files, editing All cards or Selectively through a Search mode that duplicates that in the CRDFIL program. - By Charles Lewis, Copyright Checksum = 423,245 [72300,3203] GEORGE SHERMAN CRDFIL.FUN Text, Bytes: 9223, Count: 118, 15-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: CRDFIL TEMPLATE 100102200 This file is a whimsical look at the CRDFIL series of programs. It also contains 13 templates devised by the author who hopes they will be of some help or at least inspire the reader to come up with some of his or her own. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson CRDFIL.PR1 Text, Bytes: 6531, Count: 37, 16-Jul-94 Title : Print cards or labels from CRDFIL data files Keywords: CARD FILE CARDFILE CRDFIL TEMPLATE PRINT LIST FORMAT BASIC This program prints cards or labels from a CRDFIL data file in several variable formats, including All, Search, and Sort modes, and allows the user to select which data fields will appear in the output, and change the field name if necessary. See CRDPRT.DOC fir instructions. Checksum = 453,389 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson CRDFIL.PR3 Text, Bytes: 8443, Count: 36, 16-Jul-94 Title : Program prints CRDFIL data in columnar form Keywords: CARD FILE CARDFILE CRDFIL TEMPLATE BASIC PRINT LIST FORMAT This program prints selected data fields from a CRDFIL data file on paper in user-selectable columnar form. You can print as many columns as your printer will support. Easy to follow menus. See CRDPRT.DOC for information. Checksum = 588,695 [72076,2735] CRDFIL.PR4 Text, Bytes: 8835, Count: 214, 23-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: CARDFILE CRDFIL FILE DATABASE DB TXTFMT LABELS DATA TEXT LINK CRDFIL.PR4 is one of the Cardfile series developed by Tony Anderson. This program is a revision of CRDFIL.PR1 with the following functions: Extracts from Cardfiles and writes to any device in many formats (cards, labels, etc). CRDFIL.DO3 contains the documentation and instructions. Program checksum = 559,190 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CRDFIL.THD Text, Bytes: 15614, Count: 165, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: CRDFIL CARD FILE DATA BASE DATABASE REPORT INDEX MESSAGES THREAD CRDFIL.BAS (see also CRDFIL.DOC, .TIP & .DVI) in DL4 is a nifty "index-card" data base program, given us by Tony as a 1987 Christmas present. It is proving to be very popular -- and is one of those "Why didn't I think of it first?" programs. CRDFIL has been the major topic of conversation here during the holiday week. This file captures some of those messages. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson CRDFIL.TIP Text, Bytes: 5932, Count: 44, 16-Jul-94 Title : Collection of CRDFIL tips from users Keywords: TIP CARD FILE CARDFILE CRDFIL TEMPLATE TEXT DOCUMENTATION A collection of tips for the CRDFIL programs, based on problem solving and enhancement discussion among users. This is version 7 of the file, dated 5/30/88. [72326,3652] CRDMCD.ETJ Text, Bytes: 7218, Count: 76, 22-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: CRDMCD CDMCDC CRDFIL MACRO CRDMAC DATABASE TEXT CARD LCD SCREEN CRDMCD.ETJ Major addition to CRDFIL series... Merge this file with original CRDFIL Prog. to add Macro, Screen Scrolling, Concatenated Responses, and more. See CDMCDC.DOC for Documentation. This is the first of over 14 related files to be uploaded 1 or 2 per week. This file has program lines > 132 charactors and should be downloaded with XMODEM or similar protocal. Checksum=454,311 [72300,3203] GEORGE SHERMAN CRDMRG.BAS Text, Bytes: 1674, Count: 84, 08-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: CRDFIL CRDTMP 100 102 TEMPLATE MERGE A simple process for merging two of the CRDFIL series of programs, CRDFIL.BAS and CRDTMP.BAS, into one, user friendly program. This program addition joins the best of both programs into one really super program for the creation of templates, and entering information into the files thus created. Checksum = 98,396 [72300,3203] GEORGE SHERMAN CRDMRG.DOC Text, Bytes: 1716, Count: 81, 08-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: CRDFIL CRDTMP 100 102 TEMPLATE MERGE Instructions for using CRDMRG.BAS to combine CRDFIL.BAS and CRDTMP.BAS. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson CRDPRT.DOC Text, Bytes: 5210, Count: 37, 16-Jul-94 Title : Documentation for 2 CRDFIL print formatters Keywords: DOCUMENTATION CARD FILE CARDFILE CRDFIL TEMPLATE PRINT LIST FORMAT PROCESSOR Documentation and instructions for CRDFIL.PR1 and .PR3, which provide printed output of data in user-selectable formats from data files created with the CRDFIL program. [72326,3652] CRDRDB.ETJ Text, Bytes: 2915, Count: 81, 30-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: CRDRDB CRDFIL CRDMCD CDMCDC CARD MACRO DATABASE TEXT RELATIONAL FILE CRDRDB.ETJ This file when merged with CRDFIL.BAS after if has been merged with CRDMCD.ETJ adds a relational data file capability. Complete up to 20 CRDFIL responses with 2 keystrokes. Also adds an alternate MACRO list capability - any data file can be a MACRO list. See CDMCDC.DOC for documentation. Checksum = 189,515 [73267,552] RANDY HESS CRDSRT.BA Text, Bytes: 2915, Count: 117, 22-Jan-89 Title : Version 3.0 of sort util. for CRDFIL Keywords: CRDFIL SORT FILE UTILITY ML FIELDS DOS DISK RAM CRDSRT v3.0 is a complete re-write of CRDSRT.BA; at 2139 bytes it is 150 bytes smaller, faster and it supports Disk based data files! This program lets you completely sort CRDFIL.BA cards by any priority of Prompt fields. It is easy to use and fully compatible with the 100/102 or the 200. Read CRDSRT.DOC for instructions and files needed. CRDSRT.BA checksum = 186382. [73267,552] RANDY HESS CRDSRT.DOC Text, Bytes: 6496, Count: 116, 22-Jan-89 Title : Documentation for V3.0 of CRDSRT.BA Keywords: CRDFIL SORT FILE CARD DISK RAM UTILITY Desribes CRDSRT.BA. CRDSRT v3.0 is a complete re-write of CRDSRT.BA; at 2139 bytes it is 150 bytes smaller, faster and it supports Disk based data files! This program lets you completely sort CRDFIL.BA cards by any priority of Prompt fields. It is easy to use and fully compatible with the 100/102 or the 200. Read CRDSRT.DOC for instructions and files needed. CRDSRT.BA checksum = 186382. [72326,3652] CRDSRV.ETJ Text, Bytes: 1993, Count: 68, 06-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: CARD CRDFIL CRDSRV CRDMCD MACRO CDMCDC DATA BASE RELATIONAL SCREEN CRDSRV.ETJ 4th in series of additions to CRDFIL programs. When merged with CRDFIL after it has been merged with previous file (ie CRDMCD.ETJ) adds option of reverse video for response or prompts compatible also with CRDRDB.ETJ. See CDMCDC.DOC for further instructions. Checksum = 126,510 [70721,3223] RON VANBENTHUSEN CTOCWC.100 Text, Bytes: 3299, Count: 31, 09-Sep-91 Title : CTOCWC.BA Keywords: CITY WEATHER COMPARITOR CTOCWC.BA City TO City Weather Comparitor Bar graph comparison of weather in selected cities. CITIES.DO - Data companion file. Checksum = <188593> [70721,3223] RON VANBENTHUSEN CTOCWC.BA Text, Bytes: 2379, Count: 33, 20-Jun-89 Title : weather Keywords: CITY WEATHER COMPARITOR PROGRAM City TO City Weather Comparitor program using CITIES.DO as data companion file. comparison of weather statistics of 2 cities by a bargraph. CHECKSUM=137251 [70337,3727] CTYPE2.BA Text, Bytes: 6951, Count: 134, 16-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: TYPEWRITER CALCULATOR TYPE CALC MACRO NEW VERSION This is a full featured electronic typewriter program with an interactive calculator built in. Ideal for invoices and other communications that require figures. The typewriter and calculator are both programmable for 'macro' type operations. Get the doc CTYPE2.DO in this DL and XTYPE2.DO in DL2. -ronnie- [70337,3727] CTYPE2.DO Text, Bytes: 11891, Count: 107, 16-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: TYPEWRITER CALCULATOR DOCUMENTATION DOC TYPE CALC NEW VERSION This is the doc file describing the extra features of CTYPE2.BA in this DL. For the first part of the doc that describes the common features of this program and TYPEII.BA in DL2 get the XTYPE2.DO file in DL2. This file also explains how to customize C-TYPE for your printer and formatting needs. -ronnie- [70337,3727] CTYPE2.PCH Text, Bytes: 6288, Count: 67, 27-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: TYPE CTYPE2 TYPEWRITER PATCH NEW FIX WRAP 100 102 BASIC This is a doc file with a patch at the end to fix 2 minor bugs in the CTYPE2 program on this DL. The patch also adds an automatic line wrap feature to the typewriter. Includes an explanation of how to add extra registers to the calculator. -ronnie- [74025,1026] Terry Irving CUESHT.BA Text, Bytes: 2597, Count: 55, 03-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 TV TELEVISION CUE CUESHEET CUESHEET CREATOR takes away the drudgery you TV people suffer when you have to type up those cue sheets for the control room. Try it, you'll like it. checksum=153024 [74025,1026] Terry Irving CUESHT.DOC Text, Bytes: 943, Count: 51, 03-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 TELEVISION TV CUE CUESHEET documentation for CUESHEET CREATOR. CHECKSUM=56685 [70406,445] David O. Rowell CURFIT.BA Text, Bytes: 5710, Count: 104, 24-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 NEC NONLINEAR CURVE FITTING STATISTICS REGRESSION ANALYSIS CURFIT is a non-linear regression analysis program. Six curve types are sequentially fit to the input data: Y=a+bX, Y=ae^(bX), Y=aX^b, Y=a+b/X, Y=1/(a+ bX) and Y=X/(a+bX). The program also determines the correlation coefficient, F -ratio and variances of the analysis and displays the data and calculated values. Your data is entered as data statements. See CURFIT.DOC Checksum: 339,425 [70406,445] David O. Rowell CURFIT.DOC Text, Bytes: 3985, Count: 92, 24-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 NEC NONLINEAR CURVE FITTING STATISTICS REGRESSION ANALYSIS Documentation for CURFIT.BA. Formatted for echo to printer. [71706,334] CURVE.BA Text, Bytes: 4115, Count: 193, 26-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 200 BASIC CURVE FIT Curve fit program, see CURVE.DOC for more info Checksum: 260096 [71706,334] CURVE.DOC Text, Bytes: 2160, Count: 201, 26-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 200 BASIC CURVE FIT Documentation for CURVE.BA, a least squares curve fit for the models 100 and 200. Supports linear, inverse, exponential, and polynomial. [76257,3015] REx Cowan DAILY.BA Text, Bytes: 2406, Count: 162, 23-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: SCHEDULE SCHEDULER LOG NOTE ADRS CALENDAR DAILY BASIC 100 102 DAILY.BA is a Scheduler for your M100/M102. It allows you to append your NOTE.DO file and access both the NOTE.DO and ADRS.DO files. See DAILY.DOC for instructions. Checksum = 147,293 [76257,3015] REx Cowan DAILY.DOC Text, Bytes: 1480, Count: 171, 23-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: SCHEDULE SCHEDULER DAILY LOG CALENDAR NOTE ADRS BASIC 100 102 Instructions for Scheduler program DAILY.BA [72346,3474] DAILYO.BA Text, Bytes: 12515, Count: 620, 13-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 M-10 CALENDAR DIARY ORGANIZER APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULE TIMER An electronic daytymer for the Model 100 or Tandy 200 with many features. See DAILYO.DOC Checksum: 792,387 [72346,3474] DAILYO.DOC Text, Bytes: 14365, Count: 473, 13-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 M-10 DAILY ORGANIZER DIARY SCHEDULE Documentation for DAILYO.BA [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW DATAB.BA1 Text, Bytes: 9728, Count: 141, 26-Oct-88 Title : Checksum=595,448. Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST Updated version of the main program of DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for the M100/102. This version includes better operation of the Delete key, more error trapping in the USE command, a fix for a bug in the SUM and AVERAGE commands and other minor upgrades. 10/18/88. For complete system, download DATAB.BA1, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO. Checksum=595,448. [72677,42] Carmen Paone DATADO.100 Text, Bytes: 5950, Count: 121, 12-Aug-89 Title : Small Database Program Keywords: ASCII BASIC DATABASE TXTCAL DO FILES 100102 DATADO.100 will allow a user to set up a small database in DO files for phone numbers, addresses. The program also makes use of Mo Budlong's TXTCAL.100, which allows the user to edit a file in place and return to the DATADO menu. Checksum = 435,709 [70155,1365] DATE.100 Text, Bytes: 360, Count: 416, 23-Sep-83 Title : Keywords: DATE SCHEDULE BASIC IPL FILE CHECKS THE NOTE.DO FILE FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING TODAYS EVENTS. CAN BE CALLED AUTOMATICALLY BY THE IPL. [72067,3046] John Gaudreault DATELN.BOP Text, Bytes: 9951, Count: 50, 25-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: BOOSTER PAK UR-2 CALENDAR GRAPH DATA BASE BASIC 100 102 DATELINE is a CALENDAR. It is linear in appearance. It can retrieve, graph, and display TEXT file STRINGS with a DATE format, as well as save to RAM selected data. It is SHAREWARE for the BOOSTER PAK. It will run on a plain 100/102 with 3 small changes. File contains 8-bit characters; download with 8-bit protocol or X-modem ASCII=9,951 CHKSUM=596,641 [72067,3046] John Gaudreault DATELN.DOC Text, Bytes: 6989, Count: 47, 25-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: BOOSTER PAK UR-2 CALENDAR GRAPH DATA BASE BASIC 100 102 DATELN.DOC is the instructions for DATELN.BOP See DATELN.BOP for discription of the program.ASCII=6989 CHKSUM=586,765 [72227,1661] Paul Globman DATFIL.100 Text, Bytes: 9041, Count: 130, 11-Dec-89 Title : Data file organizer Keywords: DATA FILE BASE DATABASE INDEX CARD XOS ALTLCD ML CRDFIL Fast machine language data file organizer, with user defined prompts for data input, and display parameters. Fully compatible with CRDFIL data files. Sample templates and support programs in DL4. BROWSE DL4 KEY = CRDFIL. Cksm = 654745 [72227,1661] Paul Globman DATFIL.TIP Text, Bytes: 1925, Count: 62, 04-Nov-90 Title : DATFIL CRDFIL DISPLAY FIX Keywords: DATFIL CRDFIL DISPLAY FIX Modify DATFIL.CO to display EXACTLY like CRDFIL.BA cksm = 156852 [70205,1144] DAYBTW.100 Text, Bytes: 4660, Count: 364, 18-Jul-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CALENDAR DAY WEEK WEEKEND WEEKDAY COMPUTE CALCULATE compute days between dates, date n days from given date. days may be all days, weekdays, weekend days, or a specific day of the week [75715,1510] DBASE.100 Text, Bytes: 9485, Count: 2162, 28-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: DATABASE MANAGEMENT LIST MANAGER SORT SEARCH MODEL 100 DBASE.DOC THIS PROGRAM CAN SORT, SEARCH, AND FORMATT PRINT DATA FROM A CASSETTE, RS232 PORT, AND RAM FILE. IT CAN PRINT TO ANY OF THE ABOVE IN ADDTION TO PRINTER AND LCD: SEE DBASE.DOC FOR DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS [74116,2670] Tom Morehouse DBASE.100 Text, Bytes: 2045, Count: 314, 17-Jul-87(17-Jul-87) Title : Keywords: 100 102 DBASE DATABASE ASCII 1573BYTE FILER DBASE.DO IS A BRIEF (1573 BYTE ASCII) DATABASE PROGRAM FOR THE 100 AND 102 (NOT TESTED ON 200 OR 600). ALLOWS YOU TO CREATE DATABASE, FIELD NAMES, SAVE NAMES AND DATA, AND REACCESS THE DATAFILE WITHOUT HAVING TO REMEMBER THE FIELD NAMES. NUMBERS RECORDS AUTOMATICALLY. RENAME DATAFILE TO ADRS.DO TO SEARCH/EDIT. CHECKSUM = 117,340 [75715,1510] DBASE.DOC Text, Bytes: 8835, Count: 1949, 28-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: DATABASE MANAGEMENT LIST MANAGER DBASE.100 SEARCH SORT FORMATT PRINTING INSTRUC THIS FILE CONSIST OF INSTRUCTIONS, VARIABLE LIST, AND SUBROUTINE LIST FOR DBASE.100. GREAT FOR OBTAINING FORMATTED ALPHABETIZED PRINTOUTS OF ADDRESS LIST, PROGRAM LIST, ETC. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DBASE.THD Text, Bytes: 3254, Count: 71, 19-May-87 Title : Keywords: DBASE EXPORT ASCII TRANSFER CONVERT DATA BASE MESSAGES THREAD The subject of thses messages is how to export a 102 (or 100, 200, etc.) into dBase III. Some of the issues are identified, a recommendation is given and success is reported. Alas -- this is not always the case! [74116,2670] Tom Morehouse DBASE2.102 Text, Bytes: 3220, Count: 164, 23-Aug-87(23-Aug-87) Title : Keywords: DBASE DATABASE PRINT 3K CONTEST 100 102 DBASE2.DO is a database maker which also allows formatted printing. Edit database using 102's TEXT. Options are: 1. Print a database: set format 2. Create a database: save field names 3. Append a database: display field names Contest category A - BASIC application Checksum = 186,488 [72517,1077] Douglas McLean DBFIX.DOC Text, Bytes: 3080, Count: 122, 16-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DATABASE DBASE MANAGER SORT PRINT SEARCH POSTCARD Documentation for DBFIX.DVI an enhencement(?) for DBNEW. Checksum 238,787 [72517,1077] Douglas McLean DBFIX.DVI Text, Bytes: 725, Count: 88, 16-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DATABASE DBASE MANAGER SORT PRINT SEARCH POSTCARD Enhancement to DBNEW to allow access from within the program to files on the Disk Video Interface. Checksum: 43,735 [70436,430] DBLDR.100 Text, Bytes: 4555, Count: 622, 13-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DATABASE MAMAGER FIND ADD DELETE CALL SORT This is an expanded version of Don Corbitt's PSEUDO.CO. You can ADD, DELETE, FIND, CALL and SORT with this package. WORKS ON RAM FILES ONLY. See DBLDR.DOC Checksum: 235,619 [70436,430] DBLDR.DOC Text, Bytes: 4480, Count: 418, 14-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: DATABASE_HANDLER_ Spelling and name corrected version of DBLDR.DOC with no print formatting. [75765,706] DBMAN.100 Text, Bytes: 1255, Count: 925, 09-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: M100 DB MANAGER ADDRSSSCHEDL ROM CALL Another "exploitation" of J.B. Overholt's "discovery" that appeared in 3/84 issue of Portable 100 mag. See program remarks.... J. Bagnall 75765,706 [75715,1510] DBNEW.100 Text, Bytes: 13835, Count: 1703, 12-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DATABASE DBASE MANAGER SORT PRINT SEARCH POSTCARD A Database Management System allowing 1 to 16 fields. See DBNEW.DOC for instructions. This is an improved version of DBASE.100 Checksum: 832,778 [75715,1510] DBNEW.DOC Text, Bytes: 17395, Count: 1544, 12-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DATABASE DBASE MANAGER SORT PRINT SEARCH POSTCARD The instructions for use of DBNEW.100; a Database Management System allowing 1 to 16 fields. This is an improved version of DBASE.100 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DECID2.100 Text, Bytes: 4050, Count: 533, 06-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BUSINESS GAME UTILITY DECISION This a tool (or toy) for decision making. It is menu-driven and self- explanatory. [72227,1661] Paul Globman DECIDE.BA Text, Bytes: 4159, Count: 94, 18-Sep-89 Title : Decision making program Keywords: CHOICE DECISION EVALUATE FACTORS MODEL PROBLEM RATE SOLVE VALUES Decision making based upon weighted factors and choice- to-factor relationships. A "situation evaluator" to be used for problem solving. Set up model problems and arbitrary solutions. Impose "what-if" values on factors that affect the outcome and see the possible results. cksm = 276822 [72227,1661] Paul Globman DECIDE.DOC Text, Bytes: 7475, Count: 80, 18-Sep-89 Title : Decision making program documentation Keywords: CHOICE DECISION EVALUATE FACTORS MODEL PROBLEM RATE SOLVE VALUES Decision making based upon weighted factors and choice- to-factor relationships. A "situation evaluator" to be used for problem solving. Set up model problems and arbitrary solutions. Impose "what-if" values on factors that affect the outcome and see the possible results. [73720,2456] DECODE.MPC Text, Bytes: 1574, Count: 53, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utiltiy. See TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 104,698 [76606,2266] DEFLEC.BA Text, Bytes: 1605, Count: 51, 08-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEFLECTION ANALYSIS This is a simple deflection analysis program for Mechanical Engineers. See program for references. Checksum: 113,415 [75076,753] glenn neufeld DEPTH.100 Text, Bytes: 5650, Count: 183, 28-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHY CALCULATOR OPTICS DEPTH FIELD CAMERA A short but user-friendly depth-of-field calculator for you photo buffs in the crowd. See DEPTH.DOC for a short manual, although the program has a built in help facility. Have fun! Checksum: 347,982 [75076,753] glenn neufeld DEPTH.DOC Text, Bytes: 2865, Count: 129, 28-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: PHOTOGRAPHY CALCULATOR FRIENDLY OPTICS DEPTH FIELD CAMERA Documentation for DEPTH.BA - a handy, user-friendly depth-of field calculator [73267,552] RANDY HESS DF-AUT.BA Text, Bytes: 4726, Count: 73, 26-Jan-90 Title : Automatic report generator for DATFIL/CRDFIL pgms Keywords: 100 102 200 DATFIL CRDFIL SORT REPORT AUTOMATIC FORMAT BASIC DF-AUT.BA provides four useful data management options for DATFIL/CRDFIL data files: 1) sort an entire data file by any priority of data fields; 2) prepare a formatted report based on any data fields; 3) set conditions for each data field before reporting; 4) adds data fields. It runs AUTOMATICALLY from easily created format files. Read DF-AUT.DOC, 3389 bytes as .BA, Cksm=294142 [73267,552] RANDY HESS DF-AUT.DOC Text, Bytes: 11870, Count: 70, 22-Jan-90 Title : Documentation for DF-AUT.BA Keywords: 100 102 200 DATFIL CRDFIL SORT REPORT TOTAL AUTOMATIC DATA Describes DF-AUT.BA which provides four useful data management options for DATFIL/CRDFIL data files: 1) sort an entire data file by any priority of data fields; 2) prepare a formatted report based on any data fields; 3) set conditions for each data field before reporting; 4) adds data fields. It runs AUTOMATICALLY from easily created format files. Formatted for 80 column printer. [73267,552] RANDY HESS DF-LAY.BAS Text, Bytes: 3418, Count: 64, 29-Jan-90 Title : Template/Header maker for DATFIL/CRDFIL Keywords: 100 102 200 DATFIL CRDFIL LAYOUT AUTOMATIC PROMPTS BASIC DF-LAY.BA will correctly prepare a "header" for a new DATFIL file from a "plain language" TEXT file. By simply opening a TEXT file and typing your prompts on the screen as you would like them to appear when using DATFIL, DF-LAY will automatically prepare a file containing all the field information in "DATFIL" format. DF-LAY works on the 100/102/200. 