DEPTH.BA By Glenn Neufeld DEPTH.BA is an interactive depth-of-field calculator. It is intended for photographers who must know the actual depth-of-filed of their photographic setups. Depth-of-field is a term used in photography to describe that part of a photograph in the foreground and background about the subject which remains as sharply in focus as the subject itself. As one reduces the amount of light entering the camera (stops the lens down), more objects in front of and behind the main subject come into focus (increased depth of field). DEPTH is operated via the function keys on the Model 100. Each key either sets a value for the calculation or performs that calculation. F1: {cc/?} This key sets the so-called "Circle Of Confusion". This describes the smallest size point that we can resolve as being fully in focus with the lens. In essence, this is the absolute resolution of our lens. As the lens gets better (or the film area increases), the smallest point our lens can make out grows smaller. Normally accepted values are shown. If you press enter withoput giving a number, the setting does not change. THIS IS TRUE FOR ALL THE INPUT FUNCTION KEYS. F2 {f/?} This key sets the focal length of your lens. As the focal length increases, the depth of field get shallower. This is because longer lenses (telephotos) cause forshortening, and give less depth-of-field. F3 {f/?} This key sets the f-stop value. As the f-stop increases (meaning the lens opening decreases), the depth-of-field becomes deeper. As it decreases, the depth-of-field becomes shallower. F4 {D/?} This key sets the focus for the lens you are using. If the lens was focused at 10 feet (10' on the lens-ring), you would tell the program 10. Thus it can tell you the actual distances to which your photo will remain in focus. F5 {>DF<} This key performs the depth-of-field calculation and displays its results for the current settings. This should be self-explanatory. F6 {>f/<} This key makes a rather feeble attempt to estimate the f-stop nescesary for a desired depth of field. You enter the desired near and far focus points, and it approximates the f-stop for the current settings. Since this is (klugily) done by succesive approximation, it is both slow and not very accurate. It was (obviously) added as an afterthought. Anyone with a better algorithm is invited to contact me directly. F7 {Help} All programs require a key like this. It is for quick reference to the key definitions. F8 {Menu} Resets the function keys to the basic defaults and returns you to the Main Menu. Please send me any comments/ideas. Have fun. -Glenn Neufeld [75076,753]