NWORTH.SLK Net Worth Evaluator: This 'Sheet gives an indications of your total net worth. If you're not familiar with this concept, the answer may shock you! Size: This Spreadsheet is setup 4 columns wide. Execution: Enter numbers in adjacent cells. If not applicable or zero, then leave it blank. Blanks are treated as zero. To personalize this sheet, make the appropriate entries. For example, replace "#1" under "Other assets:" with "Computer:" and put its value in the right cell. The sheet is currently set up for automatic recalculation, something you might want to change when initially entering data. (Do this using [F6] [F3] [ENTER].) +---------------+ | Robert Toft | | [74716,476] | +---------------+ ID;PMP F;DG2R15 B;Y25;X5 NN;Ncash;ER4C2 NN;Nsavings;ER5C2 NN;Ncheckng;ER6C2 NN;Nreal_estate;ER7C2 NN;Nautomobiles;ER8C2 NN;Ncash_val_life_ins;ER9C2 NN;Nstocks;ER10C2 NN;Nbonds;ER11C2 NN;Nother_assets;ER13C2 NN;Nhousehold_goods;ER12C2 NN;Nmortgages;ER4C4 NN;Nloan__bank;ER5C4 NN;Nloan__other;ER6C4 NN;Nother_debts;ER7C4 NN;Ntotl_assets;ER20C2 NN;NTotl_debts;ER20C4 NN;NSalery;ER27C2 NN;NSalery_2;ER28C2 NN;NSalery_1;ER27C2 NN;NOther_1;ER29C2 NN;NOther_2;ER30C2 NN;NNet_Worth;ER22C2 C;Y1;X2;K"| Net Worth" C;X3;K"| Date:" F;X4;FG2C C;X5;K" |";G F;FG2L C;Y2;S;R1;C5 F;FG2L C;Y3;S F;FG2L C;Y4;S F;FG2L C;Y5;S F;FG2L C;Y6;S F;FG2L C;Y7;S F;FG2L C;Y8;S F;FG2L C;Y9;S F;FG2L C;Y10;S F;FG2L C;Y11;S F;FG2L C;Y12;S F;FG2L C;Y13;S F;FG2L C;Y14;S F;FG2L C;Y15;S F;FG2L C;Y16;S F;FG2L C;Y17;S F;FG2L C;Y18;S F;FG2L C;Y19;S F;FG2L C;Y20;S F;FG2L C;Y21;S F;FG2L C;Y22;S F;FG2L C;Y2;X2;K"`-----------" C;X3;K"----'" F;FG2L C;Y3;X1;K"Assets:" F;FG2L C;X3;K"Liabilities" F;FG2L C;Y4;X1;K"cash" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"mortgages" F;X4;F$2R C;Y5;X1;K"savings" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"loan - bank" F;X4;F$2R C;Y6;X1;K"checkng" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"loan - other" F;X4;F$2R C;Y7;X1;K"real estate" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"other debts:" C;X4;ESUM(R[+1]C:R[+11]C);K0 F;F$2R C;Y8;X1;K"automobiles" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#1" F;X4;F$2R C;Y9;X1;K"cash val life ins" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#2" F;X4;F$2R C;Y10;X1;K"stocks" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#3" F;X4;F$2R C;Y11;X1;K"bonds" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#4" F;X4;F$2R C;Y12;X1;K"household goods" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#5" F;X4;F$2R C;Y13;X1;K"other assets:" C;X2;ESUM(R[+1]C:R[+5]C);K0 F;F$2R C;X3;K"#6" F;X4;F$2R C;Y14;X1;K"#1" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#7" F;X4;F$2R C;Y15;X1;K"#2" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#8" F;X4;F$2R C;Y16;X1;K"#3" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#9" F;X4;F$2R C;Y17;X1;K"#4" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#10" F;X4;F$2R C;Y18;X1;K"#5" F;X2;F$2R C;X3;K"#11" F;X4;F$2R C;Y19;X1;K"-------------";G C;X2;S;R19;C1 C;X3;S C;X4;S F;F$2R C;Y20;X1;K"Totl assets" F;FG2L C;X2;ESUM(R[-7]C:R[-16]C);K0 F;F$2R C;X3;K"Totl debts" F;FG2L C;X4;ESUM(R[-2]C:R[-16]C);K0 F;F$2R F;Y21;X1;FG2L F;X2;FG2L F;X3;FG2L F;X4;FG2L C;Y22;X1;K"Net Worth" F;FG2L C;X2;Etotl_assets-Totl_debts;K0 F;F$2R F;X3;FG2L F;X4;FG2L C;Y23;X1;K"----------------";G F;FG2L C;X2;S;R23 F;FG2L C;X3;S F;FG2L C;X4;S F;FG2L C;X5;K"------'" F;FG2L F;Y25;X2;FG2L F;X4;FG2L E