0 :REM TRADRS 1 :REM 2 :REM by: Hugh Tinling 3 :REM from: Paul Carnell's NTSWAP 4 :REM 5 :REM This routine swaps the current 6 :REM ADRS.DO file for another file in 7 :REM RAM. Both ADRS.DO and the file to 8 :REM be swapped must have_a valid file 9 :REM name (such as ADRS1, ADRS2, etc.)as their first line 10 NT$="ADRS.DO" 20 FILES 30 INPUT "FILENAME";F2$ 40 OPEN NT$ FOR INPUT AS 1 50 INPUT #1,F1$ 60 CLOSE 70 NAME NT$ AS F1$+".DO" 80 NAME F2$+".DO" AS NT$ 90 MENU 0