500 bytes as .BA Cksm=260500 [73267,552] RANDY HESS DF-RPT.BA Text, Bytes: 5068, Count: 69, 26-Jan-90 Title : Report generator for DATFIL/CRDFIL programs Keywords: 100 102 200 DATFIL CRDFIL SORT REPORT BASIC FORMAT DF-RPT.BA provides four useful data management options for DATFIL/CRDFIL data files: 1) sort an entire data file by any priority of data fields; 2) prepare a formatted report based on any data fields; 3) set conditions for each data field before reporting; 4) adds data fields. Read DF-RPT.DOC, 3615 bytes .BA, Chek=320733 [73267,552] RANDY HESS DF-RPT.DOC Text, Bytes: 11498, Count: 70, 22-Jan-90 Title : Documentation for DF-RPT.BA Keywords: 100 102 200 DATFIL CRDFIL SORT REPORT TOTAL DATA FILE Describes DF-RPT.BA which provides four useful data management options for DATFIL/CRDFIL data files: 1) sort an entire data file by any priority of data fields; 2) prepare a formatted report based on any data fields; 3) set conditions for each data field before reporting; 4) adds data fields. Formatted for 80 column printer. [76701,40] Denny Thomas DFORM.TMP Bin, Bytes: 1920, Count: 58, 25-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC-SYS TMPC TODO TO-DO CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM ACROATIX Sample TMPC support program that prints DIARY.DO in the proper format for a printer. Checksum = 120,809 It is extremely important that you read TMPC.INF before downloading any of the TMPC binary files. [72236,3516] larry gensch, ESQ DIARY.400 Text, Bytes: 9280, Count: 670, 15-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DIARY PERPETUAL CALENDAR ADRS NOTE SCHEDULE DIARY.301 (supposedly the last) has been updated once more. New version automatically detects the presence of DIARY.CO (formerly ALPHA.CO). If not found, it is created and relocated just under the current setting of HIMEM. SUBLIB is no longer used; thus the SORT function is gone. Recommend Rick Perry's ALARMS program for SORT ability. See DIARY.DOC Checksum: 574,197 [72236,3516] larry gensch, ESQ DIARY.DOC Text, Bytes: 11900, Count: 604, 16-Aug-85(22-Mar-88) Title : Keywords: DIARY PERPETUAL CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SCHEDULER NOTE.DO ADRS.DO Documentation file for DIARY.400. This lets you know what the program is all about, as well as telling you how to use it. [73155,1413] DIFCNV.BAS Text, Bytes: 1634, Count: 55, 22-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: DIF FILE CONVERSION LUCID DIFCNV is a utility to convert comma delimited files to DIF format. Used with Lucid utilities for data transfer. See DIFCNV.DOC. Checksum=93,155 [73155,1413] DIFCNV.DOC Text, Bytes: 597, Count: 54, 15-May-87 Title : Keywords: FILE CONVERT DIF LUCID This is a program to convert a comma delimited file to a DIF format file. The DIF format file can be used to load data into a Lucid spreadsheet, with the proper utility from PCSG. [70305,701] DIFMOD.WM3 Text, Bytes: 1065, Count: 499, 28-Feb-84 Title : Keywords: MINIVC SPREADSHEET DIF VISICALC When MERGEd with MINIVC.WM3, this program permits data to be SAVEd and LOADed in standard Visicalc DIF format. [74676,2014] DIRCAL.BA Text, Bytes: 810, Count: 57, 06-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 102 NEC CALCULATE DISTANCE DIRECTION GRID MAP A program to compute the direction (in mils) and distance in meters from one point to another. The points are in UTM Grid coordinates. The references used (mils and UTM) are standard measurements used in the military for manuevering with maps. Mils=6400 (Ie. 360 degrees). See DIRCAL.DOC Checksum: 49,317 [74676,2014] DIRCAL.DOC Text, Bytes: 885, Count: 64, 06-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 102 NEC CALCULATE DISTANCE DIRECTION GRID MAP Documentation for DIRCAL.BA [74676,2014] DISCAL.100 Text, Bytes: 2120, Count: 36, 10-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISTANCE CALCULATE GRID MAP MILITARY UTM This is a program to calculate the distance (in meters) between two UTM Grids. Using the Military Grid Reference System. It uses The formula for computing the hypotenuese of a triangle. I need a routine to calculate the direction in either degrees or mils. Help anyone? Checksum: 148,660 [75655,1056] DISNEY.DO Text, Bytes: 2072, Count: 42, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: FUN GAME QUIZ TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS Question/Answer text file required by: QZ-100.BA checksum = 163,965 Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers [71436,703] DIVDRL.100 Text, Bytes: 1155, Count: 97, 15-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 MATH DIVISION DRILL CHILD EDUCATION A simple math, or arithmetic, drill to help a child with long division. Any improvements welcomed. Checksum: 64,615 [72216,512] DLABEL.100 Text, Bytes: 2411, Count: 70, 05-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: LABEL DATA BASE LABELS DBASE.100 Companion program to DBASE.100 this SIG Label printing prog w/options 1 to 4 labels across. Characters per label Test printing option (to align labels) Self explantory. Don't worry about "SKIP" - more to follow! Checksum = 147,373 No 'field delimiters' just a comma after each 'field entry' [72216,512] DLABEL.DOC Text, Bytes: 514, Count: 62, 05-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: LABEL PRINT FORMAT DBASE DLABEL 100 DOCUMENTATION Documentation for DLABEL.100, a companion program for DBASE.100 with label printing options for 1 to 4 labels across a page. [72216,512] DOLLAR.BA Text, Bytes: 1410, Count: 90, 02-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 MONEY CONVERSION DOLLARS FOREIGH CURRENCY TRAVEL PRINT Converts US Dollars to foreign currency. Printer output. Checksum: 83,475 [72216,512] DSKJAK.BA Text, Bytes: 335, Count: 93, 02-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 NEC 200 DISK JACKET COVER DVI PRINT Prints for cutting & taping a disk jacket for 5 1/4 disks. Just for those boring times w/your laptop! Checksum: 21,003 [75655,231] DSKJAK.BA2 Text, Bytes: 420, Count: 147, 08-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 NEC 200 DISKETTE DISK JACKET COVER TDD An adaptaion of DSKJAK.BA for making a disk jacket for 3 1/2 inch disks. Modifications by G.J. Paul, Jr. [75655,231] Checksum: 27,890 [73267,552] RANDY HESS DSKLBL.BA Text, Bytes: 3037, Count: 51, 05-Jun-89 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC LABEL PRINT FILES DIRECTORY REFERENCE DISK DSKLBL.BA is a stand alone, no-DOS program for the 100/102/200 and TDD1. It lets you quickly and automatically prepare up to 15 disk labels per use in either 3 labels by 5 format on standard size paper or 1 across format on "roll" labels. Load disk, enter disk name, load disk etc. Download DSKLBL.DOC and DSKLBL.BA from DL4. DSKLBL.BA checksum = 191566 [73267,552] RANDY HESS DSKLBL.DOC Text, Bytes: 3820, Count: 51, 05-Jun-89 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC LABEL PRINT REFERENCE DIRECTORY FILES DISK DSKLBL.BA is a stand alone, no-DOS program for the 100/102/200 and TDD1. It lets you quickly and automatically prepare up to 15 disk labels per use in either 3 labels by 5 format on standard size paper or 1 across format on "roll" labels. Load disk, enter disk name, load disk etc. Download DSKLBL.DOC and DSKLBL.BA from DL4. DSKLBL.BA checksum = 191566 [71435,1077] DSPCHR.100 Text, Bytes: 2500, Count: 164, 05-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: PROGRAM DISPATCHER AUTO INITIATION TIMER DRIVEN BASIC START RUN Dispatcher is a BASIC program that uses a run list to initiate other .BA programs using time interrupts to determine when. Programs it starts must terminate by RUN "DSPCHR" to keep the process moving. Startup data for initiated programs is provided by preloading the keyboard buffer. See DSPCHR.DOC for documentation. Checksum: 160,353 [71435,1077] DSPCHR.DOC Text, Bytes: 4580, Count: 181, 05-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: DISPATCHER DOCUMENTATION AUTOMATIC PROGRAM-INITIATIO Program documentation for DSPCHR.100, which provides automatic initiation for .BA programs at specified hours. [71420,425] Fred M Gray DUAT.100 Bin, Bytes: 2597, Count: 58, 14-Jul-90 Title : Aviation Weather Program for 100/102 Keywords: DUAT CONTEL AVIATION WEATHER 100 102 BASIC FAA NOAA PILOT Prompted input for requests, then dials CONTEL DUAT's 800 number for download of specific weather "products." These are FAA/NOAA abbreviations like SA, FT, etc. Requires pilot license. File contains 8-bit characters, download with Xmodem or 8-bit parameters. Checksum = 170,585 [71420,425] Fred M Gray DUAT.DOC Text, Bytes: 6823, Count: 56, 14-Jul-90 Title : Documentation for DUAT.100 Keywords: DUAT CONTEL AVIATION WEATHER 100 102 BASIC FAA NOAA PILOT Documentation for DUAT.100, a model 100/102 basic program to access CONTEL DUAT's 800 line and load specific "weather products" for pilots, like SA, FA, etc. Requires pilot license. [73720,2456] ENCODE.MPC Text, Bytes: 1184, Count: 56, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utility. SEE TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 77,278 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura ENGINR.CAT Text, Bytes: 4934, Count: 115, 13-May-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS SURVEYING STATISTICS This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which are engineering-oriented, dealing with electronics, decibel calculations, Ohms Law, resistor color codes, and surveying. [73047,3120] curt ENTER.BA Text, Bytes: 746, Count: 61, 24-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: PROCAL CALENDAR DIARY TO-DO PRINT DATES BASIC 100 102 User friendly method of getting information into PROCAL, the calendar printing program. Checksum = 47,857 [73047,3120] curt ENTER.DOC Text, Bytes: 435, Count: 62, 24-Mar-88(24-Mar-88) Title : Keywords: PROCAL DIARY CALENDAR TO-DO DATES SCHEDULE DOCUMENTATION Documentation for ENTER.BA, which assists entry of data for PROCAL. [73157,1150] ESTATE.BA Text, Bytes: 8250, Count: 41, 21-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 TAXES ESTATE TAX FEDERAL NEW YORK Program computes federal and New York estate taxes (and can be used for gift tax) for deaths occurring after 1984. User inputs taxable estate, gifts, and federal and state gift taxes paid, and year of death. Program displays all calculations on monitor, neatly formatted, and very rapidly; use "pause" to stop the scroll. Program also allows results to be printed with built in commands. Menu instructions are provided. Checksum: 510,122 [72067,3046] John Gaudreault EVENTS.DOC Text, Bytes: 2062, Count: 36, 06-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: BOOSTER PAK UR-2 CALENDAR GRAPH DATA BASE BASIC 100 102 This is a test file for DATELINE or also called DATELN.BOP for BOOSTER PAK ASCII=2062kb CHKSUM=122779 [70506,553] EXPNS.DOC Text, Bytes: 3660, Count: 635, 27-May-84 Title : Keywords: EXPENSE ACCOUNT TRAVEL EXPENSES EXPNS.DOC is documentation for EXPNS.RUN and EXPNS.LST; two versions of a multiple account expense tracker. [70506,553] EXPNS.LST Text, Bytes: 4665, Count: 395, 27-May-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACCOUNT MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS EXPNS.LST is a detailed commented listing of the compacted program EXPNS.RUN. The two programs are functionally equivalent and .LST is offered as an aid to hackers and byte-fyters. Documentaion can be found in EXPNS.DOC [70506,553] EXPNS.RUN Text, Bytes: 2195, Count: 602, 27-May-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACCOUNT MULTIPLE FINANCE EXPNS.RUN is an expense account manager capable of maintaining multiple accounts. Financially, it is not very sophisticated, but several people have found it very useful. Documentation is in EXPNS.DOC. A detailed, commented listing is in EXPNS.LST [76576,3035] EXPNSE.BA Text, Bytes: 3512, Count: 51, 02-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: EXPNSE EXPENSE TAX RECORD BASIC 100 102 200 Gets input for tax-deductable expenses for several people, and prints to a DO file. Sorts by month and person. CHECKSUM 251,110. [72726,63] EXRLOG.100 Text, Bytes: 485, Count: 55, 30-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: EXERCISE LOG This is a short and simple (you have to start somewhere) program for keeping a log for activity on an exercise bike. Suggestions welcome. Checksum: 31,163 PA=82 [72677,42] Carmen Paone EXTRA.100 Text, Bytes: 5469, Count: 83, 21-Aug-89 Title : Text utility Keywords: ASCII BASIC TEXT SEARCH REPLACE 100 102 JOURNALISM TXTCAL PICAS EXTRA.100 will allow a writer to enter TEXT, write a story, and then go back to the program to do search and replace, story measure ment, and rename. Checksum = 382,413 [72677,42] Carmen Paone EXTRA.BA Text, Bytes: 5033, Count: 76, 03-Aug-90 Title : EXTRA.BA: WRITER'S HELPING HAND. Keywords: BASIC ASCII JOURNALISM 100 102 200 PICAS REPORTERS TEXT SR EXTRA.BA is a revison of EXTRA.100 and EXTRA.200 to avoid reported machine language conflicts. There are are few new wrinkles to the program. You can keep an eye on the time in the opening menu, enter your own byline (Be sure to change the byline information in the program to your own data) and a boilerplate feature, which will allow you to cut & paste info in stories. The revised form of EXTRA will work on the 100, 102, and 200. Checksum = 361,875 [73125,211] EZCALC.100 Text, Bytes: 1145, Count: 243, 25-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: CALCULATOR PROGRAM MATH Small 410 byte program for simple calculator functions ( + - / * = ). Easy number input and running total kept. Checksum: 75,714 PA= 415 [72216,512] EZCONV.BA Text, Bytes: 3105, Count: 138, 21-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 METRIC CALCULATOR CONVERT FEET METER LITER Program that converts most metric measures to English system or vice versa. Checksum: 187,632 [73106,1627] Mark Lutton F1040.SRM Text, Bytes: 8831, Count: 52, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: LUCID SUPER ROM INCOME TAX 1986 100 102 Form 1040 for Super ROM users. Read and Heed TAXINS.DO first ! Checksum: 458,442 [72116,1374] Robert Smith F1040.TAX Text, Bytes: 4965, Count: 93, 06-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: INCOME TAX FEDERAL 1040 RETURN SUPER ROM This program works with Super ROM as a step-by-step computation of the federal Form 1040. Convert this hex program into F1040.CA using CHANGE.BA. It is cross- referenced with Schedules A, B, and W and Form 2441. You'll need to download SCHDA.TAX, SCHDB.TAX, F2441.TAX, SCHDW.TAX. Be warned: I'm not an accountant nor a tax preparer. I believe the computations are accurate, BUT USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Robert Smith 72116,1374 Checksum: 258,359 [73327,3073] Frank Kienast FACTOR.BA Text, Bytes: 444, Count: 41, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 102 FACTOR NUMBER MATH INGEGER PRIME Short and fast integer factoring program, expressing the result as a product of prime numbers. 16, for example, is 2^4, or 2*2*2*2. Checksum = 26,433 [73327,1653] James Yi FACTRL.BA Text, Bytes: 255, Count: 57, 26-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 FACTORIAL CALCULATE MATH DIGITS CONTEST A one-liner program that calculates factorials upto 999, if memory permits. The H variable is the amount of digits the factorial can have. Change its initial value of 500 if you want to get a factorial with more than 500 digits. The program prints the results to a line printer, but it can be printed onto screen by deleting L's from LPRINT statements. Chksum = 16,252 [73107,62] FCNANL.BA Text, Bytes: 3400, Count: 51, 07-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 FUNCTION ANALYSIS INTEGRAL ZERO ZEROES MATH HALVING TRAPEZOID This BASIC program analyzes functions supplied by the user in lines 60000 on. You may use variable names from T to Z. The dependent variable is Y, the independent, X. It will calculate the integral by the trapezoidal rule, find zeroes on a specified interval by interval halving, or evaluate the function at a point. Checksum: 191,750 [73720,2456] FDTODO.MPC Text, Bytes: 951, Count: 55, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utility. See TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 62,077 [74776,2421] FINANC.BAS Text, Bytes: 5525, Count: 501, 31-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: M100 NEC MBASIC FINANCES CALCULATE BUSINESS Financial calculations for the Model 100 and NEC. Written in MBASIC. Geneva version in PCS-19 DL6. Converted to Model 100 by me from a public domain program. MAY BE COPIED BUT NOT SOLD. Checksum: 322,857 Paul MacDonald [74776,2421] [76703,4311] Eiji Miura FINANC.CAT Text, Bytes: 17124, Count: 126, 13-May-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING LOANS AMORTIZATION EXPENSES CHECKBOOK MONEY This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which are financial-oriented. Including amortization charts, expense account records, checkbook recoerd, and accounting. [71066,155] Mike Aiello FINCAL.BA Text, Bytes: 6571, Count: 76, 25-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: SHELL TEMPLATE APPLICATION BASIC FINANCIAL CALCULATOR FINCAL.BA is a simplified version of the five function key financial calculator that is part of the HP-12C. It makes use of the SHELL.BA application template. See file FINCAL.DOC for details on its use. Checksum = 388,374 [71066,155] Mike Aiello FINCAL.DOC Text, Bytes: 3753, Count: 58, 24-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: SHELL TEMPLATE APPLICATION BASIC FINANCIAL CALCULATOR Documentation file for FINCAL.BA. [73720,2456] FINDPL.DOC Text, Bytes: 3156, Count: 53, 26-Mar-89 Title : Documentation for FINDPL.MPC. Keywords: TMPC SEARCH REPORT UTILITY FINDPL.MPC DOCUMENTATION. [73720,2456] FINDPL.MPC Text, Bytes: 2560, Count: 67, 26-Mar-89 Title : Prints TMPC to-do's and appointments. Keywords: TMPC SEARCH REPORT UTILITY TODO APPOINTMENT TMPC companion utility program that will report todos and appointments. See FINDPL.DOC Checksum = 160,614 [70575,1346] DICK ROUX FINPAK.BA Text, Bytes: 11776, Count: 375, 04-May-87 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 FINACE FINANCIAL MONEY INVESTMENT LOAN CALCULATE PROGRAM FINANCIAL PROGRAM FOR THE TRS 80 MOD 100/102/200. HAS 20 LOAN & INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS. CONVERTED FROM AN IBM BASIC PROGRAM. CHECKSUM= 811,445 [73537,1471] FLASHC.FIX Text, Bytes: 705, Count: 60, 03-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 FLASH CARD FLASHCARD DRILL TEST STUDY An enhancement to Waymon Burns' FLSHCD.BA[72176,2315] program is described in this file. Improves speed of execution and display. [73337,2600] FLIGHT.BA Text, Bytes: 1400, Count: 80, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Main Menu module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT PILOT FLY NAVIGATION NAV Main Menu module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 85,054 [73337,2600] FLIGHT.DOC Text, Bytes: 11165, Count: 73, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Documentation Keywords: E6B FLIGHT PILOT NAV NAVIGATION FLY Documentation for FLIGHT.BA and its modules. These are a modular flight computer program for the M100 which does everything the E6B does, and then some. This is an upgrade of FLTCMP.BA which I previously uploaded. Load only those modules you want to use, saving RAM. May work on the M200, but I don't know. [73337,2600] FLITE1.BA Text, Bytes: 2837, Count: 64, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Conversions module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Conversions module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. (Sysop note: unverified checksum) [73337,2600] FLITE2.BA Text, Bytes: 1034, Count: 62, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Standard math calulation module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Standard math calculations module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 67,256 [73337,2600] FLITE3.BA Text, Bytes: 3225, Count: 60, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Time/Speed/Distance module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Time/speed/distance module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 197,223 [73337,2600] FLITE4.BA Text, Bytes: 2777, Count: 58, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Altitude and airspeed module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Altitude and airspeed module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 167,609 [73337,2600] FLITE5.BA Text, Bytes: 2758, Count: 59, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Wind and drift module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Wind and drift module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 173,379 [73337,2600] FLITE6.BA Text, Bytes: 2132, Count: 61, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Weight and balance module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Weight & balance module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 133,228 [73337,2600] FLITE7.BA Text, Bytes: 6959, Count: 66, 09-Oct-89 Title : FLIGHT Navigation module Keywords: E6B FLIGHT FLY PILOT NAV NAVIGATION Navigation module of FLIGHT.BA and FLITE1.BA through FLITE7.BA. See FLIGHT.DO for documentation. Checksum = 425,416 [70721,3223] RON VANBENTHUSEN FLMTMR.100 Text, Bytes: 3133, Count: 58, 29-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHIC BW FILM DEVELOPING TIMER BASIC 100 102 PHOTOGRAPHIC B&W FILM DEVELOPING TIMER. TIME CHEMICAL PROCESSES WITH AGITATION INTERVALS. CHECKSUM=191,047 BYTES = 3,134(DOCUMENT VERSION) [72227,2416] FLOW.100 Text, Bytes: 2800, Count: 319, 01-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TIME MONEY IRR FINANCE CASH FLOW CALCULATOR Powerful financial calculator, ideal for solving complex problems with irregular cash flows. FLOW.DOC is *essential* reading. Model 100 *only*. Checksum 177,789 [72227,2416] FLOW.DOC Text, Bytes: 10100, Count: 294, 01-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: TIME MONEY CALCULATOR IRR FINANCE CASH FLOW Documentation for FLOW.100, a powerful financial calculator. [72176,2315] FLSDRL.DOC Text, Bytes: 3015, Count: 160, 14-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 FLASH CARD FLASHCARD DRILL STUDY TEST This documentation should be used with FLSHCD.BA a flashcard database program. checksum 221,629 [72176,2315] FLSHCD.BA Text, Bytes: 2555, Count: 186, 14-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 FLASH CARD FLASHCARD DRILL TEST STUDY This is a Flashcard program that will generate at random data from text files. You can use this to study foreign languages or brush up on business accounts with easy modifications to the menu.See FLSHDRL.DOC for further instructions. checksum 149,348 [72176,2315] FLSHCD.FIX Text, Bytes: 395, Count: 151, 15-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 