JUXTA.100 a tool for writers and programmers by Carmen Paone [72677,42] This program will allow a writer to compare a first draft of a story with a second draft. The changes will be placed in a file called ""JUXTA.DO" That file can be sent to RAM; saved to disk by means of PWR-DOS (Model 100 or 102); or can be sent to your printer. The files to be compared must be in ASCII and they must be DO files. Programmers can compare changes they made in their works on a line by line basis with JUXTA.100. Send all comments to me via this Forum or EMAIL. Use the paste and cut feature on your 100 to clip the program below the dotted line. Empty the cut material into a DO file called ""Juxta"" and then go into BASIC and type RUN "Juxta. After the menu appears, Hit "q" or "Q" twice; return to BASIC and then type save "Juxta. ....................................... 1' ************************* 2' * * 3' * JUXTA.100 * 4' * * 5' * BY CARMEN PAONE * 6' * 72677,42 * 7' * CREATED MAY 3, 1990 * 8' * * 9' ************************* 10 CLEAR1000:MAXFILES=3:DEFSTRE,N,R:E=CHR$(27):R=E+"p":N=E+"q 11 CLS:PRINT@0,RSPACE$(11)"JUXTAPOSITION.100"SPACE$(12)N;:POKE63038,191:ONERRORGOTO26 12 PRINT:FILES:PRINT@280,R" FILENAME I: "N;:INPUTA$:PRINTSPACE$(39):PRINTR" FILENAME II: "N;:INPUTB$ 13 IFINSTR("qQ",A$)ORINSTR("qQ",B$)THENMENU 14 CLOSE:OPENA$FORINPUTAS1:OPENB$FORINPUTAS2 15 PRINTR" Output to: 1) RAM 2) DISK 3) PRINTER "N;:Q$=INPUT$(1):Q=VAL(Q$):PRINTN:PRINTSPACE$(39):IFQ$=ETHENMENU 16 IFQ<1ORQ>3THEN15 18 IFQ=1THENF$="JUXTA 19 IFQ=2THENGOSUB28:F$="0:JUXTA.do 20 IFQ=3THENGOSUB29:F$="lpt: 21 OPENF$FOROUTPUTAS3:CLS:PRINT@128,R" COMPARING FILES... "N:PRINT#3,"*** TOP *** 22 LINEINPUT#1,X$:LINEINPUT#2,Y$:IFX$<>Y$THENPRINT#3,"---":PRINT#3,X$:PRINT#3,Y$:PRINT#3,"---":X$="":Y$=" 23 IFEOF(1)ANDEOF(2)THENPRINT#3,"*** END I and II ***":MAXFILES=1:MENU 24 IFEOF(1)THENPRINT#3,"*** END I ***":MAXFILES=1:MENU 25 IFEOF(2)THENPRINT#3,"*** END II ***":MAXFILES=1:MENUELSE22 26 IFERR=52THENPRINTRSPACE$(8)"WRONG FILENAMES"SPACE$(8)N:FORT=1TO999:NEXT:RESUME11 27 IFERRTHENPRINTRSPACE$(11)"Error"ERR"in line"ERLSPACE$(11)N:END 28 IFINP(130)AND7=2THENPRINTRSPACE$(11)"DRIVE OFF"SPACE$(11)N:FORT=1TO999:NEXT:GOTO15ELSERETURN 29 IFINP(187)AND6THENPRINTRSPACE$(13)"PRINTER OFF?"SPACE$(13)N:FORT=1TO999:NEXT:GOTO15ELSE21