FIND+.DOC 03/09/89 Documentation for FIND+.MPC TMPC '3 in 1' Simple Report Generator by Jean-Luc Crevier [73720,2456] I like TMPC even if it takes a lot of space in my Tandy 102. Some reporting features are missing though. After 4 months of on-and-off usage, I came up with this basic program FIND+.MPC. This short and simple program incorporates some (not all) features already found in SEARCH.MPC and PTODO.BA provided by Acroatix - but it offers some extra options. I wrote this software after analyzing the technical section of the manual and the program listings. I am not a machine language programmer. As a layman, I am just familiar with BASIC. So it took me some time to understand enough to write my program. With FIND+.MPC, you can search trough any TMPC task file (you don't need TMPC.CO) and perform 3 useful operations: 1. Locate simultaneously any items using a target string (case sensitive) in the TODO section, DAILY LIST section (even cancelled and done items) and SINGLE DATE appointment section - weekly and monthly repeating sections are not supported. 2. Locate single date appointements using a TARGET DATE - weekly and monthly repeating sections are not supported. 3. Output ENTIRE CONTENT of task file (todos & appointments) - weekly and monthly repeating sections are not supported. Sample run of program: (PROMPT) Task file: Edit line 34 for default task file name. Just will use this default file name. If the task file is not found, the program will beep and warn you. (PROMPT) Output file: Just defaults to a ram file named REPORT.DO. You may use any legal device:filename ex. lcd:,lpt:,cas:report (PROMPT) ate or tem If you press 'D' or 'd', you'll see this: (PROMPT) Date as MM/DD/YY (enter=today) If you enter an invalid date, the program will trap the error. If you pressed 'I' (or in fact any other key), you'll see this: (PROMPT) Target string: This search is case sensitive. Just will output all todos and all single date appointments - weekly and monthly repeating appointments WILL NOT be included. For complete reporting options, see my earlier programs APPTR1.MPC and APPTR2.MPC in this data library. While the date or item search is performed and found items are printed, you may pause the output list by pressing the . Any other key will resume the operation. Pressing the key WHILE PRINTING will quit the program and return to Tandy 102/Model 100 main menu. I find my search/report utility especially useful when I must kill TMPC.CO because I need this 9K of extra space for awhile - when writing a long document for example. This way I can still consult my task file by date or by item. When I reinstall TMPC.CO, I use APPT.BA to append any appointment or memo temporarily entered in NOTE.DO. For todos entered in a transit document file, I use the Sel & Cut functions of TEXT before entering TMPC. Once in the add a todo screen (edit block), I use Paste to add these todos. Jean-Luc Crevier