LUCNV.DOC LUCID FILE CONVERSION PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION This program is designed to convert a Lucid spreadsheet file to a form which can be uploaded for use on another spreadsheet program. Specifically, the Lucid file is converted to a VISICALC ASCII file. This file can be uploaded to another PC, and, in turn, can be converted to LOTUS 1-2-3 format. This is what I use this program for. I developed it to handle spreadsheets developed on the M100, but which either grew too large for my 32K, or which needed to be used on several PC's at work. The program is in BASIC, and when it is executed the Lucid file to be converted must be in RAM. The output file can either be in RAM, if there's room, or any other colon delimited file, such as CAS:, or, as I use it, a 0: disk file. All Lucid cell entries can be handled by the program, although some either don't have a VISICALC equivalent, or may operate differently. Listed below are some known cautions: 1.The Lucid REF function is converted to a text string. There is no equivalent in either VISICALC or Lotus. 2. TBL is converted to a combination of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP which acts similarly. 2a. Note that Lucid and Lotus work differently for values between exact figures in the lookup tables. Lucid goes to the next higher entry, while Lotus goes to the lower bound entry. 2b. Lotus needs the upper left corner filled. 2c. A very important note is that you have to add, either on the Lucid lookup table or in Lotus, a row after the last row of lookup values counting the columns 1,2,3,... This is needed to make the one dimensional Lotus lookup functions work like Lucid's two dimensional TBL function. 3. Lotus may not work the same for text entries referenced by equations. 4. Cell formulas are converted with lots of parentheses because VISICALC uses left to right priority, not algebraic like Lucid and Lotus. 5.Finally, most formats from Lucid are ignored, so you'll have to fix them when the conversion is complete. When you run the program, you'll be prompted for an output file type, ie RAM:, CAS:, 0:, LCD:, LPT:. Then you'll be prompted for the Lucid file name. If the program finds the .CA file, then, conversion will proceed. Converted cell entries are echoed to the screen. The converted file will be named XXXXXX.DO, where XXXXXX is the Lucid file name. The converted statements will be echoed to the screen. The file name finder is acknowledged as borrowed from another program, but I don't recall which one. Listed below is a formula listing for a sample spreadsheet and the resulting converted file. Good luck. row/colA1B1 C1 D1 E1 +2 +5 +4 +B2*C2 +3 this is a test file for lucid id conversion +4 +RND(5) +INT(C2) +SUM(B4:C4) +5 +TBL(B2,C2,B7:D11) +EXP(B2) +LOG(C5) +6 +(B2+C2*D2-C5/D5)/(B5) +7 +0 +1000000 +8 +2 -1 -10 +9 +4 +1 +10 +10 +6 +2 +11 +11 +8 +3 +12 The listing following is the resulting .DO file which was created from this file. >D11:/FD+12 >C11:/FD+3 >B11:/FD+8 >A11:/FD+11 >D10:/FD+11 >C10:/FD+2 >B10:/FD+6 >A10:/FD+10 >D9:/FD+10 >C9:/FD+1 >B9:/FD+4 >A9:/FD+9 >D8:/FD-10 >C8:/FD-1 >B8:/FD+2 >A8:/FD+8 >D7:/FD+1000000 >C7:/FD+0 >A7:/FD+7 >B6:/FD+(B2+(C2*D2)-(C5/D5))/(B5) >A6:/FD+6 >D5:/FD+@LN(C5) >C5:/FD+@EXP(B2) >B5:/FD+@VLOOKUP(B2,B7...D11,@HLOOKUP(C2,B7...D12,5)) >A5:/FD+5 >D4:/FD+@SUM(B4...C4) >C4:/FD+@INT(C2) >B4:/FD+(5)*@RAND >A4:/FD+4 >E3:/FD"id conversion. >B3:/FD"this is a test file for lucid >A3:/FD+3 >D2:/FD+B2*C2 >C2:/FD+4 >B2:/FD+5 >A2:/FD+2 >E1:/FD"E1 >D1:/FD"D1 >C1:/FD"C1 >B1:/FD"B1 >A1:/FD"row/colA1 NOTE: After you've converted this to a Lotus worksheet file, you have to add the following to make the table function operate properly: cell entry ---- ----- B12 1 C12 2 D12 3 Thanks to Phil Wheeler for all his help in getting this program uploaded and checked out. Dave Lapinski