This documentation should be used with FLSHCD.BA so that you may tailor it to your needs, whether for school or work. Flashcard can be used to drill on what ever you wish to study or memorize. The first option on the menu allows you to create a flashcard file into a text file which can be accesed from option 2 or option 3. Option 2 allows you to drill at random from either side of the card and from the data file. At times the computer's response may take a few seconds due to the random factor. Also, it seems that the longer the list(such as 100 inputs) the better the random functuion works. Option 3, in this case is used to drill on verb conjugations although any long string messages can be used such as names and addresses, product name and descriptions, client name and brief info about him, etc. As this program stands,any data file can be loaded in and from Basic for faster cassette access due to the automatic line numbering. Below is a list of Spanish verbs that can be drilled on with option 2.Use the edit keys to utilize this list. 1,ABANDONAR,TO ABANDON 2,ABATIR,TO KNOCK DOWN 3,ABOLIR,TO ABOLISH 5,ABRAZAR,TO EMBRACE 6,ABRIR,TO OPEN 7,ACABAR,TO FINISH 8,ACEPTAR,TO ACCEPT 10,ACERCARSE,TO APPROACH 12,ACLARAR,TO EXPLAIN 13,ACOMPANAR,TO ACCOMPANY 14,ACONSEJAR,TO ADVISE 15,ACORDAR,TO AGREE 16,ACORDARSE,TO REMEMBER 17,ACOSTARSE,TO GO TO BED 18,ACOSTUMBRAR,TO BE ACCUSTOMED 21,ACUSAR,TO ACCUSE 22,ADELANTAR,TO ADVANCE 23,ADIVINAR,TO GUESS 24,ADMIRAR,TO ADMIRE 25,ADMITIR,TO PERMIT 26,ADOPTAR,TO ADOPT 27,ADORAR,TO ADORE 28,ADQUIRIR,TO ACQUIRE 29,ADVERTIR,TO WARN 30,AGARRAR,TO GRAB 32,AGOTAR,TO EXHAUST 33,AGRADAR,TO PLEASE 34,AGRADECER,TO BE THANKFUL FOR 35,AGRANDAR,TO ENLARGE 36,AGRAVAR,TO AGGRAVATE 37,AGREGAR,TO COLLECT 38,AGRUPAR,TO GROUP 40,AHORRAR,TO ECONOMIZE 41,ALCANZAR,TO REACH 42,ALEGRARSE,TO BE GLAD 43,ALMORZAR,TO LUNCH 44,ALUMBRAR,TO ILLUMINATE 45,ALUMBRARSE,TO GET HIGH(TIPSY) 46,ALZAR,TO LIFT 47,AMAR,TO LOVE 48,ANDAR,TO WALK 49,ANULAR,TO ANNUL 50,ANUNCIAR,TO ANNOUNCE 0,0,0 Below is a list of conjugations that could be accessed from Option 3 since the random function would be useless here. Perhaps you can see the possible way to include name and description here for school or business use. 1,-ER VERBS: BEBER(GIVE TRANSLATION),TO DRINK 2,PRES.IND.(CONJUGATE:ADD-BETWEEN WORDS),BEBO-BEBES-BEBE-BEBEMOS-BEBEIS-BEBEN 3,IMP.IND.,BEBIA-BEBIAS-BEBIA-BEBIAMOS-BEBIAS-BEBIAN 4,PRETERIT,BEBI-BEBISTE-BEBIO-BEBIMOS-BEBISTEIS-BEBIERON 5,FUTURE,BEBERE-BEBERAS-BEBERA-BEBEREMOS-BEBEREIS-BEBERAN 6,CONDIT.,BEBERIA-BEBERIAS-BEBERIA-BEBERIAMOS-BEBERIAIS-BEBERIAN 7,PRES.SUBJ.,BEBA-BEBAS-BEBA-BEBAMOS-BEBAIS-BEBAN 8,IMP.SUBJ.,BEBIERA-BEBIERAS-BEBIERA-BEBIERAMOS-BEBIERAIS-BEBIERAN 9,PRES.PERF.IND.,HE BEBIDO-HAS BEBIDO-HA BEBIDO-HA BEBIDO-HEMOS BEBIDO-HAN BEBIDO 10,PLUP.IND.,HABIA BEBIDO-HABIAS BEBIDO-HABIA BEBIDO-HABIAMOS BEBIDO-HABIAIS BEBIDO-HABIAN BEBIDO