Reference Section One: Procedures The Procedure Reference Section summarizes how you can do most common tasks for which TMPC is useful. For example: when you want to quickly add a task "to be done" to your list, how do you proceed" What if an appointment must be rescheduled? This section answers these and other similar questions. Since this section answers practical questions directly, it is probably the first reference section to read. However, the concise descriptions assume at least some familiarity with the Data Elements and the Screens, which are described in separate sections of the manual. This difficulty is common in reference manuals: in a sense, you must read everything at once. Don't be afraid to flip around in the reference section; if you get confused, read on patiently, and experiment with your TMPC program to clear up any ambiguity. We highly recommend reading the tutorial before reading the reference sections, especially the first lesson. Even if you are a computer whiz, there may well be some new concepts for you in TMPC. To help you locate particular procedure descriptions below, this section proceeds in an outline. To-Do Procedures The to-do procedures described here all relate to the data element called the "to-do", as described in the "Data Elements" section. Adding a To-Do To add a new to-do to the warehouse, move to screen 1. If you enter from screen 2 (Today's Date), the text-display area will always be blank; if you enter from screen 4 (View To-Do), the text-display area will contain the selected to-do from screen 4. In either case, to add a to-do, press [Up-Arrow] into the "edit" block. Page: 32 Reference Section One: Procedures When you enter the "edit" block, TMPC moves into the Model 100's TEXT program. (If there was text in the text-display area of screen 1, it will appear in the TEXT program as well.) At this point, type in a description of the to-do using the TEXT program features (see page 43 of the Model 100 manual). Exit the TEXT program when you are finished by pressing [F8], and TMPC will return to screen 1. NOTE: If there is already a to-do in the text-display area when you enter the "edit" block, do not delete the text that appears there, unless you want to delete that to-do. Instead, put the description for the new to-do after the existing one, separated with the [ENTER] key. Similarly, you can enter more than one to-do at once by separating each one with the [ENTER] key. Editing and Deleting a To-Do To edit the description of a to-do, select it on screen 4 (View To-Do), then move directly to screen 1. The description will appear in the text-display area. Then, press [Up-Arrow] to move into the "edit" block. When you move into the "edit" block, TMPC will activate the Model 100's TEXT program; the to-do description from the text-display area will be the active file. You can then change the text as you wish; the to-do will be updated when you exit TEXT using [F8]. If you exit the TEXT program after deleting all of the text, the to-do entry will be deleted. You can also subdivide a to-do into several to-dos by separating each division with the [ENTER] key; each newly created to-do will have the same priority and stress ratings as the original. A to-do can also be deleted in screen 7 - see "Selecting daily to-dos" below. Ranking a To-Do To change the priority or stress rating of a to-do, select it on screen 4 (View To-Do), then move directly to screen 1. The description will appear in the text-display area, and the priority and stress levels will appear under their respective blocks. Then, press [Left-Arrow] to move over the "Priority" block, or [Left-Arrow] [Left-Arrow] to move over the "Stress" block. Press [Down-Arrow] over the desired block to change the priority rating or the stress rating. The changes will be saved when leaving screen 1. Page: 33 Reference Section One: Procedures If a to-do is in the "unassigned" section of screen 4 (View To-Do), it will move to a different part of the list once you assign it both priority and stress. Then, when you move back to screen 4 from screen 1, you will find that the selected item is now the next unassigned to-do in the list. This feature allows you to move through the unassigned to-dos, assigning priority and stress to each one in succession (see the Tutorial, lesson 2, for an example). Selecting Daily To-Dos to select items from the warehouse for the daily list, first move to screen 8 (daily status) and check for items left over from earlier selections. You may wish to process these individually (with screen 11), return all of them to the warehouse for re-selection, or simply leave them in the daily list. Then, move to screen 7 (Select to-do). The text-display area will contain the description of one of a to-do from the warehouse; if there is no text, then there are no to-dos you can select. You cannot select unassigned to-dos. There are three things you can do with the displayed to-do: # "Cycle" past it with [F1], which moves to the next to-do in the warehouse. # "Do" it, or select it for the daily list, with [F3]. # "Cancel" it, or delete it from the warehouse list entirely, with [F5] Continue working through the warehouse list until your daily list contains a reasonable number of to-dos. Consult the summary on screen 8 (daily status) as often as you need. Processing Daily To-Dos At various times during your day, you should process the daily list of to-dos. Move to screen 11 (process to-do). The text-display area will contain the description of the first to-do on the daily list; if there is no text, there are no daily to-dos on the list. You can do one of four things with the daily to-do: Page: 34 Reference Section One: Procedures # "Cycle" past it, with [F1]. This simply moves to the next daily to-do in the list. # Indicate it "done", with [F3]. The to-do is removed from the daily list and entered into the diary as completed. # "Cancel" it, with [F5]. The to-do is removed from the daily list and entered into the diary as canceled. # "Delay" it, with [F7]. The to-do is returned to the warehouse; no record is put into the diary. You can return every to-do in the daily list to the warehouse with a single keystroke by entering the "reset" block in screen 7 (select to-do). This block is the exact equivalent of pressing [F7] for every individual to-do in screen 11. Date Related Procedures The date-related procedures described here all regard determining how busy a particular date is. For example, how many appointments are there? When is the next appointment scheduled? Procedures for adding, modifying, and deleting appointments and memos are in the next section. Is Today a Holiday? If the date indicated by DATE$ in BASIC (called "today" for short) is listed as a business holiday in the task file, the name of the holiday will appear on the second line in screen 2 (today's date). The Julian date and the weekday are also indicated there. Selecting a Date for Inspection Screen 3 (appointment calendar) holds the capability to examine dates other than today. Consult the screen reference section for complete details. Page: 35 Reference Section One: Procedures Viewing Appointments for a Date Screen 6 (view appointments) will display the appointments, memos, and deadlines for a given date. If you enter screen 6 from screen 3 or screen 9, the date shown will be the last selected date; if you enter from screen 5, today's appointments will always be shown. See the screen reference section for more detail on how to view the appointments. Appointment Procedures The appointment procedures shown here serve to manipulate appointments and memos, as described in the Data Elements Reference section. For brevity, both appointments and memos will be referred to as "items" Adding an Item First, select the date in screen 3 (appointment calendar). Then, move to screen 6 (view appointments). Check for conflicts. If there are no items scheduled for that date, proceed to screen 9 (add appointment). Otherwise, select the item in the list that is above where you want the new item inserted. Then move to screen 9. Note: The item list has three separate sections: appointments, memos, and deadlines. If one of these is empty, and you want to add the first item - for example, there are no memos on the list and you want to add a memo - it does not matter which item you have selected. The text-display area in screen 9 will contain the description of the item you selected. (If there are no items, there will be no text.) Press [Down-Arrow] to enter the "edit" block. TMPC will activate the Model 100's TEXT program. Enter the new item below the existing one, separating it with the [ENTER] key. Do not delete the existing text, unless you want to delete the item it represents. When you are done, press [F8], and TMPC will return you to screen 9. When screen 9 reappears, the text-display section will contain the new description you are entering. As the final step to entering the new item, adjust the warning period, warning type, and repeat status as necessary - see the descriptions below for more detailed information. Page: 36