SROM06.TIP by Algis Kaupas [73327,3157] In addition to using my model 100 as a "learning computer," I'm trying to use it, along with Superrom, to simplify the various record-keeping aspects of my free-lance work. I plan to upload applications as I work them out, both as useful templates in themselves, and as an aid to understanding Lucid. SROM06.TIP contains templates and instructions for keeping a client data base, and using Lucid's report function to generate a client address book, mailing list and telephone list. CLIENT.DO: The input template. ========= === ===== ======== --------------------------------------- CLIENT.CA/.DO Last update: [AA3 ] Place cursor here -->[AA4 ], type in, press and PRESS F6 to modify file PRESS F5 TO RECORD/VIEW INFO/ CLIENT.CA/.DO INPUT SCREEN: [# ] ID [A# ] NAME [B# ] ADDRESS [C# ] CTY,ST,ZP [D# ] PH# [E# ] PRESS F5 TO RECORD CONTACTS/ CONTACT 1:[F# ] TEL: HM/EXT [G# ] CONTACT 2: [H# ] TEL: HM/EXT [I# ] CONTACT 3: [J# ] TEL: HM/EXT [K# ] PRESS F5 TO ENTER REMARKS/ REMARKS:[L# ] REMARKS:[M# ] REMARKS:[N# ] REMARKS:[O# ] PRESS F5 FOR PRINT CHOICES/ Place cursor on printing choice and press PRINT function key: client adress book: [DR1 ] client mailing list: [DS1 ] client telephone list: [DT1 ] PRESS F5 FOR INPUT SCREENS/ --------------------------------------- Paste the above template, between but not including the single dotted lines, into TEXT, naming it CLIENT.DO. Be sure there is a code-0 paragraph marker at the end of the lines: PRESS F5 TO RECORD/VIEW INFO PRESS F5 TO RECORD CONTACTS PRESS F5 TO ENTER REMARKS PRESS F5 FOR PRINT CHOICES PRESS F5 FOR INPUT SCREENS The code-0 marker separates "paragraphs" of the input screen. This marker is made by pressing the decimal zero key while holding down the code key. The resulting symbol looks like a bacward P or top of a Greek column. CLIENT.CA: Creating the spreadsheet/database. ========= ======== === ==================== From the model 100 main menu, place cursor over Super and press When the Super menu appears, press F4 = Lucid Data. When the prompt, "Lucid file?" appears, type CLIENT and press When the prompt, "View file name?" appears, type CLIENT and press You will find yourself in the first CLIENT.DO viewpoint. This and the rest of the input screens are pretty self-explanatory. Pages D 1-1 to D 2-5 are the sections of the Superrom manual that explain mailing lists. If you ever want to change the input screen, simply type the (in this case, CLIENT.DO) into any blank field available, press and press F6. You will be in the Text file, ready to edit. When through editing, press F8 and you will be back in view input mode where you previously left it. REPORT TEMPLATES: ====== ========= CLADBK.DO (Client Address Book Report Template): --------------------------------------- [b# ] [e# ] [c# ] [d# ] [f# ] [g# ] [h# ] [i# ] [j# ] [k# ] [l# ] [m# ] [n# ] [o# ] --------------------------------------- CLMLIS.DO (Client Mailing List Report Template) --------------------------------------- [f# ] [b# ] [c# ] [d# ] --------------------------------------- CLTEL.DO (Client Telephone List Report Template): --------------------------------------- [B# ] [E# ] [F# ] [G# ] [H# ] [I# ] [J# ] [K# ] --------------------------------------- The above are Lucid Report Templates for CLIENT.CA. Paste them into TEXT, naming them as above. When that's done, go into CLIENT.CA. If you're in the view template, push F7, Lucid, to get into the spreadsheet itself. Press the and Right arrow keys. When the "Go to: Xn" prompt appears, use the key to erase the existing entry and type in DR1. Press . When you're there type in the following into the specified cells: Type CLADBK.DO into DR1. Type +NOT(NUL(B#)) into DR2. Type 1 into DR5. Type CLMLIS.DO into DS1. Type +NOT(NUL(B#)) into DS2. Type 1 into DS5. Type CLTEL.DO into DT1. Type +NOT(NUL(B#)) into DT2. Type 1 into DT5. The entries in row 1 tell Lucid which template to use. The entries in row 2 tell Lucid how to pick records for printing. The formula +NOT(NUL(B#)) means "print records that are not empty in field B." Since B holds the name for each record, that's a pretty good bet. The entry in row 5 says print 1 record wide. PRINTING RECORDS. ======== ======= I've found that the easiest way for me to print records is to first "print" them to a RAM file directly from the spreadsheet, edit them in TEXT, and then use WRITE to format the printout. (It also saves a lot of paper.) Here's a step-by-step description of how to do that: 1. Enter the spreadsheet and go to DR1, as described above. 