Documentation for CAL.RCL Cal.RLC is an updated machine language appointment calendar for the Model 100. It is now relocatable, twice as fast and a little smaller (3341 bytes). When run Cal will show a three month calendar with the current month in the middle. A flashing cursor will show the current date. If a NOTE.DO file is also in memory, appointments will be hilighted. LOADING To load CAL.CO download CAL.RLC. Cal takes up 7410 bytes as a DO file and can be converted by RLCLDR.BA in DL4. The highest memory address you may use is 59618. Besure to read RLCLDR.DOC before converting to .CO. You should save the HEX file, for relocation to a new address later. As always back-up all files in RAM before using Cal. SETUP OF NOTE.DO Two types of entries can be made in the Note file. 1) Appointment: This entry will start with a date in the form of MM/DD (Month/ Day). 2) ToDo: This entry will start with a Letter. Any other entry will be unrecognized. Only the first 39 characters of a entry will be shown (not counting date). The following is an example of a small Note file: 01/01 New Year's Day 02/14 Valintine's Day 04/17 Washington's B'day This Entry will not show Make Plane Reservations for NY 06/04 July 4th 08/22 0900 Call Ray about orders for the trip to New York 08/22 Another appointment for the 22 11/19 Call Mr. Rich About Trip to NY Make Hotel Reservations for NY Reserve Rental car USING CAL.CO Before using CAL make sure DATE$ is set to the current date and year. When called, CAL will clear the screen and the calendar will appear. The current date will be flashing and any appointments will be hilighted. If the current date has an appointment it will be shown on the Label line and the cursor will flash rapidly, otherwise you'll see the function keys labels: Prev Next ToDo Appt 1985 NOTE 1987 Menu Note: [F5] and [F8] are in reference to the current year (1986). Prev: [F1] will move back one month. Next: [F2] will move forward one month. ToDo: [F3] will cycle thru any ToDo's in the Note file on the label line. Appt: [F4] with the cursor on a day with more than one appointment will cycle thru the other appointments for that day. 1985: [F5] will move back one year. NOTE: [F6] will take you to the Note file for editing. If there is no Note file you will be returned to the menu. 1987: [F7] will move forward one year. Menu: [F8] will return to the Menu. To move the cursor use the arrow keys. When the cursor is placed on a date with an appointment the first appointment for that date will be shown. Use [F4] to see any other appointments for that day. [F3] will still function in this mode. To return to the function key definitions from a ToDo or Appointment, move the cursor to a day without an appointment. Using a file other than NOTE.DO The following program can be used to load a new file name into CAL.CO. This .DO file name can only be four characters long. Before using this program set HIMEM to the TOP address you used when you converted CAL.RLC. Run this program and type in the new file name. Now CAL.CO will always use your new file name. 1 LOADM"Cal" 2 FILES:INPUT"File Name";F$:IFLEN(F$)<>4THEN2 3 FORX=1TO4:F=ASC(MID$(F$,X,1)):IFF>96THENF=F-32 4 POKE HIMEM+1179+X,F:NEXT 5 SAVEM"Cal",HIMEM,HIMEM+3341,HIMEM I have also uploaded the TCOMP source code (Basic), it is documented internally. If you have any problems or suggestions with CAL send E-Mail to me. Fred Edelkamp [70506,223]