FLASH CARD FLASHCARD STUDY TEST DRILL This should fix a couple of little bugs I found in FLSHCD.BA along with a command I neglected to include in FLSDRL.DOC. [73337,2600] FLTCMP.100 Text, Bytes: 20168, Count: 70, 29-May-88 Title : Keywords: PILOT FLY FLIGHT AIR AIRPLANE PLANE NAV NAVIGATION E6B FLTCMP.BA - BASIC program for the M100 to emulate the slide rule type flight "computer". Does everything the slide rule will do, plus some things it won't, such as weight & balance. I suggest you download to a PC, because of size, store on floppy, and load into your M100 only when you need it. Does navigation using latitude and longitude of idents or points. FLTCMP.DOC is essential documentation. Checksum = 1222469. [73337,2600] FLTCMP.DOC Text, Bytes: 9615, Count: 67, 29-May-88 Title : Keywords: PILOT FLY FLIGHT NAV AIR AIRPLANE PLANE E6B NAVIGATION FLTCMP.DOC - Essential documentation for FLTCMP.BA. Documentation for M100 BASIC program which emulates the slide rule type flight "computer". Includes all the functions of the slide rule, plus a few others (weight & balance, for example). Checksum for FLTCMP.DOC is 736342. Checksum for FLTCMP.BA is 12222469. Do navigation, wind, true airspeed, etc. with your M100. [72206,2563] Thomas Steuver FLTPLN.100 Text, Bytes: 7428, Count: 80, 06-Jan-90 Title : Single program flight planning program Keywords: 100 102 BASIC FLIGHT PLAN PLANNER AVIATION PLANE This is a flight planning program that calculates TC, MC, MH, GS, Distance, Time, and Fuel Burn from plane and airport information entered and saved in files on the M100. Enter the latitude, longitude, and variation of the airports and the airspeed and fuel burn/hour for the airplane. Documentation is really not needed. The program is easy to use. I can upload a doc file if requested. Enjoy! Checksum = 473,445 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler FRACT.100 Text, Bytes: 875, Count: 45, 21-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: MATH FRACTIONS RATIONALIZE This program prompts for two input fractions, adds them, and prints out to the screen the rationalized result. PA=61 [73327,1653] James Yi FRQCNT.BA Text, Bytes: 1262, Count: 139, 07-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 FREQUENCY MEASURE DEVICE TONE COUNT TAPE RECORDER A program that measures audible frequency of a continuous tone. Can be used to fine-tune a cassette recorder's motor speed, or as a non-critical frequency counter. Checksum = 93,927 By James Yi [70466,1225] James C. Scales FUNPLT.100 Text, Bytes: 2304, Count: 75, 01-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: PLOT SCREEN FUNCTION MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS CARTESIAN POLAR BASIC 100 102 FUNPLT.BA is a Function Plotter for the M100-102 that displays mathematical functions in the X-Y coordinate system. Designed to give the user a good idea of what a function looks like... and be easy to use! Try it, You'll like it! Checksum = 129,938 [76701,40] Denny Thomas FUTIL.TMP Bin, Bytes: 2304, Count: 58, 25-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC-SYS TMPC TODO TO-DO CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM ACROATIX TMPC support program that handles swapping of machine language programs. See "Lesson 5: File Handling" in the manual. Checksum = 152,066 It is extremely important that you read TMPC.INF before downloading any of the TMPC binary files. [70235,1121] GAS.100 Text, Bytes: 975, Count: 273, 26-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: GAS FUEL MILEAGE BASIC 100 200 600 NEC OLIVETTI CHART GAS.100 is an interesting program which shows the power of the FOR-NEXT loop and the two-dimensional array. It will print a matrix which will allow you to determine the fuel efficiency (MPG) of your car or truck. Keep chart in your car for easy reference! Checksum: 53,180 [70625,1237] GAS.BA Text, Bytes: 2295, Count: 134, 02-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: GAS MILEAGE DATABASE BASIC This program will keep a running average fuel mileage, compute miles driven, convert liters to gallons. Written for Model III and converted to M100. Be sure to create MPG.DO file before running, consisting of 1) Your normal MPG, and 2) thenumber 1. Dan Hamilton PA= 112 [73720,3365] Noel Honohan GATE40.100 Text, Bytes: 4434, Count: 42, 12-Aug-90 Title : gLobal aIR tIME eSTIMATOR Keywords: AIR ARRIVAL JET FLIGHT TRAVEL TIME ETA NAVIGATE gate40.100 calcculates jet arrival time Acronym: gLOBAL aIR tIME eSTIMATOR Options: 40 MENU Cities/Degrees/Numeric Display: Coordinates/Miles/Direction/ Time Zones (TZs)/Time Aloft/ MPH/Local Arrrival time & day Special: Uses five linear regressions Reflects effects of Jet Stream West-East flights fastes... Allows arrival PREVIOUS day Ex: auc-tah (Auckland-Tahiti) Checksum=252,113 [73300,2272] George W. Flanders GBUF.SRC Text, Bytes: 2793, Count: 38, 04-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: GRAPHIC SAVE RESTORE GRAFV3 SRC SOURCE CODE ML PROGRAM BASIC GBUF.SRC (checksum=221,260) responds to requests for the source code to save a graphic screen to RAM buffer and be able to recall it. [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GL100.BAS Text, Bytes: 4628, Count: 164, 26-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING GL100.BAS is the report printing program for theGL100 accounting program. See GL100.DOC See also GLDOC.100 which describes the GL100 series. By Jon Kaplan Checksum: 301,491 [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GL100.DOC Text, Bytes: 1947, Count: 158, 22-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING Documentation for GL100.BAS, report writing program of GL100 accounting series. Revised 2/21/87 See also GLDOC.100 which describes the GL100 series. [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLCHEK.BAS Text, Bytes: 4855, Count: 248, 22-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING Revised Feb. 21, 1987 Incorporating suggestions from James Bott GLCHEK is a simple, no frills checkbook program designed for keeping track of checks and deposits that have been manually written. GLCHEK integrates with other programs to make a complete, simple accounting system. See GLCHEK.DOC and GLDOC.100 By Jon Kaplan 73337,1414 [Checksum=307,131] [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLCHEK.DOC Text, Bytes: 3306, Count: 205, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING Revised Feb. 7, 1987 Incorporating suggestions from James Bott GLCHEK is a simple, no frills checkbook program designed for keeping track of checks and deposits that have been manually written. GLCHEK integrates with other programs to make a complete, simple accounting system. [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLDGR.BAS Text, Bytes: 1465, Count: 179, 07-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING GLDGR.BAS is the general ledger printing program for GL100. Revised Jan. 7, 1987. See GLDGR.DOC By Jon Kaplan 73337,1414 Checksum=[89,342] [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLDGR.DOC Text, Bytes: 600, Count: 165, 03-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING GLDGR.DOC explains GLDGR.BAS the general ledger printing program for GL100. By Jon Kaplan 73337,1414 [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLDOC.100 Text, Bytes: 6104, Count: 196, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING Revised Feb. 7, 1987. Documentation for the GL100 accounting program series. The series includes six programs, each with separate .DOC file. Programs: GL100.BAS, GLCHEK.BAS, GLDGR.BAS, GLPOST.BAS and GLWTB.BAS By Jon Kaplan [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLPOST.BAS Text, Bytes: 2247, Count: 150, 22-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING GLPOST.BAS is the posting program for GL100 accounting program. See GLPOST.DOC; See also GLDOC.100 which describes the GL100 series. By Jon Kaplan Checksum: 142,955 [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLPOST.DOC Text, Bytes: 2255, Count: 153, 05-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING Documentation for GLPOST.BAS, the GL100 posting program. See also GLDOC.100 which describes the GL100 series. By Jon Kaplan [72116,1374] Robert Smith GLWRIT.BAS Text, Bytes: 5714, Count: 79, 26-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: CHECK WRITING GENERAL LEDGER GL100 PDD POWR-DOS TDD GLWRIT.BA is a modification of Tony Anderson'sCHECKS.BA to write checks and then post the amounts and payee to Jon Kaplan's CJ.DO for use with his General Ledger program. GLWRIT.BA can e used with the TDD and Powr-DOS by modifying portions of the program. Instructions are included in the text. Robert Smith, 72116,1374 Checksum= 398,538 [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLWTB.BAS Text, Bytes: 1019, Count: 168, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING GLWTB is small program for writing a chart of accounts for use with the GL100 accounting program. Revised Feb. 7, 1987 by Jon Kaplan 73337,1414 [Checksum = 65,110] See GLWTB.DOC [73337,1414] JON KAPLAN GLWTB.DOC Text, Bytes: 2865, Count: 164, 03-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHECK DEPOSIT BANK GL ACCOUNTING Documentation for GLWTB.BAS, a small program for writing a chart of accounts with the GL100 accounting program. By Jon Kaplan 73337,1414 [73300,2272] George W. Flanders GRAFV3.100 Text, Bytes: 7031, Count: 69, 02-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: GRAF SCREEN DUMP M-100 CHARTS GRAPHICS GRAFV3.100 (checksum=416,787) is the scrunched, polished version of GRAFV2 in this DL, fixing minor bugs and weighing in at just over 5400 bytes - a boon to 8K M-100 users. Read GRAFV3.INF also. [73300,2272] George W. Flanders GRAFV3.DOC Text, Bytes: 11920, Count: 61, 03-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: SCREEN DUMP M-100 CHARTS BUSINESS GRAPHICS GRAFV3.DOC describes the operation of GRAFV3.100 in DL4, which is intended to replace all earlier versions on the SIG. [73300,2272] George W. Flanders GRAFV3.INF Text, Bytes: 329, Count: 56, 02-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: GRAF SCREEN DUMP M-100 CHARTS GRAPHICS GRAFV3.INF relates to GRAFV3.100, checksum=416,787 in DL4. [71216,1564] Haruko Narumi GRAPH.100 Text, Bytes: 2435, Count: 243, 11-Feb-84 Title : Keywords: GRAPHIC MODEL 100 CGP-115 Graphs math functions on the Model 100 screen or on the CGP-115 Color Graphic Printer. PA=706 [71216,1564] Haruko Narumi GRAPH.DOC Text, Bytes: 930, Count: 231, 11-Feb-84 Title : Keywords: GRAPHIC MODEL 100 CGP-115 Documentation for GRAPH.100 program. PA=538 [73267,552] RANDY HESS GROWTH.100 Text, Bytes: 1733, Count: 117, 13-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 GROWTH INVESTMENT FINANCE INTEREST COMPOUND RATE Calculates the annualized compounded rate of return on an investment quickly and precisely. (I think the only program on the SIG that will!) Includes a future value routine and a holding period calculator. (date bought - date sold = years held) CHECKSUM = 117,430 DO = 1732 , .BA = 1423 [71116,1347] GSALE.200 Text, Bytes: 4415, Count: 68, 29-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: GARAGE SALE GSALE Use your MOD 200 as a handy cash register when running a garage sale. It keeps track of up to 4 families sales data. Make sure you read GSALE.DOC first. Checksum= 264,237 Max Seim 71116,1347 [71116,1347] GSALE.DOC Text, Bytes: 3440, Count: 63, 29-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: GSALE GARAGE.DOC GARAGE SALE This is the documentation for the garage sale program...MOD 200 GSALE.200 (no checksum calculated for this documentation dump) Max L Seim 71116,1347 [76703,446] HALLEY.100 Text, Bytes: 3640, Count: 302, 01-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 ASTRONOMY COMET HALLEY ORBIT EARTH VENUS Computes Julian Date for day input, displays Julian Date and orbital positions of Halley's Comet, Earth, and Venus for ten successive dates (spaced ten days apart), and then sends to printer graphic display of the three orbital paths with the Sun centered in the printout. Checksum: 219,124 [72677,42] Carmen Paone HAMLOG.100 Text, Bytes: 2146, Count: 109, 12-Apr-90 Title : Log program for 100,102 Keywords: HAM RADIO SWL ASCII BASIC LOGGER LOGS Logging program for the Model 100, 102 Checksum=119,206 [72677,42] Carmen Paone HAMLOG.DOC Text, Bytes: 2737, Count: 101, 11-Apr-90 Title : Doc for HAMLOG.100, HAMLOG.200 Keywords: HAM RADIO SWL ASCII BASIC LOGGER LOGS Doc for HAMLOG.100, HAMLOG.200 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst HAMRFI.THD Text, Bytes: 3698, Count: 102, 21-May-90 Title : Re. radio freq. interference and Tandy laptops Keywords: 100 200 WP2 AMATEUR RADIO HAM FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE RFI A thread about reducing RFI from the Tandy laptops. (For those who aren't amateur radio buffs: RFI stands for Radio Frequency Interference). [72327,1025] Norm Leveillee HCFORM.BAS Text, Bytes: 5370, Count: 216, 19-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: BUSINESS FORMS INVOICE STATEMENT SALES SLIP PURCHASE ORDER 100 200 Business Forms - Sales, Invoice, Statement, Purchase Order; all from one program. For Model 100/200, Epson printers or compatible. Can be customized further. Checksum = 367,234 [72327,1025] Norm Leveillee HCFORM.M2 Text, Bytes: 1538, Count: 68, 21-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: INVOICE STATEMENT PURCHASE ORDER SALES PRINTED FORMS 200 100 HCFORM A different enhancement group to be merged with HCFORM.BAS in DL4. This modification will allow files to be saved according to FORMS chosen, e.g. SALES.DO, INVCE.DO, STAT.DO and PO.DO. FCHCK=100,584 Good Luck! Norm Leveillee [72327,1025] Norm Leveillee HCFORM.M3 Text, Bytes: 430, Count: 71, 05-Mar-88(05-Mar-88) Title : Keywords: HCFORM SAVE FILE SALES INVOICE STATEMENT PURCHASE ORDER BUSINESS FORMS Modification for HCFORM.BA to save all data entered into the RAM file specified. Merge this file with HCFORM.BA. Checksum = 28,942. [72327,1025] Norm Leveillee HCFORM.MOD Text, Bytes: 1029, Count: 61, 20-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: HCFORM MERGE SALES INVOICE STATEMENT 100 102 200 ADD MODIFICATION This file can be merged with HCFORM.BAS to keep track of sales/invoices in SALES.DO file, which can be printed with the TEXT program. Delete the introduction before merging. FCHCK=69,568. Good Luck! Norm Leveillee [72247,1272] Steve Caine HED.BA Text, Bytes: 4510, Count: 45, 06-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 HEAD HEADLINE EDIT EDITORIAL TYPESET NEWSPAPER HED.BA is a program to help editors write headlines to specific column widths. The width of each character (in points) is added to the total line width, which is displayed in picas. When the headline goes over the width allowed (as defined by the user), the program "beeps" to let user know she/he must try something else. Requires the data file LET.DO containing the widths (in points) of each character in a 32-point head. Checksum: 296,275 [72247,1272] Steve Caine HED.DOC Text, Bytes: 2940, Count: 45, 15-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 HEAD HEADLINE EDIT EDITORIAL TYPESET NEWSPAPER Documentation for program HED.BA, an aid to writing headlines for newspapers or magazines. Requires the data file LET.DO containing the widths (in points) of each character in a 32-point head. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton HEX2CA.100 Text, Bytes: 1919, Count: 67, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 LUCID CHANGE HEX SUPER ROM Convert Lucid HEX files (as produced by CHANGE.BA) back to Lucid .CA format. CHANGE.BA also does this, but HEX2CA is shorter and may be easier for those that don't need all that CHANGE.BA does. Checksum: 118,107 [71705,574] HOMEXP.100 Text, Bytes: 8435, Count: 618, 31-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 HOME EXPENSE MANAGER FINANCE ACCOUNTING A neat home accounting package I found on a local BBS. Quite complete - prompts for bill category, date, amount, paid with, check # (if applicable), notes. Allows you to sort and print by bill OR payment category. PA=817 See HOMEXP.DOC [71705,574] HOMEXP.DOC Text, Bytes: 2810, Count: 475, 31-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: EXPENSE MODEL 100 DOC FINANCIAL MANAGER Documentation for HOMEXP.100, a home expense database and money management program. PA=575 [75655,1056] HORSES.DO Text, Bytes: 2301, Count: 40, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: FUN GAME QUIZ TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS Question/Answer text file required by: QZ-100.BA checksum = 181,664 Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers [74135,1366] HOURS.BAS Text, Bytes: 1920, Count: 93, 22-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 NEC ELAPSED TIME CALCULATE TOTAL TIMER HOUR BASIC program allows you to compute the elapsed time between two times from the same 24 hour period. It also allows you to total up a set of elapsed times. It works for both hrs/min and min/sec. See also HOURS.DOC for more info. 74135,1366 Roger Wheatley Checksum: 107,679 [74135,1366] HOURS.DOC Text, Bytes: 2255, Count: 79, 22-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 NEC ELAPSED TIME CALCULATE TOTAL TIMER HOUR This is the complete documentation for the program HOURS.BAS. It is formatted to dump to your printer in 80 columns. See also HOURS.BAS. 74135,1366 Roger Wheatley [73720,1166] SCOTT T. SCHAD HPCALC.100 Text, Bytes: 5370, Count: 143, 08-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 HP HP41 CALC CALCULATOR RPN Revision of HPCALC (3.8.88) to fix CLX pushing "0" down on stack. Checksum = 320,195 [73720,1166] SCOTT T. SCHAD HPCALC.DOC Text, Bytes: 3095, Count: 191, 21-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: HP HP41 RPN HEWLETT-PACKARD REVERSE POLISH NOTATION CALCULATOR Documentation file for HPCALC.100, reverse Polish notation calculator for the Model 100/102 [73720,1166] SCOTT T. SCHAD HPCALC.PRT Text, Bytes: 5846, Count: 65, 13-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: HPCALC HP-41 HP41 RPN CALCULATOR BASIC 100 102 New version of HPCALC that prints all operations if you have a printer connected! Checksum =351,879. Program=4547 bytes as a .BA file. PRINT Example: ------------------------------------ enter x=1 y=1 z=0 t=0 r-p x=1.414 y=45 z=0 t=0 del x=45 y=0 z=0 t=0 tan x=1 y=0 z=0 t=0 ------------------------------------ [3-13-88] [73061,20] Brice Williams HYPFIL.SIT Bin, Bytes: 31616, Count: 27, 07-Jul-94(17-Jul-94) Title : HyperCard to CRDFIL interface program Keywords: CRDFIL DATFIL HYPERCARD STACK MAC This package contains a series of programs to make transfer of data between the Mac and a Tandy 200 easier. It will convert CRDFIL or DATFIL files into HyperCard stacks and vise versa. With a few minor changes it should run on the 100 as well. Requirements Macintosh, HyperCard 2.X, and of course a Tandy 200 or 100. [72300,2646] STEVEN WALTER INTEGR.BA Text, Bytes: 1650, Count: 51, 27-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: CALCULUS MATH INTEGRATION ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS BASIC 100 102 A Numerical integration program for the Model 100/102. See INTEGR.DOC for description and instructions. Checksum = 104,225 contest category A [72300,2646] STEVEN WALTER INTEGR.DOC Text, Bytes: 3687, Count: 49, 27-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: DOCUMENTATION MATH CALCULUS INTEGRATION APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING Documentation for INTEGR.BA [72216,512] INVENT.BA Text, Bytes: 1655, Count: 169, 15-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: INVENTORY STOCK BASIC 100 102 200 RECORD Very basic Inventory Program, which can be used to store item descriptions, number of items, values and a date. Program can add new items to the list, update the list, or display the list. It is an "open" program, which can be modified according to the users needs. Checksum = 99,059 [72216,512] INVENT.DOC Text, Bytes: 1267, Count: 136, 15-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: INVENTORY STOCK DOCUMENTATION 100 102 200 RECORD Documentation for INVENT.BA, a simple, very basic Inventory Program that stores date, value(s) Quantity, Item description and total value. Program includes update and add new items features. [70146,51] INVICE.DOC Text, Bytes: 1580, Count: 312, 26-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: DOCUMENTATION INVICE DOCUMENTATION FOR INVICE.KW [70146,51] INVICE.KW Text, Bytes: 8405, Count: 317, 26-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 INVOICE BILL BILLING RECEIVEABLES A simple invoicing program; loads DATA into a .DO file after printing three copies. See INVICE.DOC Checksum%: 509,886 [70346,1720] Tom Glovier INVOIC.BA Text, Bytes: 4181, Count: 92, 24-Apr-88 Title : Keywords: INVOICE BILLING BUSINESS STAR PRINTER GRAPHIC BASIC 100 102 INVOIC.BA prints a professional-looking billing invoice on a STAR printer in the IBM mode. It will also work on other printers that use the same codes. Checksum = 253,814 [75665,312] JLNDTE.MMM Text, Bytes: 340, Count: 105, 12-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 NEC JULIAN DATE DAY YEAR ASTRONOMY Calculates the Julian Date for any Day, Hour(GMT), Year between 1801 and 2069. Navigation & Astronomy Tables. checksum = 22129 [72355,1540] PETER COOPERBERG JOG.100 Text, Bytes: 1505, Count: 190, 19-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC JOG RUN GRAPH MARATHON MILES DAILY AVERAGE 100 RUNNING This short program records and graphs out your daily running mileage. It plots the miles and accumulated daily averages (as reset pixels) and stores the data in a file called "JOGDAT.DO" which is opened for you. Happy jogging. Peter Cooperberg 72355,1540 (Checksum: 94,144) [72677,42] Carmen Paone JUXTA.100 Text, Bytes: 2468, Count: 46, 03-May-90 Title : Tool for writers and programmers. Keywords: ASCII BASIC SCROLL WRITERS PROGRAMMING JUXTA COMPARE JUXTA.100 is a tool for writers and programmers. It will compare two DO files and list their differences in a file called ""JUXTA DO." That file can be sent to RAM, saved to DISK (By PWR-DOS) or sent to a line printer. Checksum=165,003 [72737,2150] Will Linden KALEN.DAR Text, Bytes: 1510, Count: 63, 02-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CALENDAR KALENDAR EASTER LITURGICAL RELIGIOUS CHRISTIAN FEASTS A program to compute date of Easter and moveable feasts dependant on it. It seems to work for all Gregorian years up to 2499, so is programmed to report "overflow" for dates outside the limit. Checksum = 97,069 Will Linden [72737,2150] [72517,526] Don Sakers KEPLER.100 Text, Bytes: 7968, Count: 106, 14-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: PLANETS WORLD BUILDING SCIENCE FICTION SCI-FI BASIC DESIGN SPACE A program for science fiction writers and other interested parties: calculates physical values for habitable planets. Will generate habitable planets and their entire planetary systems. Checksum = 493,785 [72517,526] Don Sakers KEPLER.DOC Text, Bytes: 7379, Count: 101, 14-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: PLANETS DOCUMENTATION WORLD BUILDING SPACE SCIENCE FICTION SCI-FI DESIGN Documentation for KEPLER.100 [76703,372] KURVE.100 Text, Bytes: 4470, Count: 54, 15-Jun-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 GRADES CURVE MATH SAT PERCENTILE SCORES This program curves students' grades and prints a list with percentile and SAT style scores. PA=55 [71020,1207] Fred Berney LABEL.100 Text, Bytes: 1667, Count: 36, 03-Sep-94 Title : Program makes audio cassette labels in PC or 100 Keywords: AUDIO CASSETTE LABEL DUPLICATOR BASIC SEMINAR CONVENTION MULTICOPY LABEL.100 is a Model 100 or PC (GW-BASIC) program that prints repetitive copies of audio cassette labels, primarily designed for tape duplicators who are doing on-site seminar and convention cassettes. Designed for continuous, tractor-feed labels and printers that accomodate such use. Program Checksum is 95,866 See instructions for both PC's and Model 100 in the file LABEL.DOC. [72216,512] LABEL.DOC Text, Bytes: 1140, Count: 215, 17-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 MAIL ADDRESS LABEL MERGE Documentation for LABEL.EZ [71020,1207] Fred Berney LABEL.DOC Text, Bytes: 11391, Count: 28, 03-Sep-94 Title : Instructions for audio cassette label program Keywords: AUDIO CASSETTE LABEL DUPLICATOR BASIC SEMINAR CONVENTION MULTICOPY LABEL.100 is a Model 100 or PC (GW-BASIC) program that prints repetitive copies of audio cassette labels, primarily designed for tape duplicators who are doing on-site seminar and convention cassettes. Designed for continuous, tractor-feed labels and printers that accomodate such use. Program Checksum is 95,866 This DOC file contains instructions for use in both the PC and Model 100. [72216,512] LABEL.EZ Text, Bytes: 395, Count: 264, 17-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 MAIL MERGE LABEL ADDRESS Short, very useful label printing program. Nothing fancy ... Just gets the job done. See LABEL.DOC Checksum: 24,906 [70375,1253] Tom MILLS LAT.DO Text, Bytes: 8205, Count: 146, 29-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: AVIATION FLIGHT PLAN BASIC Computes time & distance between legs of a flight and total distance. Checksum = 466,064 PA=127 [73327,3073] Frank Kienast LEARN.BA Text, Bytes: 3560, Count: 83, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 102 ANIMAL GAME LEARN AI CYBERNETICS EXPERT Learning program similar to ANIMAL - computer gets "smarter" with use. Sophisticated version which allows user to deal with any desired "category" or objects, list objects already known at any time, and to save/load files to/from memory. See ANIMAL.DO for sample knowledge file. YOU MUST BE IN CAPS LOCK MODE TO RUN THE PROGRAM. Checksum = 203,195 [70526,1117] LESSON.DO Text, Bytes: 3871, Count: 68, 03-Jun-87 Title : ,643...