DOCUMENTATION FOR MORTG.BA -------------------------- This is a short basic program that conveniently handles mortgage loan calculations. This program uses a spreadsheet-like format that allows the user to input any 3 variables and calculate the remaining variable. The input is facilitated by the use of the labeled function (F) keys. This program redefines the F keys for its own temporary use and upon exit of the program, the original BASIC functions are reinserted into F1 thru F5 with the addition of EDIT and KILL assigned to F6 & F7 respectively. The F6 & F7 assignment may be deleted after the program has been downloaded if you don't think adding meaning to otherwise unused F6 & F7 does not make BASIC more convenient. In no case should the routine that reinserts the ORIGINAL BASIC tokens to F1 thru F5 and F8 be deleted or else the F keys will be meaningless in future entries to BASIC. . The variables are assigned dummy numbers to avoid any error conditions. The user typically reassigns the variables as he inputs the numbers for the particular problem at hand. As economic conditions change, the program lines that assigns the starting dummy values may be changed. Items "Per1" and "Per2" on the "spreadsheet" allow the user to specify the start & end period respectively during which the amount paid to interest is to be calculated. It helps during tax return time and it is handy for quickly reminding oneself how little goes to paying off the principal during the first five years. Bill Chan, 72737,2662