ADDLTR.DOC 6/29/85 Documentation for "ADDLTR.PGM". This prgoram is a companion program for "ADDRP.PGM", also in DL2. It takes input from an address file built up using DBNEW.100 and a .do file in the memory of the TRS-80 Model 100 and prints out the letter to selected names in the list. The selection criteria may be any unique string appearing anywhere in the address file or a four digit selection code. It is recommended that the user download ADDRP.DOC for further information on the address file and the address selection process, as both programs use the same techniques. The address file sholuld be set up with the following fields using DBNEW.100 from DL2: 1 First Name 2 Last Name 3 Street Address 4 City 5 State 6 ZIP 7 Salutation 8 xxxx - a 4 digit selection code The letter can be multiple page if needed. It does not print out page numbers. ADDLTR options allow you to: -enter a "heading" line -set the top, left and right margins -specify the blank lines after the header and the date The date is automatically selected from the Model 100's internal calendar. The year is presently set for 1985. Line 120 can be changed to reflect another year. This program is actually a combination of two other programs, ADDRP.PGM already mentioned which was used as the basis of the address selection processing, and PGPRNT.100 written by Bill Walters (in DL0) which does the letter printing. In its present form it does not print out the full address on the letter, but the salutation only. It also does not print a letterhead or the senders address. It assumes you are using a letterhead. These modifications could be added. Running the program. After the initial screen, the program will ask for: -the address list filename -the letter filename -the left margin -the right margin -a short heading -heading tab position -top margin -number of lines after heading -number lines after date -selection criteria Most are self evident. The heading can be any length technically. But it should generally be less than the width of the paper and should not use ",". The heading tab position is the column number where you want it to start printing the heading. Generally this will be to the right of the center of the paper. It does not take into account the left and right margins. Top margin is the line number where the heading will print. Selection criteria has two major options. First, any character/letter string that might occur in any field of any address, including the selection code field. Second, type 'code'. This limits you to the code field only and takes you to another menu. You can type in any combination of the 4 code digits that might occur in one or more addresses. You can also enter lower case 'x' in any of the 4 digit positions that you do not care about. For example, xfxx would select all addresses that have an f in the second position in the selection code regardless of what is in the other 3 positions. This is a very useful capability. From here on the program does it's thing. And baring any unfound bugs, it will print the heading, date and letter for each address that meets the selection criteria. Upon completion it returns to the model 100 menu.