10' ---Alarm2--- 20' Written by: 30' John Mifsud [70076,501] 40' 12/13/83 50' This program was inspired by ALARM.100 60' Many thanks to the original author. 70' This program sets a tone alarm, a tape alarm (any cassette in a recorder connected to the rem jack), or both 80'to go off at a specified time. 90'Please contact me via Email for any info or if you find bugs that I overlooked. Delete all lines up to 100 to save space. Enjoy! 100 CLS 110 TIME$ ON 120 ON ERRORGOTO390 130 PRINT"time is now ";TIME$ 140 PRINT"What time do you wish to wake up" 150 INPUT"as '07:30:00' for 7:30 am";WAKE$ 160 ONTIME$=WAKE$GOSUB260 170 CLS:PRINT:PRINT" OPTIONS 180 PRINT:PRINT"1-Alarm only","2-Tape only","3-Both 190 INPUT"Please enter your choice";O 200 IFO<1ORO>3THENPRINT"try again":GOTO190 210 O=INT(O):CLS 220 PRINT@0,"Time is now ";TIME$ 230 PRINT@80,"Timer set for ";WAKE$ 240 ONTIME$=WAKE$GOSUB260:GOTO220 250 MOTOR OFF:MENU 260 CLS:IFO=2ORO=3THENGOSUB360 270 PRINT@90,"It's now ";TIME$ 280 IFO=1ORO=3THENGOSUB330 290 Q$=INKEY$ 300 IFQ$=""THENGOTO270 310 GOTO250 320 RETURN 330 IFZ=1000THENZ=10000ELSEZ=1000 340 SOUNDZ,5 350 RETURN 360 MOTOR ON 370 RETURN 380 END 390 PRINT"Please re-enter time..." 400 FORX=1TO1000:NEXTX 410 GOTO100