BIBCNT.DO * 2/14/88 R.W.HESS This file contains new lines for merging into BIBLIO.BA and BIBPRT.BA that will enable them to include the tape counter location of cassette files in both BIBFYL and the Directory listings. Save BIBLIO.BA & BIBPRT.BA to RAM as .DO files, then PASTE each of the following sets of new lines to their respective files. LOAD each "new" program and SAVE it as before. BIBLIO will now prompt you for tape counter readings before each new tape file and store your input with a trailing # in the cassette directory in the field where the disk directory prints file size. All previous BIBFYL's are totally compatible with the new adds. --For BIBLIO.BA----- 0 'BIBLIO.100 1/2/88 R.W.HESS (See BIBDOC.100) rev.2/14/88 (cass. counter) 10 CLS:RN$="Cassette ":DV$="c":DS$=" 0#":GOTO152 32 DV$="c":CLOSE:GOSUB176:GOSUB172:GOSUB202:DS$=INPUT$(6):OPENRF$FORAPPENDAS3:S=0:OPEN"COMTMP"FORINPUTAS1:N=0 38 IFLEFT$(I$,5)="Found"THENGOSUB58:DF$=RIGHT$(I$,6):GOSUB56:GOSUB54:GOSUB42:DF$=DF$+T$:GOSUB92:GOSUB210:GOTO48 48 CLS:GOSUB202:K$="LOAD"+Q$+"CAS:"+R$+"RUN"+Q$+"BIBLIO"+R$+CHR$(67)+DS$ 210 CLS:GOSUB150:PRINT@126,"Tape counter reading";:LINEINPUT": ";DS$ 212 IFDS$=""THENDS$=" #":RETURN 214 DS$=SPACE$(5-LEN(DS$))+DS$+"#":RETURN --For BIBPRT.BA----- 0 ' BIBPRT.BA 2/88 (cass/ctr) R.W.Hess 66 LF$=MID$(PT$,15,5)+" " 74 LPRINTN$": "S$:FORI=1TON:LPRINTA$(I):NEXT:LPRINTC"files, updated ";DT$; 76 IFB$="c"THENLPRINT:GOTO62ELSELPRINT"; aprox.";100000-VL;"bytes free.":LPRINT:GOTO62