0 'NAMES.100 by Bill Templeton - 3/3/86 - Danville Tigers - CIS:[75655,1056] 1 CLEAR:MAXFILES=1:M$=CHR$(27):R$=M$+"p":N$=M$+"q":N=1 2 CLS:OPEN"names"FORAPPENDAS1 3 PRINT#1,:PRINT#1,"Date: "DATE$" ("DAY$") "LEFT$(TIME$,5)"PST 4 PRINT@13,R$" Name & Address "; 5 PRINT@40,R$" name: "N$;:INPUTA$ 6 PRINT@80,R$" company: "N$;:INPUTB$ 7 PRINT@120,R$" street: "N$;:INPUTC$ 8 PRINT@160,R$" city,state: "N$;:INPUTD$,E$ 9 PRINT@200,R$" zip: "N$;:INPUTF$ 10 PRINT@240,R$" phone: "N$;:INPUTG$ 11 PRINT@293,R$" Is this correct? "N$;:X$=INPUT$(1):IFINSTR("Yy",X$)THEN12ELSE4 12 PRINT#1,:PRINT#1,USING"####";N;:PRINT#1," "A$:PRINT#1," "B$:PRINT#1," "C$:PRINT#1," "D$", "E$" "F$:PRINT#1," "G$ 13 PRINT@293,R$" Another Input? "N$;:Z$=INPUT$(1) 14 IFINSTR("Yy",Z$)THENCLS:N=N+1:A$="":B$="":C$="":D$="":E$="":F$="":GOTO4ELSEMENU 15 'simple 1,2,3 instructions are: 16 " (1) Don't use commas except between City and State. 17 ' (2) Press if the info is correct on the line being reviewed. 18 ' (3) Retype the entire line when making a correction.