^Dave^. Thomas Keywords: BASIC 100 102 EDUCATION STUDENT QUESTIONS ANSWERS DISK LESSONS STUDY Multiple choice, True-False program. Enables students to review information or study it for the first time. Sharware Set consists of STUDY.100, LESSON.DO, SCOLAR.DOC. Checksum = 328,643 [72327,1025] Norm Leveillee LESSON.DO Text, Bytes: 648, Count: 45, 30-Nov-89 Title : Sample lesson for use with MASTER.100/.200 Keywords: FRENCH LESSON LANGUAGE MASTER LESSON of French vocabulary to use with MASTER.200 or MASTER.100 Checksum = 56,187 [72247,1272] Steve Caine LET.DO Text, Bytes: 550, Count: 45, 15-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 HEAD HEADLINE EDIT EDITORIAL TYPESET NEWSPAPER This data file stores the widths of each character (in points) for a 32-point headline. Use with HED.BA to write headlines that fit. Refer to HED.DOC for documentation of program. [74025,1026] Terry Irving LINEUP.BA Text, Bytes: 3206, Count: 53, 12-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 TV TELEVISION RADIO LINEUP LINEUP.BA writes a formatted lineup for TV or radio broadcasts. It tracks the total time as you enter and prints out running times for each page. Allows insertion or deletion of lines and saves a format to memory for starting the next day. Checksum: 188,436 [74025,1026] Terry Irving LINEUP.DOC Text, Bytes: 960, Count: 46, 12-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 LINEUP TV RADIO Documentation for LINEUP.BA [70406,445] David O. Rowell LINREG.BA Text, Bytes: 3895, Count: 189, 26-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: STATISTICS REGRESSION ANALYSIS LINEAR CURVE FITTING BASIC 100 200 NEC Fits straight line Y=a+bX to user supplied data pairs entered as data statements. Calculates correlation coefficient, Fratio and ANOVA table. Allows prediction of new Y values for user entered X values. Documented in REM statements within the program. Example data is provided for demo. Checksum: 269,701 [71676,773] LOADER.DOC Text, Bytes: 2440, Count: 157, 28-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC LOADER SHELL DOC Documentation for LOADER.MPC. Checksum: 207,733 [71676,773] LOADER.MPC Text, Bytes: 3925, Count: 73, 28-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC LOADER SHELL A shell loader/utility for managing TMPC with PCSG's 64K RAM and the Chipmunk. Checksum: 250,137 [71676,773] LOADR1.DOC Text, Bytes: 1560, Count: 101, 29-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC LOADER 64K CHIPMUNK Additional documentation to support LOADR1.MPC. Checksum: 128,593 [71676,773] LOADR1.MPC Text, Bytes: 4255, Count: 67, 29-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC LOADER 64K BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PASSWORD LOADR1.MPC is an improved version of LOADER.MPC supporting M/L password. See LOADR1.DOC and LOADER.DOC Checksum: 272,166 [75655,25] LOADTF.100 Text, Bytes: 1025, Count: 149, 13-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC FLOPPY SHELL LOADR1 This is a variation on the LOADR1 shell. Handles only FLOPPY.CO and TMPC.CO. Minimum size was a goal. Checksum = 58,731 [75725,1130] Curtis Garris LOAN.BA Text, Bytes: 1176, Count: 127, 12-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: LOAN AMORTIZATION INTEREST PAYMENT APR BASIC 100 200 102 This short program will figure the monthly payment and the total interest to be paid on a loan. You need only enter the amount of the load, the interest rate, and the number of years required to repay the loan. Checksum = 76,594 [74716,476] George Toft LOAN.SLK Text, Bytes: 2040, Count: 115, 17-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: MSPLAN 100 200 SPREAD SHEET LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENTS A short spreadsheet template (MSPLAN) to calculate monthly payments and costs. Best used on a Tandy 200, but will work fine on a Model 100. Checksum: 145,865 [76672,650] LOANS.100 Text, Bytes: 3890, Count: 254, 12-May-87 Title : Keywords: LOAN CALCULATOR INTEREST PAYMENTS CHART 100 102 BASIC This program will calculate missing loan information. You supply the known values and the computer figures out the missing value. Once all the values are known, a chart of the payments and remaining balance can be printed or sent to a device or RAM file. Checksum = 234,550 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems 76672,650 [76672,650] LOANS.DOC Text, Bytes: 3105, Count: 130, 12-May-87(12-May-87) Title : Keywords: LOAN CALCULATOR INTEREST PAYMENT CHART DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for LOAN.BA which is a loan calculator program which is function key controlled. You supply know values and computer supplys missing ones. A chart can be made from the results and sent to either the printer or any other device(RAM:,COM:,CAS:,MDM:). Checksum=265,213 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems 76672,650 [72507,3172] LOG100.TXT Text, Bytes: 2730, Count: 49, 29-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: SWL LOG MODEL 100 SUPER ROM DATABASE SPREADSHEET How to use a Radio Shack Model 100 to keep a SWL log. Maintains date, time (start and stop), frequency, signal strength, country, station ID, dates QSL sent for and received, and program notes. Requires PCSG's Super ROM. Uses data base and Lucid modules. [70340,335] LOGBK.CA Text, Bytes: 4490, Count: 272, 31-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: LUCID MILEAGE LOGBOOK TAX UTILITY Spreadsheet template for use with LUCID ROM Chip from PCSG. It provides an interactive user-friendly Logbook program for entry of odometer mileage and calculation of trip mileage assigned to specific categories, as required for IRS records. See CASINO.DOC for assistance with conversion to the LOGBK.CA file. Appreciate comments and suggestions... Ralph d. Harris Checksum: 231,851 [74756,413] LOGIC.BAS Text, Bytes: 2540, Count: 69, 21-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: LOGIC OR CIRCUIT EMULATOR LOGIC.BAS & LOGIC.DOC: Simulation program and documentation for logic circuit ( consisting of logical elements ANDs, ORs etc.) development. Checksums: LOGIC.DOC=527,842 (pre-formated for printer) and LOGIC.BAS=153,002 [74756,413] LOGIC.DOC Text, Bytes: 7336, Count: 57, 21-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: LOGIC OR EMULATOR CIRCUIT LOGIC.BAS & LOGIC.DOC: Simulation program and documentation for logic circuit ( consisting of logical elements ANDs, ORs etc.) development. Checksums: LOGIC.DOC=527,842 (pre-formated for printer) and LOGIC.BAS=153,002 [76010,1273] tom Gilchrist LOGIT.100 Text, Bytes: 4517, Count: 58, 06-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: LOG QSL 100 102 PROGRAM LOGIT HAM RADIO ULTRASCREEN CONTEST A Ham Radio QSL/Logging program that uses "full screen" data entry. The program requires ULTRASCREEN which increases the screen size to 60x10. The data files written by LOGIT can be read and used by the CRDFIL series of programs (in standard 40x8 screen mode). Great ideas for programmers. Checksum = 261,098 [76010,1273] tom Gilchrist LOGIT.DOC Text, Bytes: 14115, Count: 50, 07-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: LOG QSL 100 102 PROGRAM LOGIT HAM RADIO ULTRASCREEN CONTEST Updated Documentation for LOGIT.100 program. [73155,1413] LUCFIL.TXT Text, Bytes: 4378, Count: 68, 16-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: LUCID FILE FORMAT MAP This is a map of Lucid, Ver 1.5, file format. Gleaned by trial and error and many RAM dumps. [76317,402] LUCID.TXT Text, Bytes: 8800, Count: 234, 04-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: LUCID 100 SUPER ROM REPORT PRINT INSTRUCTIONS PSCG This file is an attempt at clarification of portions of the PCSG manuals for Lucid/Super ROM that some users find difficult. [73155,1413] LUCNV.BAS Text, Bytes: 6850, Count: 119, 19-Jun-87(19-Jun-87) Title : Keywords: LUCID LOTUS 123 FILE CONVERT CONVERSION BASIC 100 102 TRANSFER LUCNV.BAS is a program to convert Lucid files to a format which can be converted to another spreadsheet, specifically used for Lucid to Lotus transfers. Program checksum = 399,056 [73155,1413] LUCNV.DOC Text, Bytes: 4650, Count: 122, 19-Jun-87(19-Jun-87) Title : Keywords: LUCID LOTUS 123 FILE CONVERSION LUCNV.BAS documentation. LUCNV is a program to convert Lucid files to a form which can be uploaded and converted to Lotus. Useful for those spreadsheets which grow too big for the M100. Dave Lapinski [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst LUCTIP.THD Text, Bytes: 2121, Count: 83, 15-Apr-90 Title : Lucid tips, including 'IF/THEN' math operations Keywords: 100 200 LUCID SUPER ROM SUPERROM SPREADSHEET DATABASE Some Paul Globman tips on Lucid use -- including multiple header lines, and 'conditional' (IF ... THEN) math in spreadsheet calculations. [72327,1025] Norm Leveillee MASTER.100 Text, Bytes: 3644, Count: 59, 30-Nov-89 Title : Customizable teaching program Keywords: MASTER LANGUAGE FLASHCARD DRILL FRENCH SPANISH FOREIGN Language Master for the Tandy M100 found in the PORTABLE 100 Oct 1989 issue./ Checksum = 216,579 [72516,475] Larry Reyka MASTER.BA Text, Bytes: 4905, Count: 116, 20-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 UTILITY FIND TFND SEARCH REPLACE PRINTER SET UP This program combines several programs, many if not all, from this SIG's DL's, into one MASTER program, with menus to select which functions you want. Search and Replace, Textfinding (like FIND or LFND, except results go to NEWFIL.DO instead of screen or printer), sorting, entry to INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS and set up for the Radio Shack DMP105 printer. NOT FOR EVERYONE, BUT SHOWS WHAT A RANK AMATEUR CAN STITCH TOGETHER???? Checksum: 307,188 [72516,475] Larry Reyka MASTER.DOC Text, Bytes: 2650, Count: 124, 26-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 UTILITY FIND TFND SEARCH REPLACE PRINTER SET UP Documentation for MASTER.100 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura MATH.CAT Text, Bytes: 10436, Count: 98, 22-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG MATH CALCULATOR ARITHMETIC GRAPH This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with mathematics. Including calculator, arithmetic drill programs. [70206,1115] James A. McGreevy MATH-1.BA Text, Bytes: 1685, Count: 132, 04-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MATH KIDS GRADE SCHOOL Written for kids, this is a simple program for grade-school children or anyone who wishes to practice their math. You first choose the highest number you wish touse, then any combination of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division. The program asks random selections. Provide a pencil and paper for larger numbers. Checksum = 110,077 PA=14 [70526,1117] MATH2.BF Text, Bytes: 1535, Count: 205, 29-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CALCULATOR MATH ADD SUBTRACT MULTIPLY DIVIDE PER Rather sophisticated calculator that does not require a SHIFT in order to enter "*", "+", "%", or the "^" operators. Allows single or double precision. May be compressed more by stringing of "IF-THEN-ELSE" statements. CHECKSUM = 100,793 PA=161 [75655,1056] METRIC.100 Text, Bytes: 3410, Count: 67, 17-Nov-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 METRIC CONVERSION LITER GALLON KILOMETER MILE Simple program that provides a way to easily convert the more common weights and measures from English to Metric and vice-versa. No documentation required. Menu driven. Enjoy! Bill Templeton. PA=77 [75765,1330] Dave Kert METRIC.BA Text, Bytes: 6090, Count: 66, 27-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: METRIC CONVERSION TABLES This 4K+ program is specially for the Model 100, and is fully menu driven. It is self-explanatory, and quite easy to use. PA=188 [71675,335] MILAGE.100 Text, Bytes: 2540, Count: 95, 27-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: GAS MILEAGE Program to keep track of the 'ol gas guzzler's appetite. Hopeit doesn't get you down. PA=233 [76576,3035] MILES.BA Text, Bytes: 1948, Count: 42, 02-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: MILES MILEAGE TAX RECORD 100 102 200 BASIC Keeps track of tax-deductable milage for multiple users, sorting into separate files by month. CHECKSUM 140,093. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler MINSEC.THD Text, Bytes: 5033, Count: 28, 07-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: MINSEC TIMINGS MINUTES SECONDS MUSIC TAPE CASSETTE MESSAGES THREAD MINSEC.BAS adds minutes and seconds, providing a running total. One use is adding up total running times of various musical selections to see if a certain group of songs will fit on one side of a cassette. These messages deal with changing the program to elimate what was a "minor irritant" to one user. [76703,4311] Eiji Miura MISC.CAT Text, Bytes: 31134, Count: 80, 22-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog Miscellaneous Keywords: CATALOG MISCELLANEOUS PHOTO POSTER BANNER AVIATION This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which cannot be classified with other catalog groups. [71216,1564] Haruko Narumi MLIST.100 Text, Bytes: 5479, Count: 61, 27-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 MAIL MAILING LIST ADRS ADDRESS LABEL New version of MLIST.101 (06-May-84). MLIST lets you add, search, and print names and addresses from ADRS.DO file. This version does not sort ADRS.DO file, so you need to use one of the sorting utilty, such as SORT.LDR in Lib 7, to get the alphabetized list. See MLIST.DOC. PA:556 Checksum = 314,707 [71216,1564] Haruko Narumi MLIST.DOC Text, Bytes: 2180, Count: 517, 22-Apr-84 Title : Keywords: MAILING LIST MODEL 100 DOCUMENTATION Documentation for MLIST.101 [71256,23] MONEY.100 Text, Bytes: 1340, Count: 135, 28-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 FOREIGN MONEY CONVERT CONVERSION CALCULATOR CHANGE This program can convert money to foreign currencies, or can change foreign currency to U.S. dollars. Easy to use, less than 700 bytes. Suggestions or ideas appreciated. Jerry Kohl. PA=176 [70235,1121] MONEY.BA Text, Bytes: 5990, Count: 459, 26-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 MONEY FINANCE ANNUITY IRA FUTURE VALUE AMORT MONEY.BA is a program for financial management. It will compute present value, future value, annuity value, amd monthly payments (with or without amorization table). Line printer optional. Checksum: 338,740 [74716,476] George Toft MONTHY.SLK Text, Bytes: 3060, Count: 158, 18-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: 100 200 MSPLAN MONTHLY CASH FLOW SYLK MONTHY.SLK This SYLK file shows you just where your money goes each month. Comes complete with instructions. Easy and simple to use. CHECKSUM = 201,575 [72737,2662] MORTG.BA Text, Bytes: 1225, Count: 292, 12-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 MORTGAGE LOAN INTEREST PRINCIPAL PAYMENT TERM RATE This BASIC program uses the F keys and a simple spreadsheet-like format to allow the user to input 3 of 4 related unknowns and calculate the 4th variable. The program assigns new meaning to F6 & F7 upon exit. LENGTH=1220 bytes CHKSUM=76,213 [72737,2662] MORTG.DOC Text, Bytes: 1575, Count: 203, 12-Mar-86(14-Mar-86) Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 MORTGAGE LOAN INTEREST PRINCIPAL PAYMENT TERM RATE This file briefly covers the use of MORTG.BA, a convenient little BASIC program to handle most mortgage loan calculations. LENGTH=1218 bytes CHKSUM=107,426 [73106,1627] Mark Lutton MPG.BA Text, Bytes: 10287, Count: 58, 24-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: CONTEST GAS MILEAGE CAR MPG 100 102 200 MPG.BA is a gasoline mileage computer and database for your Tandy 100 or 102. (Untested on Tandy 200 but should work.) Features: Fast, easy data entry; up to 100 data points (more than a year's driving, and you can add more if you wish), automatic on-screen metric/English conversions; statistics; graphs of city, highway, mixed and total mileage! See MPGDOC.DO, MPGTEK.DO Checksum: 613,057 [73106,1627] Mark Lutton MPGDOC.DO Text, Bytes: 14582, Count: 41, 24-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: CONTEST GAS MILEAGE CAR MPG 100 102 200 User Documentation for MPG.BA, the gas mileage computer. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton MPGTEK.DO Text, Bytes: 25093, Count: 26, 24-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: CONTEST GAS MILEAGE CAR MPG 100 102 200 Technical documentation for MPG.BA, in case you want to modify the program or just understand how it works. Useful for programmers. [70721,1000] John D. Arterburn Jr. MPHFPM.BAS Text, Bytes: 730, Count: 40, 29-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: SPEED CONVERT FPM MPH BASIC 100 102 200 This stupid little program is my entry into the 88 Summer Programming contest. Just follow the prompts when you run it. When you're done, the program takes you back to the menu. Checksum = 46,939 [70465,203] Leonard Erickson MSPLAN.001 Text, Bytes: 1391, Count: 157, 08-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 102 MULTIPLAN ROM SPREADSHEET BUGS TIPS A list of tips, bugs, warnings and other info regarding use of the Multiplan ROM chip on the M100/102. Includes a few comments on xfering spreadsheets to/from a IBM or Compatible. [76576,3035] MYTODO.BA Text, Bytes: 1214, Count: 93, 02-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: TODO NOTE SCHEDL 100 102 200 BASIC SCHEDULE Simple Program to add notes to NOTE.DO, plus the date/time it was created, and a check-off line. CHECKSUM 85,502. [75655,1056] NAMES.100 Text, Bytes: 1135, Count: 202, 11-Mar-86 Title : Checksum = 72,319 Keywords: BASIC 100 NAME ADDRESS MAILING LIST ATTENDANCE GROUP MEETINGS Simple but effective program to help you remember names of people you've just met, or to help you track the attendance at a group meeting, or to simply up-date a mailing list. Pass a M100 around the room at meetings, and at the end of meeting, everyone's name, occupation, address and phone number can be found in NAMES.DO, along with the Day, Date & Time at the top of the list. Enjoy! Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers Checksum = 72,319 [76703,446] NAV.100 Text, Bytes: 4320, Count: 256, 01-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 AVIATION NAVIGATION FLIGHT COURSE FUEL COST PILOT BASIC program using rhumb line calculation for flight planning. Needs NAVAID.100 to run, data is stored in text file. PA=180 [72337,1631] Ira Adams NAV100.V44 Text, Bytes: 4755, Count: 178, 14-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 NAVIGATION AVIATION FLIGHT PLAN PILOT TIME COURSE FUEL This is a slight upgrade of Lance Quinn's NAV100 navigation program which calculated flight time, course and fuel costs. This version also calculates aircraft rental cost and provides a graceful exit by pressing the ESC key. Requires the data file NAVAID.100 unless you start your own by following the prompts. Checksum: 278,141 [71500,611] GARY VAN BALEN NAV2.BAS Text, Bytes: 6541, Count: 138, 24-Feb-91 Title : Highway trip navigation program Version 2.0 Keywords: NAV2.BA NAV2.BAS NAV5 NAVIGATION HIGHWAY MAP 100 102 200 BASIC Navigation tool that draws a highway map on the M100-200. Shows milestones, your position, ETAs and fuel remaining. Calculations based on a map file you create in TEXT, elapsed time, and average speed and fuel consumption. Map is displayed in 54/118 mile segments and is "scrollable." Inspired by NAV5 (see Dec 1990 issue of Portable 100). Get NAV2.DOC for documentation 1st. Checksum=384255 [71500,611] GARY VAN BALEN NAV2.DOC Text, Bytes: 15224, Count: 117, 26-Feb-91 Title : Documentation for NAV2.BAS Keywords: NAV2.BA NAV2.BAS NAV5 NAVIGATION HIGHWAY TRIP MAP 100 102 200 Documentation for NAV2.BAS. I suggest you read this before downloading NAV2.BAS to see if NAV2.BAS will work with your system - there's some ML code that may not work for you. [76703,372] NAVAID.100 Text, Bytes: 1855, Count: 309, 15-Jun-83 Title : Keywords: AVIATION NAVIGATION Text file required by NAV.100 to run. PA=243 [73126,1104] NEWCLC.100 Text, Bytes: 5280, Count: 341, 20-Apr-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 RPN CALCULATOR CALC This an RPN calculator program inspired by HPCALC. There is no description of how RPN calculators work in the doc- umentation (which is found in NEWCLC.DOC). I will update the documentation (or include a separate file) to describe RPN. - Back to Xanth - Joel Hassell [73126,1104] NEWCLC.DOC Text, Bytes: 1430, Count: 351, 20-Apr-84 Title : Keywords: RPN CALCULATOR This documents the program NEWCLC.100, which is my attempt to try to create a useful calculator. Please note that in the text I neglect to inform the reader that the memory cells available for STO and RCL are from 00 to 29. Sorry about the omission, but at least I caught it here. - - 'Hi Pokey' -- Gumby [73327,3073] Frank Kienast NEWTON.BA Text, Bytes: 880, Count: 37, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC MATCH EQUATION NEWTON FUNCTION ZEROS Finds zero(s) of a function using Newton's Method. Must have an initial estimate for each zero if more than one. Checksum = 55,919 [73307,1113] NM-OFF.BA Text, Bytes: 2500, Count: 122, 27-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 NAVIGATION PILOTING PILOT DISTANCE PLOT BEARING COURSE Program will find the distance from a fixed object at the time of the second of two bearings taken from a moving vessel on a steady course. The closest approach to the fixed object will also be determined. Checksum: 186,373 Dave Pedigo 73307,1113 [74166,51] LENNY LEEDY NOTE.100 Text, Bytes: 2330, Count: 539, 19-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 NOTE POLICE INFORMATION APPEND DATE TIME NOTE.100 records information and appends the date and time to it. This program was written by members of the St. Petersburg Police Department. See NOTE.DOC for further information. CHECKSUM 118,171 [74166,51] LENNY LEEDY NOTE.DOC Text, Bytes: 1355, Count: 463, 19-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: NOTE.100 DOCUMENTATION NOTE.DOC POLICE This file contains the instructions for use of NOTE.100. This was written by members of the St. Petersburg Police Department. [74765,1673] Barye Phillips NOTE.PAD Text, Bytes: 3024, Count: 197, 05-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: NOTES FILER DATA BASIC 100 102 A compact note keeper for managing lots of small pieces of information. Checksum = 205,048 [70320,174] NTSWAP.100 Text, Bytes: 410, Count: 220, 04-Jul-83 Title : Keywords: Swaps NOTE.DO with another .DO file [74716,476] George Toft NWORTH.SLK Text, Bytes: 3285, Count: 126, 18-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: 100 200 MSPLAN NET WORTH FINANCIAL MONEY NWORTH.SLK This SYLK file computes your net worth. Can be used with either a Model 100 or Tandy 200. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of an individual's net worth, the results may ba surprising. CHECKSUM = 212,774 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst OFFICE.THD Text, Bytes: 7233, Count: 78, 06-May-90 Title : The concept of a 'Portable Office' explored Keywords: 100 200 PORTABLE OFFICE NOTEBOOK ACCESSORIES Message thread that discusses some of the accoutrements of a "Portable Office" -- centered, of course, on a Tandy laptop. Discussion also mentions where to find a six-hole punch for small notebook paper, and a book called =The Portable Office= and where you can get it. [71500,611] GARY VAN BALEN OHMLAW.BAS Text, Bytes: 3204, Count: 95, 13-Sep-90 Title : Ohms Law calculator program Keywords: RESISTANCE OHM CURRENT AMP VOLTAGE VOLT POWER WATT ELECTRONIC CALCULATE OHMLAW solves electronic problems involving volts, current, resistance, and power. Solve for one of the above as a function of two of the others. Written in 'common' BASIC, the program should work on any platform - even 'real' computers. (c) 1990 Gary L. Van Balen Distribution by permission only. CHECKSUM = 181044 [73267,2450] ONLINE.200 Text, Bytes: 975, Count: 128, 25-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 200 100 ONLINE TELCOM COSTS CONNECT TIME ONLINE.200 calculates and stores total costs for each TELCOM session. Great for balancing the budget! Checksum = 58,473 (.BA=710 BYTES) [73267,2450] ONLINE.DOC Text, Bytes: 1320, Count: 103, 25-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 200 100 ONLINE CONNECT TELCOM COSTS DOC file for ONLINE.200 CHECKSUM=104645 .DO=1318 [71500,611] GARY VAN BALEN OPNCHL.BAS Text, Bytes: 5490, Count: 27, 16-Sep-90 Title : open channel design program Keywords: CIVIL ENGINEERING MANNING OPEN CHANNEL FLOW DITCH WATER BASIC 100 OPNCHL calculates the depth of the flow of water in an open channel with a trapezoidal cross section using Manning's Equation. This program is useful for designing and/or checking the flow capacity of open channels (ditches) that can be made with common construction equipment. This is Version 1.0 (c) Gary L. Van Balen All Rights Reserved Distribution By Permission Only Checksum = 348,920 [73327,3073] Frank Kienast OPTIME.100 Text, Bytes: 1685, Count: 101, 07-Aug-87(08-Aug-87) Title : Keywords: OPTIME BASIC 100 102 USAGE RUN TIME CLOCK HOURS This neat little program (really two short programs) actually allows you to see the exact amount of time you spend using your computer! It occupies just 60 bytes of memory, yet keeps track of the total time (to the nearest 0.01 hour) the computer is turned on - regardless of what program is being run! The text file contains instructions and the two .BA programs. Contest Entry in Category A, as a BASIC program Checksum = 123,723 [75715,44] ORDER.FRM Text, Bytes: 2435, Count: 381, 07-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: SALES ORDER ENTRY ORDER.FRM is a program for salesmen in computing the cost of items ordered, Displays item number, number ordered, cost per item, amount, as well as sub- totals, discounts, and grand total. CHECKSUM 169453. [74025,1026] Terry Irving PA.BA Text, Bytes: 10805, Count: 109, 29-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 TV TELEVISION VIDEOTAPE CALCULATOR EXPENSES PRINT here is a package program that should include everything (he says modestly) that a broadcast journalist could need. Takes up about 8.5 k or so. Contains: --calculator that does clock times. --noter that adds in timecode/time-of-day. --expense filer and report generator. --script timer. --script formatter. --search and replace utility. --stopwatch with bells and whistles. Checksum: 646,790 [74025,1026] Terry Irving PA.DOC Text, Bytes: 2320, Count: 101, 29-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 TV RADIO TELEVISION PRODUCTION ASSISTANT PA Documentation for PA.BA. [70721,1312] Chris Ackerman PACE-M.BA Text, Bytes: 4454, Count: 27, 03-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: BASIC PACE Checksum = 298,620 [70721,1312] Chris Ackerman PACE-O.BA Text, Bytes: 4303, Count: 22, 03-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: BASIC PACE Checksum = 289,823 [70721,1312] Chris Ackerman PACE-U.BA Text, Bytes: 7139, Count: 23, 03-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: BASIC PACE Checksum = 487,463 [75735,677] RICHARD HOROWITZ PERFIN.DOC Text, Bytes: 2755, Count: 178, 17-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: FINANCIAL TEMPLATE DOC DIF SPREAD Documentation for PERFIN.TPL, a personal financial program. PA=246 [75735,677] RICHARD HOROWITZ PERFIN.TPL Text, Bytes: 6690, Count: 131, 17-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: FINANCIAL TEMPLATE SPREAD DIF This is a personal financial statement template to be used with SPREAD.WM3. Read PERFIN.DOC for documentation and suggestions onits use to prepare a personal net worth statement. PA=161 [70255,1076] PERSON.BA2 Text, Bytes: 5505, Count: 136, 11-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: PERSONALITY TEST PSYCHOLOGY A 64-item personality test to be interpreted by PERSON.DO. PA=448 [70255,1076] PERSON.DO2 Text, Bytes: 2820, Count: 129, 24-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: DOC PERSONALITY TEST PSYCHOLOGY FAMILY MARRIAGE Provides necessary documentation for use of PERSON.BA2, also in this SIG database. PA=199 [70126,267] PHOTO.BA Text, Bytes: 3780, Count: 165, 30-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 EI CALCULATOR PHOTOGRAPHY ZONE SYSTEM EXPOSURE Here is an EI calculator that computes EI based on: Bellows draw, Zone expansion/contraction, filtration, and reciprosity failure, and creates a log file for use in the darkroom and beyond. See PHOTO.DOC Checksum = 232,447 PA=68 [70126,267] PHOTO.DOC Text, Bytes: 3020, Count: 140, 26-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: DOC PHOTO ZONE SYSTEM Documentation for program PHOTO.BA PA=56 [72677,42] Carmen Paone PICAS.BA Text, Bytes: 1130, Count: 50, 06-Aug-89 Title : Text length vs newspaper column width in picas Keywords: JOURNALISM STORY LENGTH NEWSPAPERS PICAS 100 102 200 PICAS.BA will quickly tell a writer how long his or story is in terms of the modern newspaper column width. It also reminds the writer of the approaching dreaded deadline. Checksum = 86,421 [76703,372] PIE.100 Text, Bytes: 1205, Count: 869, 15-Jun-83 Title : Keywords: PIE CHART This is an example of what can be done even with the small screen of the Model 100. The program draws a pie chart based on numbers you input. Besides the pie is a table showing percentages of each slice. [73327,3073] Frank Kienast PLOT.BA Text, Bytes: 1439, Count: 150, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: 100 200 102 BASIC PLOT MATCH GRAPH EQUATION FUNCTION DISPLAY Plots Y=f(X) on screen over user-specified range of X. Displays min and max values of Y and automatically scales graph accordingly. Checksum = 78,928 [74166,51] LENNY LEEDY POLICE.100 Text, Bytes: 10840, Count: 479, 05-Mar-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 POLICE REPORT This file contains the program used to write police reports for the St. Petersburg Police Department. SEE POLICE.DOC for information on how to use the program. Checksum: 710,586 [74166,51] LENNY LEEDY POLICE.DOC Text, Bytes: 2020, Count: 454, 05-Mar-85 Title : Keywords: POLICE REPORT WRITING PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION This file contains the documentation for POLICE.100, the report writing program for the St. Petersburg Police Department Please contact the: Portable Computer Project St. Petersburg Police Department 1300 1 Av N St. Petersburg FL 33705 [75755,45] PORTCS.TXT Text, Bytes: 5980, Count: 77, 15-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PORTABLE COMPUTERS TECHNICAL BUSINESS TEXT CASE COST PROBLEM SOLUTION This text file discusses various technical and business case histories of a portable computer. These case histories are presented in a problem, solution, and results format. Bottom-line results from using the portable have resulted in over a 1 million dollar cost savings in business dealings. The author has given several talks and has recently published a paper on this subject. E mail 75755,45 for further discussion... [75755,45] PORTNE.TXT Text, Bytes: 12565, Count: 67, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PORTABLE COMPUTER STUDY TEXT ARTICLE BUSINESS This paper discusses case histories and negotiating styles of the portable computer and how it's used in negotiations. The paper will be published in an upcoming magazine artlcle... [75755,45] PORTPR.TXT Text, Bytes: 16843, Count: 58, 24-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: PROGRAMMING Programming in the portable computer environment...away from the office... develops programs which solve real world problems in the business world. This text file discusses several programming techniques and andvantges of programs developed away from the office. [75765,374] POSTER.100 Text, Bytes: 3040, Count: 521, 13-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 BANNER POSTER PRINTER POSTER.100 (formerly BANNER.100) is a program that prints your message in large letters on your printer. It was adapted with few modifications from a program published in "Incider" magazine. PA=586 [73125,616] PPCAL.BA Text, Bytes: 2580, Count: 436, 28-May-84 Title : Keywords: CALENDAR IN THE YEAR 1582, POPE GREGORY ADAPTED THE CURRENT CALENDAR. THIS CALENDAR WILL DISPLAY ANY MONTH OF ANY YEAR BETWEEN 1582 AND 10000. LEFT ARROW = PREVIOUS MONTH RIGHT ARROW = NEXT MONTH UP ARROW = NEXT YEAR DOWN ARROW = PREVIOUS YEAR DEL = NEW DATE ESC = END PROGRAM PROGRAM HANDY TO HAVE FOR PLANNING. BOB JACK [73125,616] PPCAL.SRC Text, Bytes: 8850, Count: 42, 11-Jul-84 Title : Keywords: PERPETUAL CALENDAR Everyone knows how to program in BASIC, right??? So what do you do with an Assembler??? Well, here is a good example!!! This is a M/L version of my Perpetual Calendar (PPCAL.BA). The Up and Down arrows are for the years, and the Right and Left arrows are for the months. Try them, you'll like them. The DEL key resets for a new date, and the ESC key returns to the Menu. -- Bob Jack (Sysop note: 84 accesses prior to being moved to this section) [73720,2456] PROCAL.BAS Text, Bytes: 5543, Count: 149, 24-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: PROJECT CALENDAR SCHEDULE TIME BASIC 100 102 200 PROCAL.100 (PROject CALendar) will output a monthly calendar (it requires a 80 column printer) for all or any specific project. It requires that you maintain a sorted NOTE.DO file. Each record containing 6 fields represents a task concerning a specific project. See 2 sample output files in PROCAL.FIL. Also read PROCAL.DOC for instructions. CHECKSUM = 323,506 [73720,2456] PROCAL.DOC Text, Bytes: 5136, Count: 139, 28-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: PROJECT CALENDAR SCHEDULE TIME CHART DOCUMENTATION Documentation for PROCAL.100. [73720,2456] PROCAL.FIL Text, Bytes: 7409, Count: 96, 28-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: PROJECT CALENDAR SCHEDULE TIME DOCUMENTATION Sample output files when using PROCAL.100. [72216,512] PROCAL.TIP Text, Bytes: 2124, Count: 99, 26-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: PROCAL TODO APPOINTMENTS CALENDAR Procal.Ba used with Todo.Plp. Allows the features of both programs to be utilized with very little effort. Ram or Disk use. Function key ease. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PRTSCA.BAS Text, Bytes: 3358, Count: 24, 24-Jul-88 Title : 125 Keywords: SCA FILES LIBRARIES PRINT FORMAT SORT FILTER IBM ASCII BASIC PRTSCA.BAS/EXE is an IBM-compatible program to process captured CIS SCAn files, providing total files, accesses and bytes. The EXE program is free- standing. The ASCII BAS file requires BASICA or GW-BASIC to run. Operation is prompted. Input file is a SCAn Log file; output is a file with files sorted and total file statistics. No other program is needed. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PRTSCA.EXE Bin, Bytes: 25797, Count: 19, 24-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: SCAN FILES LIBRARIES PRINT FORMAT SORT FILTER IBM EXE BINARY PRTSCA.BAS/EXE is an IBM-compatible program to process captured CIS SCAn files, providing total files, accesses and bytes. It is based on Tony Anderson's PRNSCN.BAS in this Library. The EXE program is free-standing. The ASCII BAS file requires BASICA or GW-BASIC to run. Operation is prompted. Input file is a SCAn Log file; output is a file with files sorted and total file statistics. No other program is needed. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [75655,1516] PSEUDO.DOC Text, Bytes: 1290, Count: 280, 07-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: ADDRSS ADRS NOTE SCHEDL Documentation to PSEUDO.HEX. PSEUDO allows you to Find and Lfnd like ADDRSS, and also lets you add to the .DO file. Don Corbitt 75655,1516 [75655,1516] PSEUDO.HEX Text, Bytes: 680, Count: 212, 07-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: ADDRSS ADRS NOTE SCHEDL PSEUDO allows you to Find and Lfnd like ADDRSS, and also lets you add to the DO file. DonCorbitt 75655,1516 See PSEUDO.DOC [75655,1516] PSEUDO.MAC Text, Bytes: 2770, Count: 131, 07-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: ADDRSS ADRS NOTE SCHEDL PSEUDO allows you to Find and Lfnd like ADDRSS, and also lets you add to the DO file. Don Corbitt 75655,1516 This is the M80 source code to the program. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PTODO.TMP Text, Bytes: 1254, Count: 57, 25-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC-SYS TMPC TODO TO-DO CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM ACROATIX Sample TMPC support program that prints the entire contents of the to-do warehouse to the screen or printer. Checksum = 78,801 See TMPC.INF for extremely important information and instructions. [70526,1117] QTIME.BA Text, Bytes: 1350, Count: 231, 24-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 NEC OLIVETTI TIME ROUTINE A program for those that don't like to be on time for appointments, those that dislike the 24 hour clock &/or digital time, and those that are sick and tired of the fantastic accuracy of their computers. A stand alone program, but ready to be inserted as a subroutine. Checksum: 89,161 Enjoy the 100 way ... .^Dave^. [71216,1564] Haruko Narumi QUADEQ.100 Text, Bytes: 3745, Count: 80, 05-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: MATH QUADRATIC EQUATION Solves quadratic equations. The program can handle imaginary number (I). Checksum = 225,457 PA=62 [75655,1056] QZ-100.BA Text, Bytes: 2412, Count: 38, 21-Aug-87 Title : empleton - Danville Tigers Keywords: FUN GAME QUIZ TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS This TRUE/FALSE quiz will test your knowledge in four areas of interest: Disney movies & characters, Art & Entertainment, Boxing, and the history of Horse Racing. You will need these four files for QZ-100.BA to work: DISNEY.DO ARTS.DO BOXING.DO HORSES.DO You will spoil the fun if you look at the answers in these four files before taking the quiz... See 'Honor Code' in REMs... checksum = 157,721 Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers [72145,540] REGATA.BA Text, Bytes: 9730, Count: 64, 27-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 SAIL SAILBOAT YACHT RACE PORTSMOUTH REGATTA CONTEST Yacht race scoring program. This program takes data from up to six sailboat races with thirty contestants, scores the series either by using PHRF or the Portsmouth system. Each place receives points equal to the finish position; First place receives 3/4 of a point. DSQ (Disqualified) and DNF (Did Not Finish) receive number of finishers plus one; DNS (Did Not Start) is number of starters plus one. Comments? See REGATA.DOC Checksum: 585,995 [72145,540] REGATA.DOC Text, Bytes: 5155, Count: 63, 26-May-85 Title : Keywords: SAIL YACHT RACE REGATTA PHRF PORTSMOUTH SCORING Documentation for REGATA.BA. The description for did not mention that the system also handles throw-out races! Documentation is short, as the system is primarily menu- driven. [72345,1706] REGRES.BA Text, Bytes: 2310, Count: 246, 24-May-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS COEFFICIENT PEARSON ESTIMATE This program performs complete linear regression analysis on X,Y data, including line equation, coefficient of determination, Pearson product moment, and standard error of the estimate. You can change data, add data, and the program will recalculate all statistics and save the final data and analysis to a ram file. [75655,1516] REMIND.100 Text, Bytes: 575, Count: 606, 04-Mar-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 REMIND APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE Remind.100 is a simple program that checks NOTE.DO each time the model 100 is turned on to see if there are any appointments for the current day. You can remind yourself of appointments the day before if you enter the date of the day before your appointment Checksum: 45,255 [73226,2751] Bill Martin REPORT.TXT Text, Bytes: 7546, Count: 88, 23-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE REPORT TELCOM TELECOMMUTER WESTMINSTER CAFRS Following the St. Petersburg model, the City of Westminster, Colorado, Police Department is using notebook sized portable computers (Model 100/102's) to take police reports in the field. Officers are writing their reports on their 100's and then transmitting them via modem to a host micro in the station. This 7.5K text file describes the program, equipment, and experience at Westminster. [73126,672] RESIST.100 Text, Bytes: 2010, Count: 146, 08-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CALCULATOR RESISTOR OHMS This is a highly modified, 1K byte shorter, version of RESCOD.100 by Ray Schwarz. It converts color bands to ohms and back. Error trapping added - bugs removed. Checksum = 116,724 [72737,2551] RESLAB.100 Text, Bytes: 2480, Count: 37, 29-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: LABEL ELECTRONIC PARTS BINS SHOP WORK IDENTIFY Program RESLAB.100 prints a set of standard value resistance labels to be attached to parts bins. Three sheets of labels, four wide by nine long (3/8" X 1,"), required. Checksum = 161,880 [70126,1417] Donald M. Galt RETIRE.BAS Text, Bytes: 1405, Count: 94, 20-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 FINANCE RETIREMENT RETIRE MONEY CALCULATION SAVING A basic program used to determine savings required to retire. Allows for inflation, living standard input, % rate while saving and during retirement, years of retirement and years until retirement. Could be used for any defined savings prgram. Checksum = 93329 Copyright 1989 Don Galt [73300,2217] Steve Petit RFPATH.100 Text, Bytes: 7306, Count: 54, 12-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: RF PATH CALUCATE RADIO SYSTEM GAIN LOSS SPACE DB BASIC Program calculates the gains and losses of a Radio System from the radio transmitter to the radio receiver through free space. Highly technical. Checksum = 458,411 [73300,2217] Steve Petit RFPATH.DOC Text, Bytes: 2894, Count: 52, 07-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: RF PATH CALCULATIONS RADIO SYSTEM GAINS LOSSES Calculates the gains and losses of a Radio system from the radio transmitter to the radio receiver. