040,Circular Room You are in a large circular room 30 feet in diameter. The ceiling is 20 feet above your head. There is a human skeleton lying on the floor next to the western door. + There are doors to the north, south, east and west. There is an inscription on the western door. - 41,43,45,-5,0,0,0,0,0,0 The door is locked! USE KEY,2,2 ,,0,0 SKELETON From the condition of the skeleton it appears that the person was trying to beat the western door down with his skull. WEST DOOR The western door is locked. INSCRIPTION The key is closer than you think, but farther than you would hope. You must search for it. 0 The western door is locked. The western door swings open with a groan! The western door is open. = 041,Odd-shaped Room There are exits to the NE and S. - 0,43,0,0,42,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0 CREDIT CARD,credit card,10,0 0 = 042,Odd-shaped Room There are exits to the N, S & SW. - 42,45,0,0,0,0,0,41,0,0 ,0,0 ,,0,0 0 = 043,Odd-shaped Room There are exits to the N, S & NE. - 41,43,0,0,45,0,0,0,0,0 ,0,0 ,,0,0 0 = 044,Demon Lair From the filth and refuse scattered on the floor, this must be a demon lair.The walls and ceiling are scorched as from fire, and the air is very hot. + There are exits to the N, NE and SW. - -42,0,0,0,-27,0,0,-43,0,0 The demon is blocking you! SPIT,2,2 ,,0,0 8 Fire demons hate ANY kind of water. There is a giant Fire Demon menacing you! Run away........... You hit it! The Fire Demon sizzles and goes out, leaving behind only a sicken- ing smell! The smell here is sickening, yeccch! = 045,Odd-shaped Room There are exits to the N, S, and SW. The western exit is blocked by rubble. - 42,43,0,-44,0,0,0,43,0,0 You can't walk through rubble! CRAWL,0,144 PAINTING,beautiful painting,10,0 PAINTING It is a magnificent work of art! RUBBLE The rubble is from a recent cave-in. Youmay be able to crawl here. 0 As you crawl through the rubble it col- lapses behind you and blocks your re- treat. <<< Crumble, Crumble >>> =