2 ES$=CHR$(27):WB$=ES$+"p":BW$=ES$+"q" 4 CS$=ES$+"E":BL$=CHR$(7) 6 GOSUB52 8 I$=INKEY$:IFI$=""THEN8ELSEIFI$=ES$THENMENU 10 CLS:PRINT@52,WB$" Turn printer ON "BW$:PRINT:PRINT" Resting Pulse Rate = pulse when you 12 PRINT" first awaken in the morning 14 PRINT@250,WB$" Any key to continue "BW$;A$ 16 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN16 18 CLS:PRINT@43,"To get the maximum benefit from your aerobic exersises you must work out at the right intensity. 20 PRINT" Your target intensity range is based on your age and resting heart rate. 22 PRINT" Your goal is to attain, but not exceed this range in your aerobic activities. 24 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN24 26 CLS:PRINT@42,WB$" What is your name"BW$;:INPUTP$ 28 LPRINT"NAME: ";P$ 30 'LPRINT:LPRINT"AGE:" 32 LPRINT:'for print-out of age if desired 34 PRINT@122,WB$" What is your age"BW$;:INPUTA$ 36 PRINT@202,WB$" What is your resting pulse rate"BW$;:INPUTRR 38 X=220:Y=X-AG:Z=.60:W=.75:TI=((Y-RR)*Z)+RR 40 LPRINT"Your 60 second workout pulse rate is:";INT(TI):PI=((Y-RR)*W)+RR 42 LPRINT"Your 60 second workout peak pulse is:";INT(PI):SZ=TI/6:SW=PI/6 44 LPRINT:LPRINT"Your 10 second workout pulse rate is: ";INT(SZ) 46 LPRINT"Your 10 second workout peak pulse is: ";INT(SW):LPRINT:LPRINTSTRING$(41,"*") 48 LPRINT:LPRINT 50 CLS:PRINT@100,"":BEEP:INPUT" ANOTHER (Y/N)";Y$:IFY$="Y"ORY$="y"THEN26ELSEMENU 52 SCREEN0,0:PRINTCS$;WB$;TAB(47);"AEROBIC WORKOUT PULSE RATES";TAB(80);DATE$;" ej services =QUIT";BW$;BL$ 54 PRINT@250," to continue...":RETURN