0 'PACE_O H. NOEL 5/88 SHAREWARE $8.00 V 2.5 3/89. 1 MAXFILES=2:DIMS(13),M(13),H(13),F(13),M$(13),S$(13) 2 CLS:PRINT" PPP AAA CCC EEE":PRINT" The P P A A C E "CHR$(171)" 1988":PRINT"Original PPP AAA C EE Namreka":PRINT" P A A C E Products":PRINT" P A A CCC EEE V 2.5d":R1=R1+1 3 IFR1=1THENINPUT"Enter distance in miles ";D$ELSED9$=D$:PRINT"Enter distance in miles ("D")";:INPUTD$:IFD$=""THEND$=D9$ 4 D=VAL(D$):IFLEFT$(D$,1)="M"THENMENU 5 IFR1=1THENINPUT"Enter time hmm:ss ";T$ELSET9$=T$:PRINT"Enter time hmm:ss ("T$")";:INPUTT$:IFT$=""THENT$=T9$ 6 PRINT" Please Wait";:T1=INSTR(1,T$,":"):IFT1=0THENPRINT:INPUT"***ERROR in the way you entered the time press return and try again";X:GOTO2 7 H=0:M=VAL(LEFT$(T$,T1-1)):S=VAL(RIGHT$(T$,2)):H=INT(M/100):M=M-(H*100):S=(S+(M*60)+(H*3600))/D:S(1)=(S/1760)*100:S(2)=S/4:F(3)=.5:F(4)=1:F(5)=3.1 8 F(6)=6.2:F(7)=9.3:F(8)=13.1:F(9)=26.2:F(10)=50:F(11)=37.2:F(12)=62.2:F(13)=100:FORX=3TO13:GOSUB11:IFX=4THENCLS:OPEN"LCD:"FOROUTPUTAS1:GOSUB15:GOSUB20 9 NEXTX:PRINT@159," ";:GOSUB32:CLOSE1:PRINT@1," "; 10 A$=INKEY$:IFLEFT$(A$,1)="M"ORLEFT$(A$,1)="m"THENMENUELSEIFA$="R"ORA$="r"THENGOTO2ELSEIFA$="I"ORA$="i"THENGOTO21ELSEGOTO10 11 REM 12 S1=S*F(X):IFX<3THENS(X)=S1:RETURN 13 H(X)=INT(S1/3600):S1=S1-(H(X)*3600):M(X)=INT(S1/60):S1=S1-(M(X)*60):M$(X)=RIGHT$(STR$(INT(M(X)+100)),2):IFH(X)=0ANDM(X)<10THENM$(X)=STR$(M(X)) 14 S$(X)=RIGHT$(STR$(INT(S1+100)),2):RETURN 15 REM 16 PRINT#1," I=Info PACE R=Redo M=Menu":PRINT#1," DISTANCE TIME MILE PACE MPH" 17 IFT2=0THENPRINT#1,USING" ###.## \ \ \\:\\ ##.##";D,T$,M$(4),S$(4),3600/SELSEPRINT#1,USING" ###.## \ \ \\:\\ ##.##";D,T$,M$(4),S$(4),3600/S 18 PRINT#1,"-----------.-------------.-------------" 19 RETURN 20 PRINT:PRINT" CALCULATING OTHER DISTANCES STAND BY":RETURN 21 CLS::PRINT"The file PACE_O.DO will be created or added to with the last time chart when you press the space bar for this screen.Later you can print that file out. If" 22 PRINT"the printer is set to do expanded mode when you print it makes the printout easier to read.":GOSUB35 23 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" SAVING CHART TO PACE_O.DO":OPEN"PACE_O.DO"FORAPPENDAS1:GOSUB19:GOSUB31:PRINT#1," ":PRINT#1," ":CLOSE1:CLS 24 PRINT" HINTS & HELPS hmm:ss stands for h=hour mm=minutes ss=seconds the h and first m are optional but you need at least 1:00 as" 25 PRINT"the lowest time. When asked for dis- tance on the initial screen you can press F8 to return to the MENU.":GOSUB35 26 PRINT"This program was developed to aid runners in projecting their run times. If you decide to keep or modify this SHAREWARE program please send a develop-ment fee of $8 within 1 week to: H. Noel"; 27 PRINT"/1697 Sierra Bonita/Pasadena, CA 91104.":GOSUB35:PRINT"Feel free to copy & distribute the original program as is but please don't delete these SHAREWARE info screens until you have paid the development" 28 PRINT"fee. The concept of SHAREWARE can createquality software at reasonable prices for all of us.":GOSUB35 29 PRINT"So keep the idea alive and food on my table by sending in the $8. After all it's cheaper than the cost of a race. A listing of other handy/non-complicated"; 30 PRINT"IBM/MAC/M100 running programs and other software (as well as upgrades) is available upon request. Happy trails.":GOSUB35:GOTO2 31 REM 32 IFH(6)>0THENPRINT#1,USING" 100YD ###| 10K #:\\:\\| 60K ##:\\:\\";S(1),H(6),M$(6),S$(6),H(11),M$(11),S$(11)ELSEPRINT#1,USING" 100YD ###| 10K \\:\\| 60K ##:\\:\\";S(1),M$(6),S$(6),H(11),M$(11),S$(11) 33 IFH(7)>0THENPRINT#1,USING" 440YD ###| 15K #:\\:\\| 50M ##:\\:\\";S(2),H(7),M$(7),S$(7),H(10),M$(10),S$(10)ELSEPRINT#1,USING" 440YD ###| 15K \\:\\| 50M ##:\\:\\";S(2),M$(7),S$(7),H(10),M$(10),S$(10) 34 PRINT#1,USING" 880 \\:\\| 1/2M #:\\:\\|100K ##:\\:\\";M$(3),S$(3),H(8),M$(8),S$(8),H(12),M$(12),S$(12):PRINT#1,USING" 5K \\:\\|MRTHN #:\\:\\|100M ##:\\:\\";M$(5),S$(5),H(9),M$(9),S$(9),H(13),M$(13),S$(13);:RETURN 35 PRINT@280," (Press the SPACE BAR to continue)"; 36 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=CHR$(32)THENCLS:RETURNELSEIFLEFT$(A$,1)="M"THENMENUELSEGOTO36