0 'MYTODO.BA (c) 1988, by Bill Thomas CompuServe 76576,3035 1 'MYTODO.BA adds notes to NOTE.DO as well as a check-off line and the date and time when the note was created. 2 'Enter the program and a series of dots are placed on the screen as a workspace. Enter any notes or message which you want printed to NOTE.DO. 3 'To exit, simply hit ENTER with no notes on the screen. 4 'Use SCHEDL to access NOTE.DO in the conventional manner. 6 'If the date is not needed, delete this from line 70: LEFT$(DATE$,5)+"><"+ 7 'If the time is not needed, delete this from line 70: +"><"+LEFT$(TIME$,5) 8 'The simplicity of ENTERing/EXITing and access through SCHEDL is what makes this program so nice. 9 'Delete LINES 1-9 to conserve space. 10 CLEAR500:CLS:PRINT@13,CHR$(27)"p TO END"CHR$(27)"q" 20 PRINT@80,STRING$(199,".")+"<":PRINT@40,"" 30 LINEINPUTA$ 40 IFA$=""THENMENU 50 ONERRORGOTO100 60 OPEN"NOTE.DO"FORAPPENDAS1 70 PRINT#1,"___<"+LEFT$(DATE$,5)+"><"+LEFT$(TIME$,5)+"> "+A$:PRINT#1,"":CLOSE:GOTO10 100 BEEP:CLS:PRINT@18,CHR$(27)"p";ERR;"ERROR in "ERL;CHR$(27)"q":FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO10