CRAPPS.QIK file CRAPPS.QIK creates the machine language file CRAPS!.CO, necessary for running CRAPPS.100. It is a major improvement in the graphics of this game, as the playing table no longer dissappears, as it did in earlier versions. To create CRAPS!.CO, you must use RLCLDR.BA from DL7. First, name the .DO file containing CRAPPS.QIK "CRAPS!.DO". CRAPS! has to be the name of the final .CO file, and this is the easiest place to name it. Before running RLCLDR, you must clear memory. If you have no other machine language programs in high memory, enter CLEAR 256, 60991. Otherwise, use a lower address instead of 60991. Then, run RLCLDR. Answer the first prompt with 1 (for LOAD). When it asks for a .DO file, enter CRAPS!. When it asks for start address, enter the memory you cleared earlier (just the last 5 digit number, not the 256). The program will finish the job itself, and when it tells you it is DONE, you are almost ready to play! If you would like to save CRAPS!.CO as a .CO file on cassette, go into BASIC and enter LOADM "CRAPS!" , and write down the three numbers that appear on the screen (Top, End, Exe). Ready your recorder, and enter CSAVEM"CRAPS!.CO",xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx where the xxxxx's are the three numbers you copied. You can check your CSAVEM by rewinding the tape and entering: CLOADM? The next time you want to load the program from cassette, the command will be: CLOADM "CRAPS!" After it is loaded, immediately type: SAVEM "CRAPS!",xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx using the numbers as above. EDIT line 263 of CRAPPS.100, changing 58267 to whatever start address you used above. The number appears twice on that line; change it in BOTH places. If you are using an address lower than 60991 to protect some higher-memory program, you may also EDIT line 45; change MAXRAM to HIMEM+1968 Now, run CRAPPS.100 and have fun!