SPRDOC.WM3 - Documentation for SPREAD.WM3 06/19/84 by Woods Martin STARTING UP SPREAD Normally the caps lock key should be released to allow lower case entry of Labels. Conversion to upper case is automatic when required. In Model 100 Menu mode, move the cursor to SPREAD and press ENTER. The default settings will display on the first line of the screen called the Command Line. spr cm=T rm= 20 p=S <=ENTER or new cm?_ Press ENTER to accept these defaults. Later on a new "cm" column max can be entered if needed for skinny or fat models. "rm" will be recalculated and a choice of single or double precision requested. The new parameters are displayed for acceptance or additional changes. The program notes the highest column and row accessed and stores this data with each model file. If the cm or rm values are reduced below model size, that fact will be reported on the next attempt to load the model and a restart will be requested. The blank model will appear with the Memory message on the Command Line: spr cm=T rm= 20 p=S f=0 o=C ####m 3000s WM3. A .. B .. C .. D . 0 1 2 3 4 5 (If the Disk Video Interface (DVI) is enabled, rows 6 through 20 will also display.) The Memory message will appear briefly but can be reviewed at any time by the /M command. In addition to cm, rm and precision, f=0 indicates default integer format (0 decimal places), o=C that recalculation order will be by columns, ####m shows unused memory and 3000s is the available string space. --- Appendix III - ELEMENT DEFINITION ENTRY MODE ---------- When ready for data entry, the Command Line at the top of the screen contains the Definition of the current Element (the Element displayed in reverse video) with Element coordinates in the box on the second line. The cursor is positioned over the first character in the Definition above the first position in the left most column header displayed. To the left of the cursor in the upper left corner is the Element type designator: L> for Label, V> for Value, F> for Formula and blank for an empty Element. The first key pressed determines the action to be taken. Pressing an Immediate Command key (ENTER ARROWs > ! # /) causes the action described in IMMEDIATE COMMANDS. Any other key causes In> to appear in the upper left corner and starts Element Definition entry which is terminated with ENTER or one of the ARROW keys. BKSP or ESC will restore original Element contents prior to termination. Before starting on a new model, you can set a Global Value format using the /GF command. If all entries are dollars and cents, for example, you will not have to define Element formats after each entry. Just type /GF2 and all subsequent entries will format to two decimal places although individual Elements can still be formatted with the /F command. DEFINITION ENTRY. In> appears in upper left corner. V> Value If the first character is a numeral or . + or - and there are no other operators or Element references, the Element will be marked as a Value. F> Formula If the first character is @ or ( or if it is a numeral and there are multiple operators or Element references in the Definition, it will be marked as a Formula. L> Label Any other first character (which includes space) will mark the Element as a Label. Spaces and all displayable characters are valid in Labels but be careful with graphics because your printer may not handle them properly. (An Element can be forced to be Label regardless of first character by preceding the entry with a double quote ["].) Corrections Before terminating, the ESC key will delete the entire entry and the BKSP key will delete the last character typed. After terminating, the cursor will blink over the first character in the Element on the Command Line. ARROWs, ENTER or other Immediate Commands will leave the Element intact. Any other key will start a new entry. Terminating entry ENTER terminates and leaves the current Element displayed in reverse. Any ARROW key terminates and then moves the current Element as desired. --- Appendix IV - ARITHMETIC OPERATORS AND FUNCTIONS ----- OPERATORS [ + - * / ^ ] addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponention. Parentheses may be used. FUNCTIONS arg1 arg2 are constants, expressions or Elements; cr CR are Elements only. ARITHMETIC @ABS(arg1) absolute value @INT(arg1) integer value @FIX(arg1) truncate decimal part @SQRT(arg1) square root @SIN(arg1 radians) sine @COS(arg1 radians) cosine @TAN(arg1 radians) tangent degrees * .0174533 = radians @ATAN(arg1) arctangent result in radians * 57.29578 = degrees @LN(arg1) natural logarithm @EXP(arg1) exponential (antilog) SPECIAL arg1*@ROUND(n) rounds arg1 according to value of n n>0 rounds n places right of