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler ROCKT2.BA Text, Bytes: 4780, Count: 51, 23-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 ROCKET ANALYSIS ROCKT2 solves the basic equation for a single-stage rocket in the absence of drag and gravity. It is intended to facilitate exploration of the effects of varying initial weight in orbit, final weight in orbit, and velocity change requirement/capability. The user can also vary the other important parameter, specific impulse. o Written by John Love o Uploaded and supported here by Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler ROCKT2.DOC Text, Bytes: 1710, Count: 40, 23-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 ROCKET ANALYSIS ROCKT2 solves the basic equation for a single-stage rocket in the absence of drag and gravity. It is intended to facilitate exploration of the effects of varying initial weight in orbit, final weight in orbit, and velocity change requirement/capability. The user can also vary the other important parameter, specific impulse. o Written by John Love o Uploaded and supported here by Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [75735,1635] RPNCAL.100 Text, Bytes: 5930, Count: 262, 29-Jul-84 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 RPN SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR CHECKSUM 366911. This program will make the Model 100 into a full-function RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) scientific calculator, designed to closely emulate the functions and operation of an HP scientific calculator. See RPNCAL.DOC for description of features. [72506,15] RPNCAL.100 Text, Bytes: 3059, Count: 113, 22-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: CALC CALCULATOR RPN HP-35 This short program emulates the original HP-35 calculator. It is written to run on the LCD display. A RPN calculator program to be kept i Larry Reddig - 72506,15 Checksum = 177,370 [76703,446] RPNCAL.BF Text, Bytes: 5220, Count: 338, 31-Jul-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 RPN SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR POLISH NOTATION This program will make the Model 100 into a full-function RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) scientific calculator, designed to closely emulate the functions and operation of an HP scientific calculator. This file is Byte Fyter's compression of Terry's program. Operation SHOULD be identical but requires 12% less RAM. See RPNCAL.DOC for description of features. Checksum = 327,693 [75735,1635] RPNCAL.DOC Text, Bytes: 4320, Count: 404, 29-Jul-84 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 RPN SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR DOCUMENTATION Documentation for RPNCAL.100 [72227,2233] SAVING.100 Text, Bytes: 3700, Count: 62, 01-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 SAVINGS INVESTMENTS ANNUITY COMPOUND INTEREST FUTURE VALUE This program will compute future value of set sum of series of payments, and required payment to get a sum. Checksum: 249,536 [71555,1144] BILL ELKINS SCALC.BA Text, Bytes: 375, Count: 324, 22-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR CALC CALCULATOR USING BASIC SYNTAX. THIS PROGRAM ACTUALLY WRITES ANOTHER PROGRAM THAT WILL COMPUTE THE ANSWER AND THEN RETURN TO THIS PROGRAM. DOWNLOAD THIS FILE AND NAME IT CALC.BA. ANOTHER FILE WILL BE OPENED CALLED CAL.DO, SO BE SURE YOU DO NOT ALREADY HAVE A FILE WITH THAT NAME. Checksum: 21,590 [70506,553] SCALE.ENG Text, Bytes: 1265, Count: 205, 27-May-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ENGINEERING SCALING DRAWING DRAFTING DESIGNING DESIGN DRAW Enter in two dimensions as prompted. The function allows you to perform calculations in interactive BASIC, then with your scale intact. Future enhancemnts planned: toggling between feet or inches for either input or output. Line 1 allows you to enter in your quitting time as HOURS.DECIMAL HOURS .. Enjoy tiny computers and be productive! [72116,1374] Robert Smith SCHDA.TAX Text, Bytes: 4310, Count: 61, 06-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: SCHEDULE FEDERAL TAX RETURN INCOME SUPER ROM Use with Super ROM. Load and change to SCHDA>CA with CHANGE.BA. Must be used with F1040.TAX,SCHDB.TAX,SCHDW.TAX,F2441.TAX Checksum: 226,047 [71675,335] SCHDUL.100 Text, Bytes: 2850, Count: 377, 02-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: NOTE.DO SORT SELECTIVE DELETE This program is intended to facilitate sorting, selectivly deleting, and deleting prior to a given date - your NOTE.DO file. The NOTE.DO file must be in the form ' MM/DD/YY, NOTE '. Keep in mind that the entire NOTE.DO file is brought into working storage, so in effect you will need room for an additional copy of the file in memory, so use 'DELETE OLD RECORDS' often. Suggestions are welcome! Roger Strand [71675,335] [73106,1627] Mark Lutton SCHEDA.SRM Text, Bytes: 4863, Count: 40, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: LUCID SUPER ROM INCOME TAX 1986 100 102 1986 Schedule A for Super ROM users. Read and Heed TAXINS.DO first ! Checksum: 246,992 [73106,1627] Mark Lutton SCHEDB.SRM Text, Bytes: 2175, Count: 34, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: LUCID SUPER ROM INCOME TAX 1986 100 102 1986 Schedule B for Super ROM users. Read and Heed TAXINS.DO first ! Checksum: 113,605 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura SCHEDL.CAT Text, Bytes: 23485, Count: 155, 13-May-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG SCHEDULE CLOCK ALARM APPOINTMENT DIARY CALENDAR TIME ZONE TMPC This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with scheduling, appointments, remianders, diaries, calendars, clocks, alarms, and time zones. [70526,1117] SCOLAR.DOC Text, Bytes: 8417, Count: 57, 03-Jun-87 Title : ,643...^Dave^. Thomas Keywords: BASIC 100 102 EDUCATION STUDENT QUESTIONS ANSWERS DISK LESSONS STUDY Multiple Choice &/or True/False questions. STUDY is a program that enables students to review information or study it for the first time; the program utilizes lessons on file, in RAM or disk, to provide questions, additional information, and correct answers. Shareware Complete set: STUDY.100, LESSON.DO, SCOLAR.DOC [71266,125] Phil Wheeler SCPSIT.THD Text, Bytes: 2520, Count: 42, 05-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: SCRIPTSIT WRITE LINEFEED LF LFUTL 100 102 MESSAGES THREAD There have been several recent questions regarding the use of linefeed patches with SCRIPTSIT from Tandy (aka the non-ROM version of WRITE+ from PCSG). These programs have a conflict with the most commonly used LF patch, LFUTL.PW1. This is a short series of messages discussing this issue. [72457,3343] SEARCH.MPC Text, Bytes: 1725, Count: 131, 08-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC SEARCH UTILITY BASIC 100 This BASIC program searches a TMPC task file for appointments containing a user specified text string. Checksum 113,919. Written by E. Giese / Acroatix Inc. [70165,1365] michael a. lampert SECPRT.CHP Text, Bytes: 665, Count: 73, 16-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: STOCK PORTFOLIO SECURITIES MANAGEMENT TRACKING DOW CHIPMUNK DISK This file enables you to use a Chipmunk with SECPRT. Probably will work with DVI too, but hasn't been tested. Download SECPRT.DOC and SECPRT.MAL first, and convert SECPRT.MAL to a BA file. DO NOT CONVERT THIS FILE TO A .BA FILE. Rather, having LOADed SECPRT.MAL into BASIC, type MERGE"DISK" (or whatever name you downloaded this under) at the OK prompt, and press ENTER. Checksum=41,317 [70165,1365] michael a. lampert SECPRT.DOC Text, Bytes: 9530, Count: 144, 27-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: STOCK PORTFOLIO SECURITIES MANAGEMENT TRACKING GRAPH MODEM DOW JONES PRICES Approx. 9400 byte description of and documentation for first version of SECPRT.MAL. Please read before using program. Only change for version 2 ( uploaded 7/4/85) is deletion of printer busy test in line 700. Comments IV. B. & C. are of less relevence now. [70165,1365] michael a. lampert SECPRT.MAL Text, Bytes: 12845, Count: 149, 12-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 STOCK PORTFOLIO SECURITIES GRAPH MODEM DOW JONES Version 2.1 of SECPRT.MAL. SECPRT.DOC describes Ver. 1 and is still largely correct. This version: (1) Fixes misc. bugs identified in earlier versions. (2) Adjusts to the new (spring '85) DJNR software that sends 2 ^Q's. N.B. You must insert your DJNR password in line 250 in place of PASSWORD; your local Telenet # in 260. Checksum: 804,629 As a .BA file about 9600 bytes. Prior versions accessed > 150 times. [71066,155] Mike Aiello SHELL.BA Text, Bytes: 4280, Count: 89, 25-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: SHELL TEMPLATE APPLICATION BASIC SHELL.BA is an application template written in BASIC. See file SHELL.DOC for details. Checksum = 261,057 [71066,155] Mike Aiello SHELL.DOC Text, Bytes: 1791, Count: 103, 24-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: SHELL TEMPLATE APPLICATION BASIC Documentation file for SHELL.BA. [72677,42] Carmen Paone SLIM.BA Text, Bytes: 8383, Count: 64, 11-May-90 Title : slim.BA is a diet program for 100,102,200. Keywords: DIET BASIC ASCII CALORIES FOOD 100 102 200 LOOKUP TABLE slim.BA will help the user keep track of the amount of calories consumed in a day's time. The program has provisions for meal headers, serving entries, and notes, all of which are put into a "Diet.DO" file. Included is a databank of foods and drinks and their calorie contents. Checksum = 576,514 [72206,3667] SMAIR1. Text, Bytes: 4115, Count: 52, 29-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: STAMP SPREADSHEET SPREAD.WM3 AIR MAIL This sample model is for stamp collectors. This particular model is for U.S. airmail collectors. For 24K Model 100. Set spreadsheet column to "O" & then load. Checksum: 181,820 [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND SMLOAN.BA Text, Bytes: 758, Count: 56, 10-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: LOAN PAYMENT MONEY MONTHLY M100 THIS PROGRAM COMPUTES PAYMENTS ON LOANS. YOU CAN ENTER THE LOAN AMOUNT AND AMOUNT OF DOWN PAYMENT OR JUST LOAN AMOUNT AND ZERO FOR DOWN PAYMENT. THE PROGRAM IS MENU DRIVEN. CHECKSUM=41,380 [70235,232] Woods Martin SMMORT.DO Text, Bytes: 4255, Count: 507, 07-Mar-85 Title : Keywords: MINIVC SPREAD SPREADSHEET DVI MODEL Sample Model for SPREAD.WM3 Mortgage schedule - see Mar 85 Portable 100 Note: After loading model into SPREAD, goto H23 and enter GRPH' which is ASCII 140 and provides formfeed for printing. See article. FILEN length 4253 bytes DOWNCK cksum 211,157 (12/25/84 version 298 accesses) Woods Martin 03/07/85 [70235,232] Woods Martin SMNUT1.DO Text, Bytes: 400, Count: 662, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET MODEL Sample model for SPREAD.WM3 Penurious Peanut Co. - see Dec 84 Portable 100 FILEN length 401 bytes DOWNCK cksum 18,536 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [70235,232] Woods Martin SMPNUT.DO Text, Bytes: 1060, Count: 538, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET MODEL Sample model for SPREAD.WM3 Penurious Peanut Co. - see Feb 85 Portable 100 FILEN length 1058 bytes DOWNCK cksum 52,572 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [70003,1514] SNOOZR.100 Text, Bytes: 2110, Count: 320, 08-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: SNOOZE ALARM CLOCK MUSIC SNOOZR.100 is an update of the old SNOOZR.RPL. The code has been cleaned up and condensed, and the tune and rhythm are somewhat more accurate. It plays the 1812 Overture, upon reaching the set time, and the space bar resets the alarm ahead 10 minutes. Bob Luley PA= 468 [76475,1653] SONNE.100 Text, Bytes: 935, Count: 102, 07-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 SOUND ALARM TIME WAKE Sonnerie qui indique l'heure et qui sonne a l'heure qu'on veut. Simple alarm that displays time and sounds at time set. Checksum: 50,485 [76077,2405] SPADAS.001 Text, Bytes: 1664, Count: 67, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT DIAGRAMING TRAFFIC REPORTS St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] Introductory document. [76077,2405] SPADAS.002 Text, Bytes: 1664, Count: 61, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT DIAGRAMING TRAFFIC REPORTS St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] AGENCY.DO file documentation [76077,2405] SPADAS.003 Text, Bytes: 4992, Count: 76, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT DIAGRAMING TRAFFIC REPORTS St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] Function Key and Edit Command Quick reference guide. [76077,2405] SPADAS.BA Bin, Bytes: 27008, Count: 48, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT DIAGRAM TRAFFIC REPORTS DRAW St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] This file contains 8-bit characters; download with Xmodem or under an 8-bit protocol. Program size in .BA form is 20,442 bytes. Checksum = 1,757,368 [76077,2405] SPADAS.DOC Text, Bytes: 44160, Count: 46, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT DIAGRAMING TRAFFIC REPORT St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] Complete documentation and instructions for the SPADAS programs. At 44K, this file should be echoed to a printer, or downloaded into a computer with sufficient RAM space to receive it. [70235,232] Woods Martin SPAT01.WM3 Text, Bytes: 160, Count: 609, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET PATCH Optional patch for SPREAD.WM3 Normally SPREAD will expect the CRT to be used if the DVI is enabled. This patch allows the user to select LCD or CRT display at initialization time. To install, with SPREAD.BA loaded, type MERGE SPAT01. FILEN length 157 bytes DOWNCK cksum 9,759 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [70235,232] Woods Martin SPAT02.WM3 Text, Bytes: 180, Count: 856, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET PATCH Optional patch for SPREAD.WM3 For advanced users with 32K machines. Allows the string space CLEAR statement and the column/row array dimensions to be set by user input at initialization time. Normal defaults may be retained by pressing ENTER at each query. To install, with SPREAD.BA loaded, type MERGE SPAT02. FILEN length 177 bytes DOWNCK cksum 11,729 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [73577,3041] Mike K. Audleman SPEAKR.DOC Text, Bytes: 7625, Count: 33, 28-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: DOC SPEAKER DVI CONSTRUCTION M100 Documentation for SPEAKR.DVI, a program to calculate speaker cabinet dimensions. [73577,3041] Mike K. Audleman SPEAKR.DVI Text, Bytes: 5744, Count: 39, 28-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: BASIC SPEAKER DESIGN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING DVI 100 102 This is a program that will aid the user in designing a speaker enclosure from just the spec sheet provided with the speaker. Computes the golden ratio for W-H-D, calculates the volume, resonant frequency and the low end roll-off frequency. Will also step through various dimentions and point out the optimum and near optimum dimentions. Formulas based on the Radio Shack book on building Speaker Enclosures. Chksum: 384,742 [72126,1173] SPELLR.BA Text, Bytes: 2425, Count: 122, 07-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 SPELL SPELLER TUTOR TEACH WORDS This program uses five data files of words you supply to help teach your child to spell. Load five files named ONE.DO thru FIVE.DO with your words, separated from each other by a comma, in ascending difficulty. The program will count how many you supply, and randomly present them for spelling. Comments on the logic are included within. Checksum: 161,003 [70235,232] Woods Martin SPRDOC.WM3 Text, Bytes: 11465, Count: 2816, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET DOCUMENTATION Documentation for SPREAD.WM3 Be sure to also download SPRGLO.WM3 for general instructions and a glossary of terms. FILEN length 11462 bytes DOWNCK cksum 937,989 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [70235,232] Woods Martin SPREAD.WM3 Text, Bytes: 11600, Count: 948, 10-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 SPREAD MINIVC DVI TDD TS-DOS POWR-DISK (5637 previous accesses incl MINIVC.WM3) Full featured spreadsheet for Model 100/200. Supports DVI & TDD w/ TS-DOS or Powr-Disk. 24K required. See files in DL 4: SPRGLO.WM3 description & glossary VITAL SPRDOC.WM3 more documentation VITAL SPRVAR.WM3 variable xref SPRLIN.WM3 line number xref SPAT01.WM3, SPAT02.WM3 optional patches SMNUT1.DO, SMPNUT.DO, SMMORT.DO DOWNCK cksum 746,703 Woods Martin [70235,232] Woods Martin SPRGLO.WM3 Text, Bytes: 5000, Count: 2083, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET DOCUMENTATION For SPREAD.WM3 Program description - new features Downloading instructions Glossary of terms FILEN length 4997 bytes DOWNCK cksum 420,789 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [70235,232] Woods Martin SPRLIN.WM3 Text, Bytes: 3700, Count: 645, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET DOCUMENTATION Line number cross reference for SPREAD.WM3 FILEN length 3701 bytes DOWNCK cksum 142,418 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [70235,232] Woods Martin SPRPA4.WM3 Text, Bytes: 1365, Count: 223, 08-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC MODEL.100 SPREAD SPREADSHEET VISICALC FILES PATCH Patch for SPREAD.WM3 to read/write DIF type data files instead of the standard SPREAD Data Transfer files. DIF files occupy almost twice the memory and do not preserve individual element formatting but they do offer compatibility with VisiCalc type programs. LOAD SPREAD.WM3 into RAM memory and then MERGE SPRPA4.WM3. Save. Patch is not reversible so save the original SPREAD. Checksum 88,245 [70235,232] Woods Martin SPRVAR.WM3 Text, Bytes: 13130, Count: 513, 25-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: SPREAD MINIVC DVI SPREADSHEET DOCUMENTATION Variable cross reference for SPREAD.WM3 FILEN length 13128 bytes DOWNCK cksum 644,290 Woods Martin 12/25/84 [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM01.TIP Text, Bytes: 7965, Count: 250, 30-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP UPDATE FORMAT TEXT SORT This is a tip file for people having problems with the manuals for Super ROM v. 1.8. It describes what's where and has some clarifications. It's a "Work in Progress." (Note: this corrects an error in the previous upload about width format options.) [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM02.TIP Text, Bytes: 12155, Count: 159, 09-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP TBL SPREADSHEET PCSG SROM02.TIP and SROM03.TIP are a description of the TBL function in LUCID, using two simple examples. They are intended for the new user who may be finding it difficult to grasp the concept underlying this function. SROM02.TIP is 12,011 bytes, checksum=928,911. SROM03.TIP is 7,187 bytes, checksum=577,056. Algis Kaupas [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM03.TIP Text, Bytes: 7270, Count: 141, 09-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP TBL SPREADSHEET PCSG SROM02.TIP and SROM03.TIP are a description of the TBL function in LUCID, using two simple examples. They are intended for the new user who may be finding it difficult to grasp the concept underlying this function. SROM02.TIP is 12,011 bytes, checksum=928,911. SROM03.TIP is 7,187 bytes, checksum=577,056. Algis Kaupas [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM04.TIP Text, Bytes: 3145, Count: 111, 09-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP TBL SPREADSHEET EXAMPLE TEMPLATE SROM04.TIP. A "real world" application of Lucid's TBL function: an overtime calculator for work performed under the NABET Local 15 commercials contract. It requires Lucid on Superrom and CHANGE.BA from DL4. 3142 bytes as a HEX file; 1523 bytes in .CA form. Checksum = 163,117 [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM05.TIP Text, Bytes: 3885, Count: 108, 09-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP TBL SPREADSHEET EXAMPLE TEMPLATE SROM05.TIP. Documentation for SROM04.TIP. Includes instructions on using CHANGE.BA to change HEX file to SROM Lucid .CA format. 3830 bytes. [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM06.TIP Text, Bytes: 10535, Count: 172, 01-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP REPORT DATA BASE ADDRESS SROM06.TIP contains templates and instructions for keeping a client data base, and using Lucid's report function to generate a client address book, mailing list and telephone list. 10,419 bytes. [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM07.TIP Text, Bytes: 9240, Count: 104, 01-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP TBL SPREADSHEET EXAMPLE TEMPLATE SROM07.TIP by Algis Kaupas [73327,3157] This file is for those who would like to see a filled-in sample database for CLIENT.CA as sescribed in SROM06.TIP. It contains a HEX file for conversion to CA format with CHANGE.BA from DL4, and sample report printouts. Checksum: 571,186 [73167,630] SROM08.TIP Text, Bytes: 2790, Count: 162, 06-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: ROM 100 LUCID SUPER-ROM PCSG DATA CELL TIPS Tips on using Portable Computer Support Group's Super ROM, specifically LUCID DATA and virtual cell references. [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM09.TIP Text, Bytes: 4250, Count: 154, 13-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP REPORT DATA BASE ADDRESS SROM09.TIP is a brief potpourri of tips supplementing the description of the client database in SROM06 and 07. It mentions other programs in the DL's that are useful in shaping and using Lucid databases. 4,180 bytes [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM10.TIP Text, Bytes: 13890, Count: 114, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PCSG SUPER ROM LUCID SPREADSHEET CHECKBOOK REGISTER TEMPLATE SROM10.TIP describes a simple check register for Superrom Lucid. SROM11.TIP has the blank template in HEX form, and requires CHANGE.BA from DL4 for conversion to .CA format. SROM10.TIP=13,885 bytes [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM11.TIP Text, Bytes: 7550, Count: 90, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PCSG SUPER ROM LUCID SPREADSHEET CHECKBOOK REGISTER TEMPLATE SROM11.TIP is a blank template for CKREG.CA, the simple check register described in SROM10.TIP, in HEX form. Requires CHANGE.BA from DL4 for conversion to .CA format. Checksum: 483,586 [73327,3157] Algis Kaupas SROM12.TIP Text, Bytes: 2550, Count: 92, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PCSG SUPER ROM LUCID SPREADSHEET CHECKBOOK REGISTER INPUT TEMPLATE SROM12.TIP contains CKREG.DO, a view input template for CKREG.CA, the simple check register described in SROM10.TIP and SROM11.TIP. File size=2550 bytes. