10 REM stored as SRSS.BA on disk 14 20 REM This program is to determine the stress rating of an individual 30 REM version 1.2 as of 12/25/86 50 REM By Byron Myhre, 72135,744 51 REM This program is adapted from Coleman,Butcher,&Carson 52 REM Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, 6th ed. 1980 53 REM Scott,Foresman, & Co., Ill. 60 REM This program is not copyrighted, but is protected by a small, mean 61 REM Norwegian troll whose curse will require you to see a Urologist weekly 62 REM DON'T MESS WITH IT. 100 CLS:CLEAR 1000 110 DEFINT A-Z 120 DIM QU$(60),QU(60),AN$(60) 190 N=0:QT=0:YE$=" YyNn" 199 REM main driver program 200 PRINT"Do you want instructions" 210 GOSUB 730:IF Y$="Y" THEN GOSUB 7000 249 REM *** Main driver program *** 250 CLS 255 N=N+1 260 READ QU$(N),QU(N) 270 IF QU$(N)="END" THEN GOTO 350 280 PRINT"Have you recently experienced" 290 PRINT TAB(2) QU$(N);"?" 300 GOSUB 730 310 IF Y$="Y" THEN QT=QT+QU(N) 315 AN$(N)=Y$ 320 GOTO 250 350 N=N-1:CLS:PRINT TAB(15)"End of quiz" 360 PRINT"Your Life Change Unit Score (LCU)= ";QT 370 IF QT<300 THEN GOTO 380 ELSE GOTO 400 371 REM about 80% 380 PRINT"You are not too stressed at this time." 390 PRINT"Keep it up.":GOTO 460 400 PRINT"You are under considerable stress." 410 PRINT" Try to do everything to decrease it.":GOTO 460 430 REM- Actually there is a 80% probability of mental problems if the stress 440 REM is not altered in the next 2 years. 450 REM **** Print routine **** 460 PRINT"Do you want to print out the results?" 470 GOSUB 730 480 IF Y$="Y" THEN GOTO 490 ELSE CLS:PRINT"Have a nice day":END 490 PRINT"Is the printer on?":GOSUB 730 500 IF Y$="Y" THEN GOTO 510 ELSE PRINT"Turn it on and try again":GOTO 490 510 INPUT"Enter your name";NM$ 520 LPRINT"Stress Rating for ";NM$ 530 LPRINT"Date = ";DATE$ 540 LPRINT 545 LPRINT"Questions and Answers given" 550 FOR R=1 TO N 560 LPRINT QU$(R);" = ";AN$(R) 570 NEXT R 580 LPRINT 590 LPRINT"Total Stress Rating is ";QT 600 LPRINT "Interpretation" 610 LPRINT"<300 = Not too much stress" 620 LPRINT">300 = Considerable stress" 630 LPRINT"Try to reduce it if possible" 640 END 699 'Pause subroutine 700 PRINT TAB(5)"Press to continue";:INPUT E:RETURN 719 REM Yes/No subroutine 720 INPUT"Select Y or N and press ";Y$:IF INSTR(YE$,Y$)=0 THEN 720 ELSE GOTO 750 730 PRINT"Press Y/N" 740 Y$=INKEY$:IF Y$="" THEN 740 ELSE IF INSTR(YE$,Y$)=0 THEN 740 750 Y=INSTR(YE$,Y$):IF Y<=3 THEN Y$="Y":RETURN ELSE Y$="N":RETURN 1000 DATA the death of a spouse,100 1010 DATA a divorce,73 1020 DATA marital separation,65 1030 DATA a term in jail,63 1040 DATA the death of a close family member,63 1050 DATA a personal injury or illness,53 1060 DATA marriage,50 1070 DATA being fired,47 1080 DATA a marital reconciliation,45 1090 DATA retirement,45 1100 DATA the change in health of a family member,44 1110 DATA pregnancy,40 1120 DATA sexual difficulties,39 1130 DATA the gain of a new family member,39 1140 DATA a business readjustment,39 1150 DATA a change in financial state,38 1160 DATA the death of a close friend,37 1170 DATA a change to a different line of work,36 1180 DATA a change in the frequency of arguements with your spouse,35 1190 DATA a high mortgage,31 1200 DATA a foreclosure of a mortgage or loan, 30 1210 DATA a son or daughter leaving home,29 1220 DATA trouble with in-laws,29 1230 DATA outstanding personal achievement, 28 1240 DATA a wife who begins or stops work,26 1250 DATA the beginning or ending of school,26 1260 DATA a change in living conditions,25 1270 DATA a revision of personal habits,24 1280 DATA trouble with your boss,23 1290 DATA a change in work hours or conditions,20 1300 DATA a change in residence,20 1310 DATA a change in schools,20 1320 DATA a change in recreation,19 1330 DATA a change in church activities,19 1340 DATA a change in social activities,18 1350 DATA a small mortgage or loan,17 1360 DATA a change in sleeping habits,16 1370 DATA a change in the number of family get- togethers,15 1380 DATA a change in eating habits,15 1390 DATA a vacation,13 1400 DATA Christmas,112 1410 DATA minor violations of the law,11 1500 DATA END,0 7000 CLS:PRINT"Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)" 7005 PRINT STRING$(38,"-"):PRINT"This program is a method of measuring" 7010 PRINT"the amount of stress to which an ind-" 7020 PRINT"ividual is exposed." 7030 PRINT" A series of questions will be asked." 7040 PRINT"Answer each with a Y or N. " 7050 GOSUB 700 7060 CLS:PRINT"Each question is worth a certain number" 7070 PRINT"of points. These will be added to your" 7080 PRINT"score. At the end of the quiz, your" 7090 PRINT"score will be shown, and you will find" 7100 PRINT"an interpretation." 7110 PRINT"You can then print out the answers" 7120 PRINT"if you wish." 7130 GOSUB 700:RETURN