STOCK REPORT (C) D&R ROWLAND - 72277,1433 The programs, STOCKS.100 and STOCKS.NEC, are a fairly simple and straightforward means of keeping a record of past and current performance of a group of stocks, complete with a graphical representation of past performance. They don't call up Compuserve to download the information; you have to do the updating yourself. They can account for dividend changes and stock splits, and compute individual stock and total dividend returns, as well as chart changes in total holdings. The programs are set up to work with a sample stock file called STOCKS.XMP. Save the STOCKS.XMP file as "STKFL.DO". Then simply RUN "STOCKS" and enter the data as it is requested. Make up stock prices for each example as you go along. If the stock price is unchanged from the prior quote, just hit "ENTER", and the same value is used. After viewing the updated graph, hit ENTER again to move on to the next stock. If you enter a price greater or less than the range on the graph, it will not plot, but the data is saved for the next time the program is run. Affirmative responses can be made with a simple "ENTER" or with "Y" or "y" followed with an "ENTER". After the "ASSET TOTAL" page is run, "STKFL" is updated, and the computer returns to the main menu. One minor peculiarity occurs when it comes to the page "CASH RESERVES". The data has to be entered as decimal thousands; i.e. $12500 is typed in as "12.5", in effect entering the number of thousands, or "G's", not the actual value. ( You see, us big money boys only think in thousands; the rest is small change.) To customize the program for your own use, break the program and enter "EDIT 2000- . Then delete data lines 2010 to 2070 and enter your own stocks, one to a data line in the form... DATA "American Teepee & Igloe Co."(Limit 39 chars),150(No. of shares), 0.50 ( Yearly Dividend) There is no limit to the number of companies, but if you have a great many lines, it may be necessary to put a "CLEAR" statement at the beginning of line 10 (line 1000 on the NEC); Try "CLEAR 500" for starters, if an error statement interrupts operation. It is now set up to hold 20 sets of quotes for each stock; to increase this, change the value of D() in the DIM statement on line 240 for the 100, and line 1180 for the NEC version. Once all are in, count the total no. of data statements, including the two on lines 2500 and 2510, setting the value of "Q" on line 20 in STOCKS.100, line 1010 in STOCKS. NEC, equal to this number. Now, "RUN" the program. No graphs are drawn the first time the program runs, so this time through it is a bit dull, but persevere, it gets better with each run. To make changes in the stock listings, simply edit the appropriate data statement. This can handle name, dividend changes and stock splits with no problem. Additional stock purchases or partial sales can also be handled, but the historical data is corrupted to some degree, depending on the extent of the change. New holdings, and sales of all shares of a company requires that you either kill "STKFL" and start over, or go through an arduous job of modifying STKFL, deleting from the file all entries for the particular stock, or entering zeros in the slot where the new entry will go. Not worth the work, believe me. When you start STKFL over again with a changed list, don't forget to modify line 20 (1010 for NEC) as needed. I do not know if STOCKS.100 will run as it stands on 102s, Ollys or 200s, as they have a somewhat different ROM. To use the program on these machines, try running the following program: 5 CLS 10 FORN=1TO32000 15 IFCHR$(PEEK(N))+CHR$(PEEK(N+1))+CHR$(PEEK(N+2))="Jan"THENPRINTN:STOP 30 NEXT The value that is printed out, if one shwos up, should be the proper PEEK value in line 200. I do not know if the DATE$ is formatted the same way as on the 100, however, so it may still give you gibberish. But not harmful gibberish, however. Should anyone try this, let me know how you make out. STOCKS.NEC works the same as the 100 version, except for the following: 1. You enter your own date, when requested. 2. You have an option allowing you to review the data without making entries.