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton SROM13.TIP Text, Bytes: 6152, Count: 109, 22-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: SUPER ROM 100 LUCID MANUALS TIP IMPORT How to "import" data into the Super ROM version of LUCID by pasting from the Text buffer. Useful technique for entering large tables of data, but it has its limitations. [72227,1661] Paul Globman SROM14.TIP Text, Bytes: 2670, Count: 59, 20-Jul-90 Title : IF...THEN...ELSE decision making with SuperROM. Keywords: PCSG SUPERROM SUPER ROM LUCID SPREADSHEET DATA CELL TIP IF SROM14.TIP is a description of how to perform IF...THEN...ELSE decisions within a single cell without the use of lookup tables. cksm = 213325 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura SSHEET.CAT Text, Bytes: 13181, Count: 154, 22-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG SPREAD SHEET MSPLAN LUCID SUPER ROM This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with spreadsheet programs, including calcsheet and templates. [71646,1276] STAT.RD Text, Bytes: 1040, Count: 380, 09-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: SPREADSHEET STANDARD DEVIATION STATISTICS MINIVC A TEMPLATE WHICH, WHEN LOADED INTO MINIVC.WM3 ALLOWS THE CALCULATION OF SIMPLE STATISTICS. SEE STATRD.DOC. [75655,1056] STATES.CA Text, Bytes: 9130, Count: 31, 02-Mar-86 Title : m: 485,584 Keywords: 100 LUCID SPREADSHEET TBL TABLE LOOKUP COMMAND HEX This HEX file can be converted to a .CA program using CHANGE.BA in DL7. The size of the HEX file is 9127 bytes, and converts to a 4441 byte file which should work with all versions of Lucid, but will require normal conversion to the newer Super Lucid format. It is an example of Lucid's TBL (table lookup) command. Name a state stored in the worksheet and guess the capital city. Enjoy! Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers Checksum: 485,584 [71646,1276] STATIS.RD Text, Bytes: 11475, Count: 395, 21-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: STATISTICS CHI SQUARE REGRESSION T TEST STANDARD DEVIATION BIOSTATISTICS Several programs which can assist in the choice of a statistical method in a study, and perform the ones above. [71646,1276] STATRD.DOC Text, Bytes: 680, Count: 440, 10-Mar-84 Title : Keywords: STANDARD DEVIATION SPREADSHEET STATISTICS VARIANCE MINIVC DOCUMENTATION FOR STAT.RD, A .DO FILE WHICH WHEN LOADED INTO MINIVC.WM3 ALLOWS CALCULATION OF SIMPLE STATISTICS. [70721,3223] RON VANBENTHUSEN STERID.100 Text, Bytes: 3615, Count: 37, 14-Sep-91(14-Sep-91) Title : STEReo Inter-lens Distance and angle. Keywords: STEREO INTER-LENS DISTANCE ANGLE MAKING 3-D PHOTOGRAPHS STEReo Inter-lens Distance calculation Photography related program to determine inter-lens distance and angle to produce stereo pairs. CKSUM=<222,791> [76670,326] Tracy Allen STIMEM.ASM Text, Bytes: 2941, Count: 69, 11-Aug-90 Title : Stopwatch timers, m/l source code Keywords: 100 200 ML TIMER TIMERS STOPWATCH SOURCE CODE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE Source code for m/l routine that maintains 49 concurrent timers in sync with the M100 or T102 clock interrupt. The routines can be called from BASIC, to enable, read and set the individual timers. The accompanying file STIMES.100 is a BASIC loader and demo "stopwatch" program. The timers occupy 99 bytes above HIMEM > 62740, along with the routines "hooked" to the background task, and the BASIC set, get and enable. [76670,326] Tracy Allen STIMES.100 Text, Bytes: 2780, Count: 109, 11-Aug-90 Title : Eight-channel stopwatch demo Keywords: 100 102 STOPWATCH TIMER WATCH BASIC LOADER Multiple stopwatch program has 8 concurrently running stopwatches. Press enter to start them all at once. Press F1 to F8 to get "lap time" or finish from stopwatch 1-8. Uses machine language timers hooked to the 100/102's internal 256/second time interrupt. There are three calls to the m/l, syntax described in this program, and in accompanying STIMEM.ASM file. This demo is set up to time in 1/4 second intervals. Checksum = 166,663 [76703,372] STOCK.100 Text, Bytes: 4565, Count: 554, 07-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: PORTFOLIO STOCK MANAGEMENT BUSINESS This is a fixed version of the portfolio management program by Edwin Dethlefsen appearing in the September issue of Portable 100 magazine. [72277,1433] D&R ROWLAND STOCKS.100 Text, Bytes: 3425, Count: 76, 17-Sep-88(17-Sep-88) Title : Keywords: CONTEST GRAPHICS STOCKS FINANCIAL 100 102 200 OLLY Program for tracking and reviewing stock holdings and financial condition. Checksum = 198871 [72277,1433] D&R ROWLAND STOCKS.DAT Text, Bytes: 521, Count: 48, 17-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: STOCKS.100 STOCKS.NEC Sample data file for STOCKS.100 & STOCKS.NEC. See STOCKS.DOC Checksum = 19943 [72277,1433] D&R ROWLAND STOCKS.DOC Text, Bytes: 4350, Count: 71, 17-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: CONTEST FINANCIAL 100 NEC 8201A STOCKS GRAPHICS 102 200 OLLY Background and instructions for using STOCKS.100 & STOCKS.NEC, programs for tracking and reviewing stock holdings and financial condition. Checksum 364,230 [72135,744] Byron Myhre STRESS.100 Text, Bytes: 4885, Count: 225, 25-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 PSYCHOLOGY STRESS RATE QUIZ TEST This is a self administered quiz that will allow you to determine your Stress rating based on current events in your life. 360,017 [70526,1117] STUDY.100 Text, Bytes: 4017, Count: 60, 03-Jun-87 Title : ,643...^Dave^. Thomas Keywords: BASIC 100 102 EDUCATION STUDENT QUESTIONS ANSWERS DISK LESSONS STUDY Multiple Choice &/or True/False questions. STUDY enables students to review information or study it for the first time. the program utilizes lesson files in RAM or disk, to provide questions, additional information, and correct answers. Shareware Complete set: STUDY.100, LESSON.DO, SCOLAR.DOC Checksum: STUDY.100 - 257,580 [70405,505] SURVEY.BA Text, Bytes: 18810, Count: 198, 07-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 SURVEY CALCULATIONS ENGINEERING TRAVERSE CLOSURE CURVE BALANCE Survey.BA provides calculations for survey traverses, intersections, closure, balance, vertical curves, and horizontal curves. Program in BASIC. Menu driven. Documentation: SURVEY.DOC BASIC program: SURVEY.BA Enjoy, with comments to: Ed Harris 70405,505 [70405,505] SURVEY.DOC Text, Bytes: 1595, Count: 224, 07-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: SURVEY CALCULATIONS ENGINEERING Survey.BA provides calculations for survey traverses, intersections, closure, balance, vertical curves, and horizontal curves. Program in BASIC. Menu driven. Documentation: SURVEY.DOC BASIC program: SURVEY.BA Enjoy, with comments to: Ed Harris 70405,505 [74076,1273] LOUIS SELF SWIM.BA Text, Bytes: 4007, Count: 27, 27-Aug-89 Title : Keywords: SCORE SPORT MEET SWIM BASIC SWIM.BA maintains running totals for sporting events such as swim meets (with up to eight teams). Lines 40-70 determine scoring. Delete carriage returns in the middle of lines 340 and 1210. Run the program and input the requested team info. Then press the team (lane) numbers in their order of finishing each event. See PORTABLE-100, pg 12, Jun '89 for more info. The 4007-byte ASCII file saves to 3042 bytes in BASIC Checkum is 256,624. [72227,1661] Paul Globman SYLCAT.BA Text, Bytes: 6584, Count: 47, 04-Oct-90 Title : Categorical syllogism analyzer Keywords: SYLLOGISM LOGIC PREMISE VALID CONCLUSION BASIC 100 200 SYLCAT.BA will analyze the standard categorical syllogism and will determine if the conclusion is valid, or explain why it is not. The program was written with spaces between Basic keywords so this program will run on a PC with GWBASIC. cksm = 475625 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler T-BASE.THD Text, Bytes: 4351, Count: 53, 22-May-88 Title : Keywords: TBASE UR2 DATABASE DBASE HELP MESSAGES THREAD T-BASE is the database program in Ultimate ROM II -- and has also been sold as a separate product. The messages in this short thread file discuss one user's problems in using this program. [75655,25] TASKDP.100 Text, Bytes: 2495, Count: 127, 11-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: TMPC TASKFILE DUMP RAM This program will break out all taskfile entries (no TODOs), sort them and dump the sorted file to RAM. The dump file may then be edited and printed out at any time. Check sum = 140564 [73106,1627] Mark Lutton TAXEST.SRM Text, Bytes: 15133, Count: 46, 29-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: TAX LUCID SUPER ROM LOTUS Instructions for how to build your own Federal Income Tax Estimator using Lucid or Super ROM (or even Lotus 1-2-3). [73106,1627] Mark Lutton TAXINS.DO Text, Bytes: 8245, Count: 52, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: LUCID SUPER ROM INCOME TAX 1986 100 102 Instructions for the 1986 LUCID Income Tax templates. Other files here: F1040.SRM, SCHEDA.SRM, SCHEDB.SRM, TAXTBL.SRM, F1040.LUC, SCHEDA.LUC, SCHEDB.LUC, TAXTBL.LUC, HEX2CA.100. You need Lucid or Super ROM in your Model 100/102 (only). You need either HEX2CA.100 or CHANGE.BA. Please read these instructions before downloading all this stuff. You only need *.SRM if you have Super ROM or *.LUC for old Lucid. [74076,637] TAXLOG.RIT Text, Bytes: 1945, Count: 178, 13-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: TAXES DEPRECIATION ACRS LOG USAGE AUDIT IRS V 6.0 A BASIC IPL proc for Model 100s. A compressed ramfile usage log includes session start and end dates and times, purpose, and business vs. personal usage. Intended to satisfy record-keeping requirements of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 regarding depreciation of capital assets applied to business, investment and personal use. Users must execute at the beginning AND end of each session segment. 1407 token bytes. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton TAXREC.SRM Text, Bytes: 8703, Count: 51, 29-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: TAX SUPER ROM Build a simple Tax Record Keeper with Super ROM. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton TAXTBL.SRM Text, Bytes: 9471, Count: 40, 08-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: LUCID SUPER ROM INCOME TAX 1986 100 102 1986 tax tables for Super ROM users. Read and Heed TAXINS.DO first ! Checksum: 496,525 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst TCLIST.BA Text, Bytes: 1330, Count: 65, 28-Aug-90 Title : TV time code adding machine. Keywords: TELEVISION TV VIDEO TIME CODE CALCULATOR SMPTE EDIT DECISION LIST Video time code 'adding machine.' You enter IN and OUT times; the program shows SCENE length and TOTAL time of all scenes entered. Data can be sent to a .DO file along with (optional) comments for each scene. A time value like 00:22:33:01 can be entered as shown, or without delimiters, as 223301. When entering an IN time, sets it equal to the last OUT value. Exit the program with the key. Cksum = 82,675 Wilson Van Alst [765 [70506,223] TCODE.BA Text, Bytes: 2760, Count: 148, 19-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 M-10 TIMECODE TIME CALCULATOR CALC VIDEO SCENE This is a Time Code calculator with memory, for use by video tape editors and producers to find the duration of a scene and total time of shots. Documentation in program. Checksum = 172,428 [71401,2320] TELNUM.BAS Text, Bytes: 1726, Count: 120, 19-May-88 Title : Keywords: TELEPHONE PHONE NUMBER WORD DIAL ACRONYM BASIC 100 102 200 FIND A WORD FOR YOUR PHONE NUMBER!!! TELNUM.BA is a revision of TELNUM.JS in DL4. It will print all the possible letter combinations for a telephone number either to a printer or just the LCD An improvment over TELNUM.JS is that it will accept zeros and ones in the number Documentation is in REMarks CHECKSUM=106486 (with REM's) [72176,1077] jack shalom TELNUM.JS Text, Bytes: 380, Count: 328, 03-Apr-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TELEPHONE DIAL WORD NUMBERS This nifty utility takes any telephone number and generates all possible "words" from that phone # using the letters on the dial instead of the numbers. This may allow you to remember a meaningful word rather than a random telephone number. If the number contains a 0 or 1 the program ends, since no letters are used for those numbers. Jack Shalom Checksum = 24,925 PA=147 [71603,2127] Po Potuct TEMP.DO Text, Bytes: 391, Count: 42, 17-Mar-93 Title : Translate temperatures into visuals Keywords: GRAPHICS 100 102 TEMPERATURE VISUAL POLAR PROTUCTS BASIC Translate temperatures into visuals for your region with this graphics program. The program includes 30 year normative data and sample data set for Phila., PA. Normative data for each of over 200 other major metropolitan regions can be generated from National Climatic Data Center/NOAA data using the instructions for the program in the file TEMPOC.DOC. Checksum of program: TEMPR.100 438,859 Checksum of data file: TEMP.DO 17,383 [71603,2127] Po Potuct TEMPOC.DOC Text, Bytes: 2072, Count: 41, 21-Mar-93 Title : Translate temperatures into visuals Keywords: GRAPHICS M-100 TEMPERATURE VISUAL POLAR PROTUCTS BASIC Translate temperatures into visuals for your region with this graphics program. The program includes 30 year normative data and sample data set for Phila., PA. Normative data for each of over 200 other major metropolitan regions can be generated from National Climatic Data Center/NOAA data using the instructions for the program in the file TEMPOC.DOC. Checksum of instrs: TEMPOC.DOC 153,843 Checksum of program: TEMPR.100 438,859 Checksum of data file: TEMP.DO 17,383 [71603,2127] Po Potuct TEMPR.100 Text, Bytes: 7264, Count: 40, 17-Mar-93 Title : Translate temperatures into visuals Keywords: GRAPHICS 100 102 TEMPERATURE VISUAL POLAR PROTUCTS BASIC Translate temperatures into visuals for your region with this graphics program. The program includes 30 year normative data and sample data set for Phila., PA. Normative data for each of over 200 other major metropolitan regions can be generated from National Climatic Data Center/NOAA data using the instructions for the program in the file TEMPOC.DOC. Checksum of program: TEMPR.100 438,859 Checksum of data file: TEMP.DO 17,383 [72216,512] TESTER.BA Text, Bytes: 4505, Count: 96, 18-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 TESTING SCHOOL EDUCATION EXAM PRINTER WRITE TEST Easy, test paper printer - no printer control codes. Five Question and Answer forms: Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, write the answer, true/false, and matching questions. Checksum: 296,503 [72216,512] TESTER.DOC Text, Bytes: 475, Count: 94, 17-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 TESTING SCHOOL EDUCATION EXAM PRINTER WRITE TEST Documentation for TESTER.BA, a test writing program. [72516,475] Larry Reyka TFND.BA Text, Bytes: 285, Count: 177, 23-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: TET TRANSFER FILE SORT FIND This program functions like LFND in Schedule/Address. "prints" found items into NEWFIL.DO instead of printer! Checksum: 18,773 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura THD-04.CAT Text, Bytes: 1050, Count: 47, 22-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - Message Thread Keywords: CATALOG THREAD THD FILES MESSAGE BOARD This file lists names and descriptions of the thread (.THD) files in THIS Library. [73146,3452] John Kupersmith TICKLR.100 Text, Bytes: 3375, Count: 700, 26-Nov-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TICKLER REMINDER CLOCK PERPETUAL CALENDAR NOTE SCHEDULE A "tickler file" program that checks the NOTE.DO file and displays any notes with the current date, or defaults to clock/calendar. A combination of REMIND.100 by Don Corbitt and CLKCAL.IPL by Howard Benner. For those without RAM to spare for multifunction organizer programs but who still want to be tickled once in a while. 2101 bytes in BASIC with REMs (lines 0-4) removed. Checksum: 211,632 [70611,2614] TIK102.BA Text, Bytes: 8986, Count: 31, 05-May-88 Title : Keywords: TICKET LABEL THEATRE THEATER TIK102.BA Box office program for Tandy 100/102. Needs ULTRASCREEN to utilize 60 character by 10 line screen. Reserves, sells, prints, and reconciles tickets for a single production. Checksum: 517,562 [70611,2614] TIK102.DOC Text, Bytes: 1578, Count: 34, 05-May-88 Title : Keywords: TICKET LABEL THEATRE THEATER TIK102.DO Documentation file for TIK102. Checksum: 138,684 [73267,3361] TIMCOD.100 Text, Bytes: 5615, Count: 41, 14-Feb-87 Title : BCS Software Keywords: HEX 100 ML TIME CODE CALCULATOR This program sits at 60236-62598, and isn't relocatable. It calcs time code sum & differences, and frames, & gives "instant" results and error msgs after every keypress (as req'd). This is as far as I got before source code ate up all my memory. Use CHANGE.BA in DL7 to convert this .DO file to .CO. Checksum: 308,166 ---Mike/BCS Software [71216,1271] TIME.USA Text, Bytes: 1060, Count: 70, 06-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TIME ZONE CONVERSION CONVERT CLOCK Program to convert current local time to that of any other US time zone. Menu driven, uses Model 100's internal clock. PA=135 [71276,674] TIMER.100 Text, Bytes: 320, Count: 99, 26-May-84 Title : Keywords: TIMER ALARM Program prompts for time your Model 100 should do something... then asks what that something should be. Current time and alarm time are reported on the screen, as well as the action to be taken, which must be a BASIC program. If you have a music program, you've got a very expensive alarm clock! PA= 272 [70346,1716] Wally Hubbard TIMER.100 Text, Bytes: 4750, Count: 200, 01-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 CLOCK TIMER STOPWATCH GRAPHIC LAP COUNTDOWN This is another version of TIMER.DO that will convert itself when first run. Save this file as TIMER.DO, and from BASIC enter the command RUN"TIMER.DO". The program will convert encoded graphics into LIB 4 - Applications [71256,44] dave mack ABACUS.100 Text, Bytes: 2475, Count: 446, 12-Feb-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 MATH CALCULATOR TAX PRINT A 7-function calculator with memory and print-out capability in 1389 bytes. This is final version of ABACUS.DM and contains an improved FUNCTION menu. PA=406 [75715,1724] ADDKID.100 Text, Bytes: 3885, Count: 115, 06-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 MATH DRILL ADD SUBTRACT MULTIPLY DIVIDE This program will help your kid(s) practice their math. PA=118 [72737,2551] ADDLAB.100 Text, Bytes: 1582, Count: 50, 29-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS LABEL RETURN ENVELOPE MAILING LIST Program ADDLAB.100 makes address labels for return envelopes on sheets of three wide by eleven long peel off labels (1" X 2-") using a 12 pitch daisy wheel printer. Checksum = 108,566 [73146,2627] ADDLTR.DOC Text, Bytes: 3375, Count: 193, 29-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MAIL LETTERS LIST DATABASE DBNEW Documentation for ADDLTR.PGM. Formatts and prints letters to selected addresses using a DBNEW.100 data file. Has a flexible address selection capability. Checksum=287,235. [73146,2627] ADDLTR.PGM Text, Bytes: 3770, Count: 159, 29-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MAIL LETTERS LIST DATABASE DBNEW Formatts and prints letters to selected addresses using a DBNEW.100 data file. Has a flexible address selection capability. Checksum=233,770 [73146,2627] ADDR.DOC Text, Bytes: 600, Count: 321, 14-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS MAIL LABLES LIST Documentation for ADDR.PGM. [73146,2627] ADDR.PGM Text, Bytes: 7155, Count: 376, 16-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS LIST MAIL LABLES This program builds an address list file, edits or adds to an existing one and prints out all or selected addresses either on standard lables or on paper for filing. checksum is 412,699. [73146,2627] ADDRP.100 Text, Bytes: 3195, Count: 262, 06-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBNEW DBASE MAIL LIST ADDRESS LABELS A BASIC program to print formatted address labels DBNEW.100 files. Checksum: 207,073 [73146,2627] ADDRP.DOC Text, Bytes: 3405, Count: 259, 04-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBNEW DBASE MAIL LIST ADDRESS LABELS Documentation for ADDRP.100 [72216,512] AEROB.BA Text, Bytes: 1540, Count: 101, 08-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 AEROBICS EXERCISE PULSE HEALTH PRINT PRINTER For you or your spouse. Aerobic pulse rates for max workouts; results ouput to printer. Checksum: 111,330 [76077,2405] AGENCY.DO Text, Bytes: 256, Count: 68, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT TRAFFIC REPORTS St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] Required data file for SPADAS.BA [70235,1337] ALARM.100 Text, Bytes: 1680, Count: 233, 23-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: ALARM TIMER STOPWATCH CLOCK ALARM.100 is a combination timer and alarm clock. When REM's are edited out it takes less than 1K of RAM. Contains a useful subroutine to accurately add any span of time =< 24 hours to the present time. PA=133 [75665,1045] ALARM.100 Text, Bytes: 1195, Count: 228, 13-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: BACKGROUND ALARM CLOCK PROGRAM Alarm clock will beep at preset time as long as computer is turned on, even if you're in BASIC, TEXT, TELCOM, etc. This one has an added function key, F4 "Resl" to set the "resolution" of the alarm, from 10 secs to an hour, e.g. if it is set for 12:00:xx then the alarm will beep for a whole minute, once a second, from 12:00:00 to 12:00:59. If you've used my ALARMS.100 pgm, do a POKE 62975,201 before use. