CIS FILENAME: PROCAL.DOC ***** PROCAL.100 - DOCUMENTATION - 09/28/87 ****** I designed this program because I needed it. As a commercial producer-director in a french TV station in Montreal (Quebec/Canada) I work on several different accounts (clients) at the same time. I needed a way: 1) to have a complete picture of my schedule (a calendar is for me a good visual planning tool to see the entire forest as well as the individual trees) 2) to isolate individual client activity in order to provide a production schedule for each individual client. So here is (PRO)JECT (CAL)ENDAR or in my line of business the Production Board. PROCAL.100 will output a monthly calendar (it requires a 80 column printer). See 2 sample files in PROCAL.FIL. NOTE.DO FILE MANAGEMENT It requires that you maintain a sorted NOTE.DO file (using NOTE.DO, you can still use SCHDL Model 100 Program). You keep your file in order as you enter records or you sort the file with any other sorting program. You must be consistent when you enter or edit your records with TEXT. Each record represents a task concerning a specific project. With PROCAL.100, each record in the NOTE.DO file must contain the following 6 (six) fields in this sequence: 1) DATE (MM/DD) - only month and day, 2) START-FINISH TIME (09H00-19H00) - use the 24 hour format for sort purposes, 3) ABBREVIATED TASK (AS IT WILL APPEAR ON THE CALENDAR - MAX. 10 CHARS), 4) ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF TASK, 5) LOCATION (WHERE YOU WILL PERFORM THIS TASK), 6) PROJECT NAME (this field must be in UPPER CASE / CAPITAL LETTERS) Each field is separated by a comma ',' and each record is terminated by [enter]. To work properly, PROCAL.100 requires that you ALWAYS enter the SAME number of commas or delimiters (6 pieces of data separated by 5 commas). Here is a sample NOTE.DO file suitable for PROCAL.100 (use only CAPITAL letters - my decision in designing the program): (This file was used to produce the two sample calendars found in PROCAL.FIL) LIMITS: 150 items per month, 20 items per day. (sample NOTE.DO file follows) -------- 09/03,12H00,PAYCHECK,WITH 2 BONUS,OUR OFFICE,PERSONAL 09/04,18H00,BIRTHDAY,MY SON FRANCIS,AT HOME,PERSONAL 09/09,09H00-12H00,CONCEPT,ANALYZE STORYBOARD,MY OFFICE,XYZ DETERGENT 09/11,17H00,BID,SUBMIT OUR FINAL BID,ABC AGENCY,XYZ DETERGENT 09/17,12H00,PAYCHECK,WITH NO BONUS GO TO BANK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE,OUR OFFICE,PERSONAL 09/18,18H00-24H00,CASTING,FOR FEMALE PART,CASTING AGENT,XYZ DETERGENT 09/22,09H00-10H30,MEETING,WITH NEW CLIENT FOR ESTIMATE,ON PREMISES,CAR DEALER 09/22,13H00-17H00,PRE-PROD.,PRE-PRODUCTION MEETING WITH ABC AGENCY,OUR OFFICE,XYZ DETERGENT 09/25,13H00-14H00,CONTRACT,SIGN PRODUCTION CONTRACT,OUR OFFICE,CAR DEALER 09/27,09H00-22H00,SHOOTING,INCLUDING TESTIMONIALS,STUDIO 'B',XYZ DETERGENT 09/28,09H00-17H00,EDITING 1,ROUGH CUT ONLY,OFF-LINE SUITE,XYZ DETERGENT 09/29,09H00-12H00,EDITING 2,FINE CUT WITH MUSIC,ON-LINE SUITE,XYZ DETERGENT 09/30,20H30,ON-AIR,DELIVER COPY BEFORE NOON,CFTM-TV,XYZ DETERGENT 10/03,09H00-20H00,SHOOTING,EDITING WILL BE DONE IN NOVEMBER,PREMISES,CAR DEALER -------- (end of sample NOTE.DO file) Sample run of program --------------------- Prompt no.1: "Is NOTE.DO file sorted?" If your file is sorted, you may answer by 'Y', 'y', 'YES' or 'yes'. I use a subroutine to capitalize your answer (convert each letter to CAPITAL/UPPER CASE) and use only the first character of your answer. If your file is not sorted, (any other answer than yes) PROCAL.100 will run your favorite sorting program that must be present in RAM. (see line 46 to customize). Prompt no.2: "Which month (1-12)?" PROCAL.100 is designed to output 1 month at a time. Prompt no.3: "Which project?" "(1) All" "(2) Specific project" If you select (1) all projects for this month will be outputted EXCEPT 'PERSONAL' project. So this way, you can still use this program for your PERSONAL LIFE and keep it PRIVATE. If you select (2), only this one project will be outputted. You can plan your personal life by selecting (2) and 'PERSONAL' as the project name. Prompt no.4: "Project name?" You can use upper or lower case (CAPITALIZATION ROUTINE) and/or only a part of the project name (INSTR$ function). Prompt no.5: "Which day of the week is the first of (the month selected)" "(1 to 7) i.e. 3 = Tuesday" It was the simplest way around the problem! You must refer to the standard calendar on the wall to inform PROCAL.100. Prompt no.6: "Output dev:filename?" You can output to any legal device. The default (just [enter]) is PRINTER. EDIT LINE 82 to insert your name, title, company etc. The variable names I used for this program are french mnemonics as this program was first written in french. See 'variables table' and documented rem's within the program itself. Finally, excuse my english... I am a French Canadian! I hope my modest program will help you plan your projects! Jean-Luc Crevier CIS [73720,2456] a newcomer in the MODEL 100 (Tandy 102) community!