decimal n<0 rounds n places left of decimal @MIN(arg1,arg2) returns smallest value of arg1 or arg2 @MAX(arg1,arg2) returns greatest value of arg1 or arg2 @MOD(arg1,arg2) returns remainder of arg1 / arg2 @PI() pi - 3.1415926536 () must be used @TYP(cr) returns 1 if Element cr is Value or Formula, otherwise 0 RELATIONAL @<(arg1,arg2) returns 1 if arg1=(arg1,arg2) returns 1 if arg1>=arg2, otherwise 0 @>(arg1,arg2) returns 1 if arg1>arg2, otherwise 0 @<>(arg1,arg2) returns 1 if arg1<>arg2, otherwise 0 SUMMATION The following functions work over a range of Elements such as @SUM(A0,A10), @AVG(C4,G4) or @COUNT(D0,D25). These functions cannot be nested and the range must be from low to high. Diagonal coordinates are illegal. Label or empty Elements are ignored in calculations. @COUNT(cr,CR) returns number of Value or Formula Elements in range @SUM(cr,CR) returns sum of Value or Formula Elements in range @AVG(cr,CR) returns average of Value or Formula Elements in range --- Appendix V - IMMEDIATE COMMANDS ---------------------- ARROWs ENTER > ! # / ARROWs Move the cursor to the next Element in the selected direction. If sheet limits are reached, the tone will sound. -- Moves cursor to leftmost column on the screen. If already there, it moves the cursor one screen to the left. -- Moves cursor to column "A". -- Moves cursor to rightmost column on the screen. If already there, it moves the cursor one screen to the right. -- Moves cursor to rightmost column of current model. -- Moves cursor to the top of the screen. If already there, it moves the cursor up one screen. -- Moves cursor to row 0. -- Moves cursor to the bottom of the screen. If already there, it moves the cursor down one screen. -- Moves cursor to bottom row of current model. ENTER If current Element is a Formula, it will be recalculated. > GOTO:_ Type coordinates of desired column and row, ENTER. ! Recalculate -- will take place by rows or columns (see /GO ) with progress displayed. The equation evaluator is skipped for Label and Value entries and only the portion of the sheet which has been accessed is scanned. # Convert Formula Definition in current Element to its Value. --- Appendix VI - SLASH COMMANDS -------------------------- Pressing [ / ] produces this Command Line display: cmd: Hd Ed In De Re Bl Fm Gl Pr St Me Pressing the corresponding first letter selects the desired command. Any other key will abort. /H Header entry (In> appears in the upper left corner.) Permits typing Labels across several columns without being concerned with breaking the text up into 9 character segments. /E Editing Definitions ( Ed> in the upper left corner.) The Definition displayed on the Command Line can be edited as in Model 100 TEXT mode with ARROW, BKSP, CTRL, SHIFT, and DEL keys. ESC aborts and ENTER accepts the changes. /I Insert: Col Row _ C or R inserts column or row at current Element. /D Delete: Col Row _ C or R deletes column or row at current Element. INSERT-DELETE limitations: Only column references to the right of or row references below the current Element are adjusted by commands. /R Source: CR _ Replicate command. Type Source begin Element Type Source end Element Type Target begin Element Type Target end Element End Elements must not be less than beginning. Diagonal replication is illegal. Source begin defaults to current Element; end defaults to begin. Any references in a Formula Definition being replicated to another Element (such as+C5) will result in this display: +C5 ] to position cursor at upper left of section to be printed.) If [ P ] is pressed the parallel port LPT: will be used, if [ D ] is pressed then Spec: _ will appear. Type standard COM:, MDM:, CAS:, 0: or 1: file spec. If RAM: or no device is entered, the action will abort to avoid the RAM print using bug. Lower right _ Type the desired column(letter) and row(number) for printing to end. /S Store: # L S Q C _ # Data: L S _ A Data Transfer file will be loaded or saved. First position current Element at upper left of model section to be loaded or saved. Enter lower right of section when requested. L Load File:_ The menu of RAM files is displayed. Type the model name desired (Files from other devices are OK). The model is loaded and then calculated. S Save File:_ Type filespec (default is RAM but other devices can be used). Q Quit: Confirm=Y Abort= _ Y will cause return to Menu. Any other key will abort. C Clear: Confirm=Y Abort= _ Y clears memory and starts a new model. Any other key aborts. Quit and Clear are accessed through the /S store command as a reminder to Save files first. /M Refreshes screen and causes Memory line to print showing free memory and parameter values - see STARTING UP SPREAD.