NORSOUEASWESUP DOWSCOINVQUISTOENDGETTAKKEEREMSTEGRAPUTDRORELPLATHRREPMOVGO WALRUNJUMCLILOOEXAREABREASMADESHITKILATTFIGPUSPREDEPSAYYELSCROPEPRYCLOSHULOCUNLDRIEATRESSLELIGBURIGNFEECUTSLISCALIFRAISIT NORSOUEASWESUP DOWRUGKEYLANLIGPOTPAILETGUNLIQTILRAGCROKNIFUSSACCOIWINPAPCOMCANPAICHOFOODOOTABCHASOFFIRSTASTOSHEDESLOCTRASINTUBCABBEDMATNIGGRASIGBUTNICGHOALLROOWALCEIFLOEVEINVBOO a welcome rug,1 a brass key,-2 a fine kerosene lantern,-1 a butane lighter,6 pots and pans,6 paintings of venerable men,9 a letter,-2 some gunpowder,14 a smoky liquid,14 a loose floor tile,-2 a pile of rags,12 a crowbar,-2 a knife,-2 a piece of fuse,-2 a small cloth sack,-2 many gold coins,-2 a bottle of fine wine,22 a slip of paper,-2 an empty paint can,12 purina alligator chow,17 a large oaken door,1 a finely crafted table,8 several chairs,8 a large sofa,3 a stone fireplace,3 a spiral staircase,2 a cast iron stove,6 empty shelves,6 a large desk,10 *,-3 a trapdoor,11 a bathroom sink,19 a bathtub,19 a bathroom cabinet,19 a large bed,18 a matress on the bed,18 a nightstand,18 a metal grate,23 a large sign,16 a secret button,-2 a hidden niche,-2 a scary ghost,8 a hungry alligator,24 a rug a key a lantern a lighter some pots some paintings a letter some gunpowder smoky liquid a loose tile some rags a crowbar a knife a fuse a small sack some coins some wine a slip of paper an empty paint can alligator food out of the sewer! I won! 0,0,0,0,-1,-1 standing on the front porch -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 standing on a spiral staircase going up and down -1,-1,-1,3,15,22 in the living room of the house -1,7,-1,4,-1,-1 standing in the checkered foyer 1,8,3,5,-1,-1 in the beautiful sitting room -1,9,4,-1,-1,-1 looking around in the kitchen -1,11,-1,7,-1,-1 at the east end of the dining room 3,-1,6,8,-1,-1 in the middle section of the diningroom 4,-1,7,9,-1,-1 at the west end of the dining room 5,-1,8,10,-1,-1 standing in Harrow's study -1,-1,9,-1,-1,-1 in the kitchen pantry 6,-1,-1,12,-1,-1 checking out the workshop -1,-1,11,-1,-1,-1 in the red wallpapered guest bath 8,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 in the secret laboratory.. 10,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 in the 2nd floor sitting room -1,18,-1,16,-1,2 in the hallway outside the master bedroom -1,20,15,-1,-1,-1 observing the master bedroom -1,21,16,-1,-1,-1 walking through a guest bedroom 15,-1,-1,19,-1,-1 in the bathroom -1,-1,18,20,-1,-1 walking through a guest bedroom 16,-1,19,-1,-1,-1 in the giant, lavish master bathroom 17,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 in the cold wine cellar -1,-1,-1,-1,2,-1 in the cellar -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 in the putrid, smelly sewer -1,-1,23,-1,-1,-1 standing knee-deep in smelly sewer water -1,-1,24,26,-1,-1 in a roughly carved passageway -1,27,25,-1,-1,-1 in a large cavern hollowed out of solid rock. A large movie screen is at one end. 26,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 Ooh I feel lightheaded! My stomach feels funny! My head is spinning! I can't think right! I think that wine did something to me! north,south,east,west,up,down