2. Press the PRINT function key. 3. Press F3, Output. 4. When the prompt, "Output:LPT:" appears, use the del/bksp key to erase LPT and type in the name of the RAM file you want to output to. (I use ADBK, MLIS or TEL.) 5. Press . 6. Press F8, exit. 7. Put the cursor over the name of the report template you want to use. ( CLADBK.DO for ADBK, CLMLIS.DO for MLIS.DO, or CLTEL.DO for TEL.DO.) 8. Press F6, Data. 9. When the function keys change, press F2, Report. 10. Wait will flash while Lucid prints the report to the ram file. 11. When Wait disappears, press F8 to exit to the model 100 main menu. You'll see the name of the RAM file just created on the menu. 12. Select super and then F2=Write. 13. When the list of .DO files appears, put the cursor over the RAM just created and press You'll be in the RAM file, ready to edit. 14. When through editing, press F8, exit. You'll be back at the Write list of .DO files. Format the printout as you usually do with Write. Press Print, Go, and you're printing away. 15. Remember to go back to Lucid to change the Print output back to LPT: when you're done, or whatever printing you do in the future will be to this same RAM file. You'll notice that the CLIENT.DO template is set up to allow printing from the template, as described in the manual. I personally find the above method simpler, and requiring less keystrokes. SROM07.TIP: SAMPLE CLIENT.CA SPREADSHEET AND PRINTOUTS. ========== ====== ========= =========== === ========= If you have any troubles with the above, download SROM07.TIP, which has a sample, filled-in spreadsheet, as well as instructions for converting the HEX file to .CA format and sample printouts of the various reports IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS: ===== === =========== Here's a random grab-bag of ideas for using the CLIENT.CA/.DO format. Column A, i.d., allows records to be sorted alphabetically by last name (or first word of company name) without worrying about how to keep a proper format for mailing lists. If you want to enter a record for Arthur Artsy, for example, put Artsy as the i.d., and Arthur Artsy as the name. Sort using a cell in column A as the key cell reference. This column also allows categorizing the records. In my field, for example, I need to keep lists of Audio Assistants, Production Assistants, Rental Companies, etc. Column A could be used to identify names as "Audio Assist," "Rental Co.," and so on. I would then sort using a cell in column a as the primary key reference and a cell in column B as the key2 cell reference. If it's important to keep track of how long ago a client/customer was last contacted, one of the remark columns could be used to record "last contact." A periodic sort using this column as the primary cell reference and the i.d. column as the key2 cell reference would allow scanning the list to see who should be called up. I feel that it's easier to browse through paper records than go through rercords on a computer. Stationery and computer supply stores carry continuous form Rolodex cards. The address book report format could be used to print out the data base onto Rolodex cards, and EASILY updated as often as required. I strongly suggest looking at Tony Anderson's "PHONE.BK1" program in DL2. This produces a small booklet of phone numbers easily carried around. I haven't used the program yet, but I gather it simply requires a RAM file, PHBK.DO in RAM that takes the form: Bob Jones/212-555-1212. The report template for this from CLIENT.DO would be: PHBK.DO (Report template for use with PHONE.BK1 in DL2): --------------------------------------- [B# ]/[E# ] --------------------------------------- Not having used Tony Anderson's program, I'm not sure if the carriage return between records is needed. The PRINT output should be PHBK. Play around with this stuff! One of the nice things about Lucid is that it's easy to change things. And laugh all the way to the bank when you price the commercial programs that are sold to print out Rolodex cards and pocket calendars! Algis Kaupas [73327,3157] Sept. 30, 1986