0 'MILES.BA (c)1988, Bill Thomas CompuServe 76576,3035 1 'Gets input for Tax-Deductable Milage, and prints it to a .DO file" for storage. Does not compute milage. 2 'The program will keep track of miles for several persons. The file name is keyed to the first letter of the name used. It is held in Z$. 3 'As listed the program handles miles for two persons, Bill and Valerie. To personalize it, change the names in LINE 20, and the Z$ keys in LINE 40. 4 'The file name will be in the format xMILmm.do, where x=first letter of the name used in LINE 20 for Z$, and mm is the month for which the milage is attributable. 5 'Thus, you may enter milage for several months at the same sitting, and the computer will sort them into separate files by month and person. 6 'The program defaults to the current date, unless you input a different date. So if you get behind in your milage, you may make late entries. 9 'Delete LINES 1-9 to save space. 10 CLS:PRINT@5,"WORK-RELATED DEDUCTABLE MILAGE 20 CLEAR:PRINT@90,"alerie Entry":PRINT@130,"ill Entry, or enu 30 Z$=INKEY$:IFZ$=""GOTO30 35 IFZ$="M"ORZ$="m"THENMENU 40 IFZ$="V"ORZ$="v"ORZ$="B"ORZ$="b"GOTO100 50 BEEP:CLS:PRINT@5,"TRY AGAIN...":GOTO20 100 CLS:INPUT"Number of miles";M 110 PRINT" Date: ";DATE$;" if Today":PRINT@50,"";:INPUTD$ 120 IFD$=""THEND$=DATE$ 130 INPUT" From: ";F$ 140 INPUT" To: ";T$ 150 INPUT"Comments: ";C$ 200 CLS:PRINT"IS THIS CORRECT?":PRINT:PRINTM;" miles ";D$:PRINT"From: ";F$:PRINT" To: ";T$:PRINT" For: ";C$ 210 X$=INKEY$:IFX$=""THEN210 220 IFX$="Y"ORX$="y"THEN300ELSE100 300 ON ERRORGOTO400 310 OPENZ$+"MIL"+LEFT$(D$,2)+".DO"FORAPPENDAS1 320 PRINT#1,USING"###";M;:PRINT#1," "+D$+" ";F$:PRINT#1,STRING$(15," ")+T$:PRINT#1,STRING$(15," ")+C$ 330 CLOSE:CLS:GOTO20 400 CLOSE:CLS:PRINT"ERROR ";ERR;" IN LINE ";ERL:STOP