DATFIL.TIP by Paul Globman Copyright (c) 1990 DATFIL.CO was written to compensate for the removal of CRDFIL.BA from the M100SIG Data Libraries, and to provide continued usefulness of existing templates and utility programs. DATFIL has one minor distinction from CRDFIL, which is the insertion of a space after the prompt. This was done because a space is an often used separator between the field prompt and the field data, and by including it as a program function, the user is not required to include the space after each prompt. Although this program difference was a mindful and deliberate attempt to improve upon the now unavailable CRDFIL, it is remotely possible for an existing CRDFIL template to display awkwardly when using DATFIL. Any display problems created by the addition of this space, can easily be rectified by... a)deleting the space that exists in the prompt. b)reducing the prompt by one character. c)adjusting the print position of the offending data field. If you cannot sufficiently correct your data field display, and the DATFIL.CO program is not usable unless it duplicates the CRDFIL output EXACTLY, then you can modify DATFIL.CO as follows... 1)LOADM"DATFIL" and take note of the TOP, END, and EXE addresses. 2)Model 100 users must CLEAR256,TOP to avoid the OM? error. 3)For DATFIL.100, AD=62715 For DATFIL.200, AD=63807 For DATFIL.CMD, AD=63823 (XOS) 4)Insert the correct AD in line 20, and the correct TOP/END/EXE info in line50 10 REM DATFIL.TIP (c) 1990 by P.Globman 20 LOADM"DATFIL":AD=XXXXX 30 IF PEEK(AD) <> 255 THEN BEEP:STOP 40 POKE AD,254:KILL"DATFIL.CO" 50 SAVEM"DATFIL",TOP,END,EXE 5)The resulting DATFIL will not insert a space and the user will be required to incorporate that space into the prompt data. This fix is a last resort option if (a), (b), or (c) above does not rectify the display.