010,Steep Passage You are in steep passage going down to the north-east. If you do go down, you may not be able to get back up without help. - 0,0,0,0,-11,0,0,5,5,-11 The vicious dog won't let you! USE SANDWICH,0,3 ,,0,0 5 Maybe he's hungry? There is a vicious dog blocking you! The vicious dog grabs the sandwich and quickly devours it. The dog is now ill. There is a very sick dog here. = 011,Debris Room There is a lot of debris here. Passages lead north and south-west from here. - 12,0,0,0,0,0,0,-10,-10,0 It's too steep, you need help. USE ROPE,0,3 ROPE,rope ladder,0,1 DEBRIS Amid all this debris you find a rope ladder! 0 There is a rope ladder permanently in- stalled in the north passage. There is a rope ladder permanently in- stalled in the north passage. = 012,Pool Room Here the passage widens and is blocked by a deep pool. Water drips from a stalactite hanging down from the ceiling into the pool. The pool over- flows into a tunnel in the northern wall. - 0,11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SWIM,0,113 ,,0,0 POOL The pool looks deep, but the water appears clean. 5 Can't you swim? Brrrrr! The water is cold...The current is too strong, and you are carried by the water into the forbidding-looking tunnel!... ...Splash... = 013,Stream Room A stream issues from a tunnel in the south wall. The stream has cut a shallow channel down the east side of the room. It then exits the room through a low tunnel in the north wall. A passage exits to the west. - 0,0,0,14,0,0,0,0,0,0 SWIM,0,115 ,,0,0 STREAM The stream is icy cold. 0 Brrr...The water is really cold! You are carried into the tunnel, and you pass out from the cold..... ...Splash... = 014,Dead End The only exit is to the east. - 0,0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 GET PELVIS,-100,0 ,,0,0 PELVIS There seems to be a sickly green aura surrounding it. 5 There is danger here, make no bones about it! In the south-west corner of the room is a human pelvis. You touch it, & your hand turns leprous green. It spreads upwards & pieces of skin slough off. As your face melts, youpass out... You have died from the creeping crud. = 015,Pit Room A stream issues from a tunnel in the south wall, and disappears into a large pit in the floor. There is a door in the north wall. - 17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-16 Don't be rash, you'll break your neck! You need a rope. USE ROPE,0,3 ,,0,0 PIT The pit is about 3 feet in diameter, andthe bottom is 20 feet down. There is a strange glow at the bottom of the pit. 0 There is a rope ladder hanging down intothe pit. There is a rope ladder hanging down intothe pit. = 016,Diamond Room You are in a large room cut into diamond rock. Huge boulders of rough diamond lie scattered on the floor. All of them are too big to lift. There is an inscription on the biggest boulder. + There is a hole in the ceiling 12 feet overhead. There appears to be no other exit. - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-88,0 The rope ladder is 12 feet above you! USE WAND,0,101 RING,diamond & sapphire ring,10,1 BOULDER There is a diamond & sapphire ring on top of the biggest boulder! DIAMOND The diamond boulders are too big to lift! BOULDER The diamond boulders are too big to move! 5 A magic wand might be useful here. You wave the wand, & the diamond walls glow brighter & brighter. You're blind!.Then, slowly, the light fades..... ...brightness... = 017,Button Room There is a door in the south wall, and a red button on the north wall. There is a sign above the button. - 0,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 PUSH BUTTON,0,121 ,,0,0 BUTTON The button is red. SIGN Push me. 0 <<< POOF! >>> You are enveloped in a cloud of acrid smoke. <<< COUGH, COUGH >>> = 018,Crystal Room The walls and ceiling of this room are made of a translucent crystal sub- stance. - 0,0,-19,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 The glare is blinding! SHIELD EYES,0,0 ORB,crystal orb,10,0 2 Shield your eyes. The glare from the walls is blinding! Much better! = 019,Dusty Hall You are in a narrow hallway covered with about three inches of dust. It is obvious that very few adventurers have come this way. There are a few tracks heading west, but none returning! + There is a passage to the east and a door to the west. There is a plaque above the west door. - 0,0,5,-18,0,0,0,0,0,0 The troll is blocking your way! USE DAGGER,2,2 ,,0,0 TROLL You can tell that the guard is an ex- marine by the gill slits on his neck. PLAQUE Authorized personnel only! 0 There is a big burly troll gaurding the west door! You killed him! There is a big burly troll dead on the floor. =