SYSOP Note: SURVEY.BA is 18,810 bytes as .DO file in TEXT and 15,194 BASIC with first two lines removed. Conversion may be done on Model 100 with usual Load command OM, then List to find last line converted. Go to TEXT and CUT out the converted lines, return to Basic and use the MERGE command until OM then repeat until mission accomplished. Managed to convert both ways with only 21K free memory. .^Dave^. = = = = = = = This is the documentation for the program "SURVEY.BA". The program should be run with "CAPS LOCK ON". The routines are menu driven so very little documentation is required. A knowledge of surveying calculation is, of course, a definite requirement. The program provides routines for azimuth/bearing traverse; field angle traverse; inverse traverse; closure; balance by the compass rule; circular traverse; intersections for azimuth/azimuth,azimuth/distance,distance/ distance,and perpendicular from a point to a line; vertical curves; and horizontal curves. Options are given for a hard copy and for a fresh start. As long as "fresh start" is NOT selected the program continues to keep track of succesive points considering the traverse to be continuous. Throughout a continuous traverse all the various traverse routines may be selected for the particular information available. "Fresh Start" eliminates all totals and considers that a new traverse is being started. I am sure that the program can stand improvement. Please direct all comments to: Ed Harris** CIS 70405,505