2 E$=CHR$(27):R$=E$+"p":N$=E$+"q" 4 CLS 6 SCREEN0,0:CLS:LINE(11,8)-(227,55),1,B 8 PRINT@51,R$" Price Comparison"N$ 10 PRINT@133,"Beer -- Liquor 12 PRINT@250,R$" Drink Pricing Guide"N$ 14 IFINKEY$=""THEN14 16 CLS:PRINT@81," <1> Beer Compare 18 PRINT@122,"<2> Whisky Compare 20 PRINT@162,"<3> Whisky (% & Bar Cost / Pricing) 22 PRINT@202,"<9> Quit (Menu) 24 PRINT:INPUT"Selection";B 26 IFB=1THENGOTO34 28 IFB=2THENGOTO77 30 IFB=3THENGOTO124 32 IFB=9THENBEEP:MENU 34 CLS:PRINT@54,R$" BEER "N$ 36 INPUT"Size of Glass (oz) ";S 38 INPUT"Price per Glass (.45) ";P 40 INPUT"Cost of Half";C 42 O=2048:G=INT(O/S):GR=INT(P*G):N=INT(GR-C) 44 PRINTR$"You will get"N$;G;R$"Glasses Per 1/2"N$ 46 A$="####.##" 48 PRINTR$"You will Gross $"N$; 50 PRINTUSINGA$;GR; 52 PRINTR$" per 1/2"N$ 54 PRINTR$"You will net $"N$; 56 PRINTUSINGA$;N; 58 PRINTR$" per 1/2"N$ 60 BEEP:INPUT"How Many 1/2 's";H 62 GH=H*GR:NH=H*N 64 PRINTR$"Gross for"N$;H;R$"1/2 's = $"N$;GH 66 PRINTR$"Net for "N$;H;R$"1/2 's = $"N$;NH 68 OPEN"BEER.DO"FOR APPEND AS1 70 PRINT#1,S;"oz";:PRINT#1," @";:PRINT#1,P; 71 PRINT#1,"glass *";H;"halves";:PRINT#1," = $";NH:CLOSE 72 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN72 73 CLS:PRINT@132,"ANOTHER (Y/N)";B$ 74 B$=INKEY$:IFB$=""THEN74 75 IFB$="Y"ORB$="y"THENCLS:GOTO34 76 IFB$="N"ORB$="n"THENGOTO16 77 CLS:PRINT@54,R$" WHISKY "N$ 78 PRINT:INPUT"Portion to be Served (oz)";S 80 INPUT"Price per Drink";P 82 INPUT"Cost of Bottle";C 83 INPUT"Size of Bottle";B 84 O=B:G=INT(O/S):GR=INT(P*G):N=INT(GR-C) 86 PRINTR$"You will get"N$;G;R$"Shots Per BTL"N$ 88 A$="####.##" 90 PRINTR$"You will Gross $"N$; 92 PRINTUSINGA$;GR; 94 PRINTR$" per BTL"N$ 96 PRINTR$"You will net $"N$; 98 PRINTUSINGA$;N; 100 PRINTR$" per BTL"N$ 102 BEEP:INPUT"How Many BTL's";H 104 GH=H*GR:NH=H*N 106 PRINTR$"Gross for"N$;H; 108 PRINTR$"BTL's = $"N$; 110 PRINTUSINGA$;GH 112 PRINTR$"Net for "N$;H;R$"BTL's = $"N$; 114 PRINTUSINGA$;NH 116 OPEN"WHISKY.DO"FOR APPEND AS1 117 PRINT#1,S;"oz";:PRINT#1," @";:PRINT#1,P; 118 PRINT#1,"shot *";H;"BTL's";:PRINT#1," = $";NH:CLOSE 119 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN119 120 CLS:PRINT@132,"ANOTHER (Y/N)";B$ 121 B$=INKEY$:IFB$=""THEN121 122 IFB$="Y"ORB$="y"THENCLS:GOTO77 123 IFB$="N"ORB$="n"THENGOTO16 124 CLS:PRINT@50,"Drink Pricing Guide" 126 PRINT"" 128 PRINT"Bar Cost Percent Averages:" 130 PRINT" Liquor 20% to 25% 132 PRINT" Bottle beer 33% to 43% 134 PRINT" Wine 40% to 50% 136 PRINT"" 138 INPUT"Cost of bottle";C 140 INPUT"Size of bottle (oz)";B 142 INPUT"Serving size (oz)";S 144 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 147 PRINT"If Bar Cost desired is 25% then enter 25 148 PRINT"If Bar cost = 25 then Profit % = 75 150 INPUT"Bar cost desired (%)";P 151 P=P/100 152 A$="###.##" 154 PRINT"Selling price is $"; 156 SP=C/(B/S)/P 158 PRINTUSINGA$;SP 160 C$=INKEY$:IFC$=""THEN160 162 CLS:PRINT@132,"ANOTHER? (Y/N)";B$ 164 B$=INKEY$:IFB$=""THEN164 166 IFB$="Y"ORB$="y"THENCLS:GOTO138 168 IFB$="N"ORB$="n"THENGOTO16