.TRADRS (TRade ADdResS files) is an adaptation of Paul Carnell's NTSWAP. It trades any designated file into ADRS.DO (and places ADRS.DO's former contents into a file whose name is the first line in the former ADRS.DO file). Thus several ADRS lists can be maintained individually (club mailing list, products customers, SIG members CIS numbers for EMAIL6, church phone tree ladder, Christmas cards addresses, etc.). As well, the higher-powererd search functions of the M100's ADDRSS mode are thus available. THE FIRST LINE OF EACH ADRS FILE MUST BE THE NAME OF THAT FILE. IT MUST NOT BE "ADRS" AND MUST NOT INCLUDE ANY EXTENSION (however ADRS1 or ADRSxx are usable forms). Trading address files is especially usefull in conjuntion with ENVLOP.NEW in XA0 --the program that addresses envelopes with automatic inclusion of the return address, and EMAIL6.MM in XA1--the auto electronic-mailing program that requires all sending addresses to be listed in ADRS.DO. Running the program a second time after using the particular ADRS-? file helps keep filenames and contents appropiate to one another. Hugh Tinling 75755,1540