GLPOST is the posting component of GL100. It sorts through the entries in your CJ.DO journal and posts the amounts to the correct categories in the working trial balance. The opening menu gives four choices: P]ost Current Period Y]ear End Closing W]tb Print Out E]xit To close the end of your period (month, quarter, or whatever), just push "P." If your CJ.DO file is big, you can now take a break and get some coffee or go potty cause this will take a bit. When it is finished, the appropriate fields in the WTB.DO file will be changed to show the activity for the period. The old WTB.DO file will still be there listed as "LASTMO.DO" in case you change your mind or want to do periodic statement runs before actually closing the period. If that is the case, you can return to the "unclosed" condition by killing off the WTB.DO file and recreating the old one. Just go to basic and enter: NAME "LASTMO.DO" AS "WTB.DO", and the world is back to where it was. To close the year just push "Y". "Year End" closes out all the income and expense accounts to "410 Retained Earnings", and clears all the debits and credits the field reserved for prior period information. The previous WTB.DO file is preserved as LASTYR.DO and it's a good idea to keep a copy on tape. Proper procedure at year end is to first do the period end, print out ALL the reports you need and then do the year end. If you forget, LASTYR.DO can be converted back to WTB.DO to make your reports. (CJ.DO is not needed for "Year End" or "WTB Print Out" or either of the reports in GL100 - only "Period End" requires CJ.DO) When doing "WTB Print Out" the program asks you for Company Name and Dates. The appropriate dates for a working trial balance are the beginning of the year to the period end, e.g. "January 1 to June 30 1987". Don't use commas as BASIC will not accept them. After running the year end it is useful to print and keep a Working trial balance for the year beginning. It should be dated for it's one date, e.g. "January 1 1988". Before running GLPOST, makes sure you don't have old files on your menu called LASTMO.DO, LASTYR.DO or TEMP.DO, or the program will abort.