GLCHEK is a simple, no frills checkbook program. It is designed for keeping track of checks and deposits that have been manually written. It also contains a category ("CAT") field for sorting into expense categories. GLCHEK integrates with other programs to make a complete, simple accounting system. From the opening menu, you have 6 choices: "I]nput Data" starts the program for entering checks or deposits into a file called CJ.DO (Check Journal). When first starting the program you are prompted to enter a starting balance. "C]heck Balance" prints the account balance and totals of checks and deposits to the screen. "P]rint Journal" prints a listing of all transactions along with the summary totals of checks and deposits and the account balance. There is no prompt, but the printer must be on. "S]tatement Check" reads off the transactions and asks you to check them against your bank statement. You are asked if the amount is correct, and can then correct the amount to that listed in the statement. You are also asked to enter an "X" for each item that has "cleared" or been listed on the statement. Each time this part of the program is run, only items that haven't been previously checked off are shown. "R]econciliation" prints out a reconciliation based on the items you have checked off. All outstanding checks are listed. No automatic cut off is provided, so it is suggested that periodically you cut off part of the CJ.DO file and store it separately. Just make sure there are no uncleared checks in the portion you store away. Check the ending balance of the portion you are storing and enter it as a new starting balance. Then just add the rest of the checks that you are keeping listed using the normal text editor of the Model 100. Carefully follow the format of commas and line returns and test that you've made no errors. Once you're comfortable with this part of the program you can move on to the accounting programs that use the same files. UPDATE of Feb. 7, 1987 A few minor enhancements have been added to the program. The input screens have been modified and include a standard formatter for dates. As you enter dates they should be in "MM/DD/YY" format; the slashes will be added automatically. By keeping standardized on dating (which was totally optional before) date sorts on future programs or user developed programs will be possible. The program does not check for impossible dates like "13/34/87", so you're on your own there. The program now checks that "CAT" numbers are correct. This means that the WTB.DO file must be present when entering checks or deposits. It helps to keep a copy of the Chart of Accounts handy when entering data. Wrong entries will ask for a correction. Blank entries will self -cancel. Also, between entries, the date will automatically reappear and the transaction number will increment by one. Either default can be accepted by hitting , or be overwritten. If you are using this program as a Check register only and don't want "CAT" numbers, you can disable this function by placing an asterisk at the beginning of lines: 1450, 1514 ,1550 and 5820. Special thanks to James Bott for suggestions and help.