SCPSIT.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. There have been several recent questions regarding the use of linefeed patches with SCRIPTSIT from Tandy (aka the non-ROM version of WRITE+ from PCSG). These programs have a conflict with the most commonly used LF patch, LFUTL.PW1. This is a short series of messages discussing this issue. Message range: 142657 to 144589 Dates: 3/8/87 to 4/4/87 Fm: MICKEY SIMONSON 71340,3217 To: ALL Does anyone have a patch for Scripsit-100 so that it will a line feed after a carriage return? I am using an Epson printer tht can be configured with dip switches but I prefer not to, since I use it with a Kaypro which automatically adds the line feed. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Fm: STEW HESTER 72747,711 To: 76703,4062 First, thank you for your help on location of CR/LF program in DL7. Have learned a lot on the path you pointed out. Downloaded LFUTL.PW1, LFUTL.INF and LFUTL.DES. I'm using Scripsit 100, written by PCSG, (which has a lot of stuff in HIMEM and I followed the instructions from Phil Wheeler'message in LFUTL.INF, changing line 8. The program worked sometimes, and I thought my problems were solved, but would frequently hang up...then while trying to get my 100 "unhung" cleared all memory. Have reloaded Scriptsit, but hesitant to load LFUTL.PW1 until I know what I'm doing. I've been using my 100 for several years,(wouldn't leave home without it...for WP) and sell larger systems, but I'm definately not a programmer. Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: STEW HESTER 72747,711 The problem occurs because S-Sit resets the function keys to their cold start values at exit -- a bit unecessary, since S-Sit does not redefine them in the first place! The fix should be pretty easy. Load the Basic program of S-Sit (whatever it is called). Then save it as a DO file (SAVE"SSIT.DO" will do it). Enter the DO file in Text and look for CALLs. You should fine the following sequence in (or near) the line which has the "MENU" instruction: CALL 23164,0,23366:CALL 27795 (see p. 149 of M100 Manual) Simply delete this (needless) code. Go to Basic and do LOAD"SSIT.DO". You should get a Basic program which will work (then do SAVE"SSIT" to save it to menu). BTW -- all this assumes that the Scriptsit BA program is NOT called SSIT.BA; if it is choose a different name for the new program.