20 REM GARDEN PLANNING PROGRAM 40 REM written by Ted Batutis 50 REM for The Good Earth SIG 80 REM Copyright 1982 by Ted Batutis 90 REM ALL COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED 100 REM Feel free to distribute this program 110 GOSUB 1520 120 CLS 130 PRINT"***************************" 140 PRINT" Garden Planning Program " 150 PRINT"***************************" 160 PRINT:PRINT 170 PRINT"Do you want directions"; 180 INPUT A$ 190 IF A$="Y" OR A$="y" OR A$="YES" OR A$="yes" THEN GOSUB 710 200 REM start of program 210 CLS:A=0 220 PRINT"Data for the following crops available:" 240 PRINT" 1 Snap beans 2 Pole beans" 250 PRINT" 3 Lima beans 4 Beets" 260 PRINT" 5 Broccoli 6 Cabbage" 261 PRINT"Choose a number or press for":PRINT "more choices." 262 INPUT A: A=INT(A): IF A=0 GOTO 270 ELSE GOTO 380 270 CLS:PRINT:PRINT" 7 Carrots 8 Corn" 280 PRINT" 9 Cucumbers 10 Eggppant" 290 PRINT" 11 Lettuce 12 Muskmelons" 291 PRINT "Choose a number or press for":PRINT"more choices." 292 INPUT A: A=INT(A): IF A=0 GOTO 300 ELSE GOTO 380 300 CLS:PRINT:PRINT" 13 Onions 14 Peas" 310 PRINT" 15 Peppers 16 Potatoes" 320 PRINT" 17 Pumpkins 18 Radishes" 321 PRINT" Choose a number or press for":PRINT"more choices." 322 INPUT A: A= INT(A): IF A=0 GOTO 330 ELSE GOTO 380 330 CLS:PRINT:PRINT" 19 Spinach 20 Summer Squash" 340 PRINT" 21 Winter Squash 22 Tomatoes" 350 PRINT" 23 Watermelon 24 >>EXIT PROGRAM" 360 PRINT "Enter a number or press ":PRINT"to return to top" 370 INPUT A:A=INT(A):IF A= 0 THEN GOTO 210 371 IF A=24 THEN PRINT" Good Gardening!":PRINT:END 380 IF A<1 OR A>23 THEN PRINT"Invalid choice":GOTO 210 390 CLS:PRINT:PRINT 400 PRINT"You have chosen ";C$(A) 410 PRINT"How many feet of row might you" 420 PRINT"plant"; 430 INPUT F 440 CLS 460 PRINT F;" feet of "C$(A) 470 F=F/10 480 PRINT "Approximate yield is "; 490 Y2=INT(Y(A)*F+.5):PRINT Y2;:PRINT " ";U$(A) 500 PRINT "SPACE: ";S$(A);" inches between plants." 520 IF A=16 THEN PRINT"You will need ";INT((O(16)*F)/16):PRINT" lbs. of potato seed pieces.":GOTO 640 530 O2=O(A)*F 540 IF O2<.015625 THEN O2$="less than 1/64":GOTO 630 550 IF O2>=.015625 AND O2<.03125 THEN O2$="between 1/64 and 1/32":GOTO 630 560 IF O2>=.03125 AND O2<.0625 THEN O2$="between 1/32 and 1/16":GOTO 630 570 IF O2>=.0625 AND O2<.125 THEN O2$="between 1/16 and 1/8":GOTO 630 580 IF O2>=.125 AND O2<.25 THEN O2$="between 1/8 and 1/4":GOTO 630 590 IF O2>=.25 AND O2<.5 THEN O2$="between 1/4 AND 1/2":GOTO 630 600 IF O2>=.5 AND O2<1.01 THEN O2$="between 1/2 AND 1":GOTO 630 610 O2=INT(O2+.5):PRINT"You will need about ";O2;" ounces " 620 IF A=13 THEN PRINT "of onion sets.":GOTO 640 ELSE PRINT "of seed.":GOTO 640 630 PRINT"You will need ";O2$:PRINT" ounces of";:IF A=13 THEN PRINT" onion sets." ELSE PRINT " seeds." 640 PRINT "Press for Fertilizer rates":INPUT A:CLS 650 PRINT:PRINT "::Manure (approximate):"; 660 F3=INT(F1(A)*F+.5):PRINT F3;:PRINT "lbs." 670 PRINT "::Chemical (10-10-10):"; 680 F4=INT((F2(A)*F)*10+.5):F4=F4/10:PRINT F4;:PRINT "cups." 690 PRINT"(PRESS ";:INPUT A$:GOTO 210 700 END 710 REM INSTRUCTIONS 720 CLS 740 PRINT:PRINT"This program is designed to help you" 750 PRINT"in planning and planting your garden. " 760 PRINT"You will be shown a list of crops." 770 PRINT"Pick one of them by number." 