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LUCID. (215 prior accesses) [76672,650] ALARM.BA Text, Bytes: 484, Count: 162, 11-May-87 Title : Keywords: SMALL ALARM CLOCK SNOOZE 100 102 BASIC This is a very small(352 byte) alarm clock for the Model 100. It has a programmable snooze and a "maximum time" feature to disable the snooze and remind you that it's time to get up. Checksum 30,085 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems CIS 76672,650 [75665,1045] ALARM.BAS Text, Bytes: 570, Count: 366, 25-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: M100 ALARM CLOCK PROGRAM Program continuously displays the time. You enter a time for the alarm to sound. Illustrates use of ON TIME$ and ON ERROR commands and how to get keyboard input while performing another task at the same (almost) time. (Sysop note: 168 accesses prior to latest upload) [76666,2512] ALARM.BAS Text, Bytes: 967, Count: 97, 17-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: ALARM 100 102 200 BUSINESS WAKEUP ARISE CLOCK SLEEP TIME Alarm program asks for desired wakeup time; default value is 06:30, which can be changed in line 6. At wakeup time you get short beeps which gradually get longer, more insistent. After 4-5 minutes program starts "wailing". Any keystroke ends program. If you don't respond, program ends after about 30 minutes. Checksum = 59,480 [76672,650] ALARM.DO Text, Bytes: 2159, Count: 124, 11-May-87 Title : Keywords: SMALL ALARM CLOCK SNOOZE DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for ALARM.BA which is a 352 byte alarm clock program with snooze and other features. Checksum=176,514 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems [70076,501] ALARM2.100 Text, Bytes: 1285, Count: 133, 13-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: ALARM TAPE TIMER TONE This program is a new version of ALARM.100. It sets a timer for either a tone alarm, a tape alarm, or both. PA=136 [76576,3337] ALARM6.BAS Text, Bytes: 6140, Count: 243, 06-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ALARM MULTI TIME ZONE CLOCK DAYLIGHT STANDARD This is a multi time zone, multi alarm program that you can use in any time zone for the continental USA. It gives you Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones, both daylight savings and standard time. You can move from one zone to another and with the press of a botton the time is correct. For more info read ALARM6.DOC. Checksum = 344,690 [76576,3337] ALARM6.DOC Text, Bytes: 3290, Count: 201, 05-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: ALARM MULTI TIME ZONES TANDY 100 CLOCK This is the directions for ALARM6.BAS a multi time zone, multi alarm program that you can use in any time zone for the continental USA. It gives you Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones, both daylight savings and standard time. You can move from one zone to another and with the press of a botton the time is correct. Checksum = 269,415 [75665,1045] ALARMS.100 Text, Bytes: 2625, Count: 533, 25-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BACKGROUND ALARM CLOCK SORT PROGRAM Unique "background" alarm clock will beep at preset time as long as computer is turned on, even if you're in BASIC, TEXT, TELCOM, etc. Also, pgm includes M/L routine to sort text files with variable length lines, IN PLACE. No limit to number of lines in file, but each line must be <=255 chars. Bonus F-keys allow access to SCHEDL & ADDRSS, plus use of alternate NOTE.DO file. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LUCID. (237 prior accesses) [70375,1070] ALLMVC.DOC Text, Bytes: 6140, Count: 785, 25-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: MINIVC SPREADSHEET BASIC PROGRAM INFO INFORMATION DOCUMENTATION This is a brief explaination (just over 6K to download) of all the various features of MiniVC. It is mainly for those who have never used a spreadsheet program before, and those who have not yet learned the syntax. It should be useful for any version of MiniVC. The documentation is current thru MiniVC.JGB. [75765,374] ALMCLK.100 Text, Bytes: 2075, Count: 98, 22-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ALARM CLOCK ALMCLK.100 is yet another clock program with a snooze alarm. It may be of some interest to the programmer because the clock continues to be displayed during input. Also, it has an animated cursor, and the input is "Self Formatting", you don't need to enter colons. Use "ESC" to exit any mode. PA=250 [75665,1405] ALPHA.100 Text, Bytes: 1980, Count: 382, 08-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: TRS 80 TRS80 MODEL 100 M100 CAPITALIZATION ML ROUTINE REQUIRED M/L routine that capitalizes lower case. Documentation in REMark statements. [70116,436] AM-PM.100 Text, Bytes: 445, Count: 218, 15-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: AM-PM MILITARY CLOCK TIME This program converts model 100 clock time (military 24 hour clock) to standard AM-PM time. PA=304 [71036,1153] AMORT.BA Text, Bytes: 1605, Count: 528, 01-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: MORTGAGE LOAD AMORTIZATION PAYMENT PRINCIPLE INTEREST Used to figure fixed rate loans, such as house mortgages, car loans etc. Will figure the monthly payment and then gives a month by month payment and principle payment breakdown. Figures total interest paid at the end. This program also has a printout routine not included here to save memory. Checksum: 101,302 [71646,1322] AMORT.RY Text, Bytes: 95, Count: 374, 26-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: LOAN MORTAGE PAYMENT AMORTIZATION M100 T200 This one-line program computes the monthly payment for an amortized loan. When run, AMORT prompts you for "amount", "years", and "interest". Respond with the amount of the loan, the duration of the loan in years, and the interest rate ( for eleven percent, enter "11", NOT ".11"). For a 54 month loan, enter the years as "4.5" etc. This program requires 76 bytes in BASIC. -Ray Yeargin (71646,1322) Checksum: 6419 [71036,1153] AMORT1.BA Text, Bytes: 2805, Count: 617, 11-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 AMORTIZATION LOAN FINANCE INTEREST MORTGAGE PRINT Like AMORT.BA but with the printout routine added. Needs 80 col printer ( minimum). Needs about 2k more memory than AMORT.BA Checksum: 175,991 [73327,3073] Frank Kienast ANIMAL.DO Text, Bytes: 413, Count: 70, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: ANIMAL LEARN AI CYBERNETICS EXPERT SYSTEMS Demo knowledge file of animals for LEARN.BA. [70205,1144] ANNDOC.100 Text, Bytes: 1430, Count: 303, 18-Jul-83 Title : Keywords: ANNUITIES documentation for annuit.100 [70205,1144] ANNUIT.100 Text, Bytes: 4640, Count: 397, 21-Sep-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ANNUITY LOAN INTEREST Calculates annuity/loan quantities. See ANNDOC.100 Checksum%: 262,757 [72216,512] ANX.BA Text, Bytes: 5390, Count: 155, 21-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 PSYCHOLOGY ANXIETY NERVES TENSION Good Anxiety test with 85 questions. Excellent printer output. Checksum: 359,634 [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND APOINT.BA Text, Bytes: 1553, Count: 119, 10-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: APPOINTMENT NOTE.DO SCHEDUAL THIS IS AN APPOINTMENT PROGRAM THAT USES THE NOTE.DO FILE IN THE SAME FORMAT AS TANDY'S EXECUTIVE CALENDAR PROGRAM. THE PROGRAM IS MENU DRIVEN AND TAKES UP ABOUT 7K LESS SPACE THEN THE ABOVE PROGRAM CHECKSUM=84,881 [76701,40] Denny Thomas APPT.TMP Text, Bytes: 1949, Count: 68, 25-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC-SYS TMPC TODO TO-DO CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM ACROATIX Sample TMPC support program that adds appointments to the single-date section of the calendar. See the manual for further details. Checksum = 127,293 See TMPC.INF for extremely important information and instructions. [73720,2456] APPTR1.MPC Text, Bytes: 1332, Count: 61, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utility. (1 of 2) See TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 86,088 [73720,2456] APPTR2.MPC Text, Bytes: 1100, Count: 60, 19-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC UTILITY REPORT FILE FORMAT APPOINTMENT TO-DO TMPC Utility. (2 of 2) See TMPCUT.DOC Checksum: 70,947 [74716,476] George Toft APTEVL.SLK Text, Bytes: 5315, Count: 53, 17-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: MSPLAN 100 200 APTEVL APARTMENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS EVALUATE AN MSPLAN Spreadsheet that helps evaluate the monthly cash flow involved in rental properties. Includes instructions on use. Checksum = 383,775 [75775,1430] Don Zeikel AREACD.100 Text, Bytes: 1943, Count: 81, 05-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: PHONE TELEPHONE AREA CODE LONG DISTANCE STATE Never again be befuddled by a "While you were out" message; don't call California at 5 AM or Delaware during the lunch hour! Just enter telephone area code and see the name of the state. Or enter state abbreviation and see ALL area codes (gives you a sporting chance when calling Long Distance Information). BASIC, should run on 102 and 200 as well as 100. Checksum = 118,900. [75655,1056] ARTS.DO Text, Bytes: 3178, Count: 36, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: FUN GAME QUIZ TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS Question/Answer text file required by: QZ-100.BA checksum = 259,798 Bill Templeton - Danville Tigers [72356,3326] Charles Lewis AUTO.BAS Text, Bytes: 739, Count: 94, 22-Feb-88 Title : Keywords: AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE CRDFIL TEMPLATE BASIC 100 102 200 This program will allow you to updata a cardfile automobile maintenance log. It automoatically computes miles per gallon and cost per mile. Read AUTO.DOC to see how the cardfile template must be set up. [72356,3326] Charles Lewis AUTO.DOC Text, Bytes: 1310, Count: 118, 30-Jan-88(30-Jan-88) Title : Keywords: AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE CRDFIL TEMPLATE DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for AUTO.BAS, an automobile maintenance program that uses a CRDFIL template for data storage. [73106,1627] Mark Lutton BANNER.100 Text, Bytes: 4105, Count: 603, 04-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BANNER POSTER SIGN PRINT PRINTER Print banners sideways on your printer. Tested on a TTXpress. Should work on any printer. Documentation is included within program. Model 100 specific. Uses character matrix in ROM. Checksum: 293,997 Bytes as .DO: 4104 Bytes as .BA: 3585 [72216,512] BAROP.BA Text, Bytes: 2990, Count: 78, 21-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 BAR RESTAURANT BEER LIQUOR COST PROFIT Program for bar management; calculates profit on beer & whiskey based on size of glass, ounces per bottle/keg, and price charged per glass. See BAROP.DOC Checksum: 187,723 [72216,512] BAROP.DOC Text, Bytes: 2975, Count: 64, 21-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 BAR RESTAURANT BEER LIQUOR COST PROFIT Documentation for BAROP.BA [74776,2421] BEARIN.BAS Text, Bytes: 2225, Count: 222, 31-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: M100 NEC MBASIC BEARINGS ANGLE COMPUTATIONS Short MBASIC program forthe M100 or NEC that computes the distance and angle between any two global points. Great fun for the weary traveller. Modified for the lap by me from a public domain program. Geneva version available on PCS-19. Checksum: 119,462 Paul MacDonald 74776,2421 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEAPP.BA Text, Bytes: 6316, Count: 123, 15-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBASE III CLONE M100 102 CONTEST This is the file conversion utility for DATAbee, a dBase III+ clone database system for the M100/102. For complete system download DATAB.BA, BEEFIL.BA, BEEAPP.BA, BEESRT.BA, BEELBL.BA, BEEREM.DO, BEEDO1.DO, BEEDO2.DO. Checksum=394,840 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW BEEDO1.DO Text, LIB 4 - Applications [71256,44] dave mack ABACUS.100 Text, Bytes: 2475, Count: 446, 12-Feb-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 MATH CALCULATOR TAX PRINT A 7-function calculator with memory and print-out capability in 1389 bytes. This is final version of ABACUS.DM and contains an improved FUNCTION menu. PA=406 [75715,1724] ADDKID.100 Text, Bytes: 3885, Count: 115, 06-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 MATH DRILL ADD SUBTRACT MULTIPLY DIVIDE This program will help your kid(s) practice their math. PA=118 [72737,2551] ADDLAB.100 Text, Bytes: 1582, Count: 50, 29-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS LABEL RETURN ENVELOPE MAILING LIST Program ADDLAB.100 makes address labels for return envelopes on sheets of three wide by eleven long peel off labels (1" X 2-") using a 12 pitch daisy wheel printer. Checksum = 108,566 [73146,2627] ADDLTR.DOC Text, Bytes: 3375, Count: 193, 29-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MAIL LETTERS LIST DATABASE DBNEW Documentation for ADDLTR.PGM. Formatts and prints letters to selected addresses using a DBNEW.100 data file. Has a flexible address selection capability. Checksum=287,235. [73146,2627] ADDLTR.PGM Text, Bytes: 3770, Count: 159, 29-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MAIL LETTERS LIST DATABASE DBNEW Formatts and prints letters to selected addresses using a DBNEW.100 data file. Has a flexible address selection capability. Checksum=233,770 [73146,2627] ADDR.DOC Text, Bytes: 600, Count: 321, 14-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS MAIL LABLES LIST Documentation for ADDR.PGM. [73146,2627] ADDR.PGM Text, Bytes: 7155, Count: 376, 16-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: ADDRESS LIST MAIL LABLES This program builds an address list file, edits or adds to an existing one and prints out all or selected addresses either on standard lables or on paper for filing. checksum is 412,699. [73146,2627] ADDRP.100 Text, Bytes: 3195, Count: 262, 06-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBNEW DBASE MAIL LIST ADDRESS LABELS A BASIC program to print formatted address labels DBNEW.100 files. Checksum: 207,073 [73146,2627] ADDRP.DOC Text, Bytes: 3405, Count: 259, 04-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: DATABASE DBNEW DBASE MAIL LIST ADDRESS LABELS Documentation for ADDRP.100 [72216,512] AEROB.BA Text, Bytes: 1540, Count: 101, 08-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 AEROBICS EXERCISE PULSE HEALTH PRINT PRINTER For you or your spouse. Aerobic pulse rates for max workouts; results ouput to printer. Checksum: 111,330 [76077,2405] AGENCY.DO Text, Bytes: 256, Count: 68, 31-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: POLICE SPADAS ACCIDENT TRAFFIC REPORTS St. Petersburg Accident Data Acceleration System and Diagraming program. Developed through the SPADAS and SPADASII grants. St. Petersburg Police Department [Florida] Required data file for SPADAS.BA [70235,1337] ALARM.100 Text, Bytes: 1680, Count: 233, 23-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: ALARM TIMER STOPWATCH CLOCK ALARM.100 is a combination timer and alarm clock. When REM's are edited out it takes less than 1K of RAM. Contains a useful subroutine to accurately add any span of time =< 24 hours to the present time. PA=133 [75665,1045] ALARM.100 Text, Bytes: 1195, Count: 228, 13-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: BACKGROUND ALARM CLOCK PROGRAM Alarm clock will beep at preset time as long as computer is turned on, even if you're in BASIC, TEXT, TELCOM, etc. This one has an added function key, F4 "Resl" to set the "resolution" of the alarm, from 10 secs to an hour, e.g. if it is set for 12:00:xx then the alarm will beep for a whole minute, once a second, from 12:00:00 to 12:00:59. If you've used my ALARMS.100 pgm, do a POKE 62975,201 before use. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LUCID. (215 prior accesses) [76672,650] ALARM.BA Text, Bytes: 484, Count: 162, 11-May-87 Title : Keywords: SMALL ALARM CLOCK SNOOZE 100 102 BASIC This is a very small(352 byte) alarm clock for the Model 100. It has a programmable snooze and a "maximum time" feature to disable the snooze and remind you that it's time to get up. Checksum 30,085 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems CIS 76672,650 [75665,1045] ALARM.BAS Text, Bytes: 570, Count: 366, 25-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: M100 ALARM CLOCK PROGRAM Program continuously displays the time. You enter a time for the alarm to sound. Illustrates use of ON TIME$ and ON ERROR commands and how to get keyboard input while performing another task at the same (almost) time. (Sysop note: 168 accesses prior to latest upload) [76666,2512] ALARM.BAS Text, Bytes: 967, Count: 97, 17-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: ALARM 100 102 200 BUSINESS WAKEUP ARISE CLOCK SLEEP TIME Alarm program asks for desired wakeup time; default value is 06:30, which can be changed in line 6. At wakeup time you get short beeps which gradually get longer, more insistent. After 4-5 minutes program starts "wailing". Any keystroke ends program. If you don't respond, program ends after about 30 minutes. Checksum = 59,480 [76672,650] ALARM.DO Text, Bytes: 2159, Count: 124, 11-May-87 Title : Keywords: SMALL ALARM CLOCK SNOOZE DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for ALARM.BA which is a 352 byte alarm clock program with snooze and other features. Checksum=176,514 Andrew McDonald Custom Software Systems [70076,501] ALARM2.100 Text, Bytes: 1285, Count: 133, 13-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: ALARM TAPE TIMER TONE This program is a new version of ALARM.100. It sets a timer for either a tone alarm, a tape alarm, or both. PA=136 [76576,3337] ALARM6.BAS Text, Bytes: 6140, Count: 243, 06-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ALARM MULTI TIME ZONE CLOCK DAYLIGHT STANDARD This is a multi time zone, multi alarm program that you can use in any time zone for the continental USA. It gives you Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones, both daylight savings and standard time. You can move from one zone to another and with the press of a botton the time is correct. For more info read ALARM6.DOC. Checksum = 344,690 [76576,3337] ALARM6.DOC Text, Bytes: 3290, Count: 201, 05-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: ALARM MULTI TIME ZONES TANDY 100 CLOCK This is the directions for ALARM6.BAS a multi time zone, multi alarm program that you can use in any time zone for the continental USA. It gives you Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones, both daylight savings and standard time. You can move from one zone to another and with the press of a botton the time is correct. Checksum = 269,415 [75665,1045] ALARMS.100 Text, Bytes: 2625, Count: 533, 25-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BACKGROUND ALARM CLOCK SORT PROGRAM Unique "background" alarm clock will beep at preset time as long as computer is turned on, even if you're in BASIC, TEXT, TELCOM, etc. Also, pgm includes M/L routine to sort text files with variable length lines, IN PLACE. No limit to number of lines in file, but each line must be <=255 chars. Bonus F-keys allow access to SCHEDL & ADDRSS, plus use of alternate NOTE.DO file. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LUCID. (237 prior accesses) [70375,1070] ALLMVC.DOC Text, Bytes: 6140, Count: 785, 25-Oct-83 Title : Keywords: MINIVC SPREADSHEET BASIC PROGRAM INFO INFORMATION DOCUMENTATION This is a brief explaination (just over 6K to download) of all the various features of MiniVC. It is mainly for those who have never used a spreadsheet program before, and those who have not yet learned the syntax. It should be useful for any version of MiniVC. The documentation is current thru MiniVC.JGB. [75765,374] ALMCLK.100 Text, Bytes: 2075, Count: 98, 22-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ALARM CLOCK ALMCLK.100 is yet another clock program with a snooze alarm. It may be of some interest to the programmer because the clock continues to be displayed during input. Also, it has an animated cursor, and the input is "Self Formatting", you don't need to enter colons. Use "ESC" to exit any mode. PA=250 [75665,1405] ALPHA.100 Text, Bytes: 1980, Count: 382, 08-Jan-84 Title : Keywords: TRS 80 TRS80 MODEL 100 M100 CAPITALIZATION ML ROUTINE REQUIRED M/L routine that capitalizes lower case. Documentation in REMark statements. [70116,436] AM-PM.100 Text, Bytes: 445, Count: 218, 15-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: AM-PM MILITARY CLOCK TIME This program converts model 100 clock time (military 24 hour clock) to standard AM-PM time. PA=304 [71036,1153] AMORT.BA Text, Bytes: 1605, Count: 528, 01-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: MORTGAGE LOAD AMORTIZATION PAYMENT PRINCIPLE INTEREST Used to figure fixed rate loans, such as house mortgages, car loans etc. Will figure the monthly payment and then gives a month by month payment and principle payment breakdown. Figures total interest paid at the end. This program also has a printout routine not included here to save memory. Checksum: 101,302 [71646,1322] AMORT.RY Text, Bytes: 95, Count: 374, 26-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: LOAN MORTAGE PAYMENT AMORTIZATION M100 T200 This one-line program computes the monthly payment for an amortized loan. When run, AMORT prompts you for "amount", "years", and "interest". Respond with the amount of the loan, the duration of the loan in years, and the interest rate ( for eleven percent, enter "11", NOT ".11"). For a 54 month loan, enter the years as "4.5" etc. This program requires 76 bytes in BASIC. -Ray Yeargin (71646,1322) Checksum: 6419 [71036,1153] AMORT1.BA Text, Bytes: 2805, Count: 617, 11-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 AMORTIZATION LOAN FINANCE INTEREST MORTGAGE PRINT Like AMORT.BA but with the printout routine added. Needs 80 col printer ( minimum). Needs about 2k more memory than AMORT.BA Checksum: 175,991 [73327,3073] Frank Kienast ANIMAL.DO Text, Bytes: 413, Count: 70, 10-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: ANIMAL LEARN AI CYBERNETICS EXPERT SYSTEMS Demo knowledge file of animals for LEARN.BA. [70205,1144] ANNDOC.100 Text, Bytes: 1430, Count: 303, 18-Jul-83 Title : Keywords: ANNUITIES documentation for annuit.100 [70205,1144] ANNUIT.100 Text, Bytes: 4640, Count: 397, 21-Sep-83 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 ANNUITY LOAN INTEREST Calculates annuity/loan quantities. See ANNDOC.100 Checksum%: 262,757 [72216,512] ANX.BA Text, Bytes: 5390, Count: 155, 21-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 PSYCHOLOGY ANXIETY NERVES TENSION Good Anxiety test with 85 questions. Excellent printer output. Checksum: 359,634 [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND APOINT.BA Text, Bytes: 1553, Count: 119, 10-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: APPOINTMENT NOTE.DO SCHEDUAL THIS IS AN APPOINTMENT PROGRAM THAT USES THE NOTE.DO FILE IN THE SAME FORMAT AS TANDY'S EXECUTIVE CALENDAR PROGRAM. THE PROGRAM IS MENU DRIVEN AND TAKES UP ABOUT 7K LESS SPACE THEN THE ABOVE PROGRAM CHECKSUM=84,881 [76701,40] Denny Thomas APPT.TMP Text, Bytes: 1949, Count: 68, 25-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TMPC-SYS TMPC TODO TO-DO CALENDAR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM ACROATIX Sample TMPC support program that adds appointments to the single-date section of the calendar. See the manual for further details. Checksum = 127,293 See TMPC.INF for extremely important information and instructions.