Load HCFORM.BA into Basic, then Merge the follow HCADD.DO, after deleting this introduction. This modification will save to a file SALES.DO < Date, Slip #, Amount without tax, and Name > to keep track of sales. This file can then be edited or printed from the TEXT program. Norm Leveillee 72327,1025 ***DELETE LINES ABOVE BEFORE MERGIN**** 290 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" Now ready for printer output! Press ENTER when ready... ";:Q$=INPUT$(1) 300 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" Output now going to printer..." 550 PRINT:PRINT" Do Another? (Y/N) ";:Q$=INPUT$(1) 740 PRINT TAB(2);ID$(A) 745 PRINT TAB(12);UP(A);TAB(20);Q(A);TAB(25); 830 IF X$="N" OR X$="n" THEN CLS:GOTO 10 840 IF X$="Y" OR X$="y" THEN GOTO 845 845 IF N$="1" OR N$="2" THEN GOTO 850 ELSE GOTO 880 850 OPEN "SALES" FOR APPEND AS 1 860 PRINT #1,DATE$;TAB(2)"#";FN$;TAB(2)"$";TT;TAB(2)NM$ 870 CLOSE 880 PRINT:INPUT" To Printer ? Y/N";X$ 890 IF X$="Y" OR X$="y" THEN CLS:RETURN 900 IF X$="N" OR X$="n" THEN CLS:GOTO 550 910 END