1 REM Written by Don Corbitt [75655,1516] for public use 2 REM To use, just put any appointment you want to remember, along with its date, (in the same format as Radio Shacki.e. "08/14/83") and execute this command once in BASIC. 3 REM 'IPL REMIND' 4 REM Each time you turn on the computer, it will check the NOTE.DO file for events on the current day. Of course, to be of any help, you should use your Model 100 daily. 10 MAXFILES=1:CLOSE:OPEN"note.do"FORINPUTAS1 20 IFEOF(1)THENMENUELSELINEINPUT#1,L$:IFINSTR(L$,DATE$)=0THEN20ELSEPRINTL$;:BEEP:BEEP:INPUTL$:GOTO20