771 PRINT "(PLEASE PRESS )":INPUT A:CLS 789 PRINT:PRINT "You will" 790 PRINT"then be asked how many feet of" 800 PRINT"row that you might be planning" 810 PRINT"to plant of that crop. 811 PRINT"(PLEASE PRESS ":INPUT A:CLS 819 PRINT" The program" 820 PRINT"will then tell you how much yield " 830 PRINT"you can expect, how much seed to" 840 PRINT"buy and about how much fertilizer" 850 PRINT"to use. 851 PRINT "(PLEASE PRESS ":INPUT A: CLS 859 PRINT:PRINT" Fertilizer rates will be given" 900 PRINT"in terms of pounds of manure per row" 910 PRINT"and cups of 10-10-10 (a common garden " 930 PRINT"chemical fertilizer mixture)." 931 PRINT "(PLEASE PRESS ":INPUT A: CLS 940 PRINT:PRINT"One word of warning:" 950 PRINT"Different soils need different" 960 PRINT"amounts of fertilizer to give the best" 970 PRINT" yield." 971 PRINT "(PLEASE PRESS ":INPUT A: CLS 972 PRINT:PRINT "For instance," 980 PRINT"sandy soils require more fertil-" 990 PRINT"izer than clayey soils with " 1000 PRINT"silty soils in between." 1001 PRINT"(PLEASE PRESS ":INPUT A:CLS 1010 PRINT:PRINT"The rates given will be for the av-" 1020 PRINT"erage type of soil. You should" 1030 PRINT"judge on your own how much more " 1070 PRINT"or less you should use." 1080 PRINT "(PLEASE PRESS ":INPUT A: CLS 1090 PRINT:PRINT"Also, the fertilizer value of " 1100 PRINT"manure varies widely depending" 1110 PRINT"on source and how it has been" 1120 PRINT"handled. " 1121 PRINT"(PLEASE PRESS 1122 INPUT A:CLS 1130 PRINT:PRINT"Experience is the very " 1140 PRINT"best teacher in these regards." 1150 PRINT"Good gardening!": 1160 PRINT" Ted Batutis and Dave Peyton" 1170 PRINT"(PLEASE PRESS " 1180 INPUT A$ 1190 RETURN 1200 REM data section 1280 DATA "SNAP BEANS","POLE BEANS","LIMA BEANS","BEETS","BROCCOLI","CABBAGE","CARROTS" 1290 DATA "CORN","CUCUMBERS","EGGPLANT","LETTUCE","MUSKMELONS","ONIONS","PEAS","PEPPERS" 1300 DATA "POTATOES","PUMPKINS","RADISHES","SPINACH","SUMMER SQUASH","WINTER SQUASH" 1310 DATA "TOMATOES","WATERMELONS" 1320 REM Next comes the data for wt of seed required per 10 feet of row in oz. 1330 REM the assumption is that you plant 3X recommended density then thin 1340 DATA 1.6,1.0,4,.16,.02,.006,.0072,.264,.027,.006,.005,.01286,10,4 1350 DATA .006,35,.0343,.144,.048,.018,.27,.005,.06 1380 DATA "2-4","4-6","4-6","2-3","18-24","12-18","1-3","10-12","12-15","18-24" 1390 DATA "12","36-48","2-4" 1400 DATA "2-3","18-24","8-10","60-90","1","2-4","18-24","36-48","18-24","60-90" 1410 REM next are the data for yield per 10 foot of row 1420 DATA 12,15,4,15,10,15,10,12,12,10,9,11,10,1.5,6,25,15,3.5,4.5,15,15,25,8 1430 REM Next are the data for the units of the above 1440 DATA "LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","EARS"," LBS.","LBS.","HEADS","FRUITS" 1450 DATA "LBS.","PINTS","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","LBS.","FRUIT" 1460 REM Here are the fertilizer rates for a ten foot row in terms of manure 1470 REM in lbs. 1480 DATA 04,04,04,15,12,12,10,15,10,10,10,10,15,05,12,20,10,10,15,10,10,10,10 1490 REM Here are the fertilizer rates for a 10-10-10 chemical fertilizer 1500 REM formulation (for a ten foot row as well) in cups 1510 DATA .25,.25,.25,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.25,.5,.5,.5,.5,.3,.5,.5,.5,.5 1520 REM INITIALIZATION 1530 DIM C$(23),O(23),S$(23),Y(23),U$(23),F1(23),F2(23) 1540 REM The variables are CROP, OUNCES,SPACING,YIELD, UNITS, FERTILIZER RATE 1550 REM for MANURE (1) and 10-15-10 (2) 1560 FOR I=1 TO 23 1570 READ C$(I) 1580 NEXT I 1590 FOR I=1 TO 23 1600 READ O(I) 1610 NEXT I 1620 FOR I=1 TO 23 1630 READ S$(I) 1640 NEXT I 1650 FOR I=1 TO 23 1660 READ Y(I) 1670 NEXT I 1680 FOR I=1 TO 23 1690 READ U$(I) 1700 NEXT I 1710 FOR I=1 TO 23 1720 READ F1(I) 1730 NEXT I 1740 FOR I=1 TO 23 1750 READ F2(I) 1760 NEXT I 1770 RETURN