1 AR=0:RI=0:LE=1:GO=0:X=1:Y=1:DA=42 3 GOSUB140:PRINT@50,"THE TOLKIEN AFFAIR":GOSUB201:GOSUB186 4 A$=CHR$(225):B$=CHR$(226):C$=CHR$(227):D$=CHR$(228):E$=CHR$(229):F$=CHR$(230):G$=CHR$(231):H$=CHR$(232):I$=CHR$(233) 5 J$=CHR$(234):K$=CHR$(235):L$=CHR$(236):P$=CHR$(237):N$=CHR$(238):O$=CHR$(239):R$=CHR$(251):S$=CHR$(252):T$=CHR$(253) 6 U$=CHR$(254):Z$=O$+O$:V$=Z$+Z$:X$=SPACE$(5):GOSUB189:GOTO12 7 PRINT@DA,CHR$(239); 8 DA=(((X*2)-1)*40)+((Y*3)-1) 10 PRINT@DA,CHR$(147);:FORN=1TO200:NEXT 11 ON1+L(X,Y)GOSUB 107,21,28,43,56,66,79,93,101 12 GOSUB170 13 Q$=INKEY$:IFQ$=""THEN 13 14 IFQ$=CHR$(29)THENBEEP:GOTO109 15 IFQ$=CHR$(31)THENBEEP:GOTO111 16 IFQ$=CHR$(30)THENBEEP:GOTO113 17 IFQ$=CHR$(28)THENBEEP:GOTO117 18 IFQ$="U"ORQ$="u"THEN:GOTO119 19 IFQ$="D"ORQ$="d"THEN:GOTO122 20 GOTO13 21 L(X,Y)=0 23 GO=GO+1000 24 GOSUB140:PRINT@58,"GOLD":GOSUB205 25 PRINT@120,"There is pile of ORC GOLD here. You will be rich, if you live long enough." 26 IFGO<6000THENPRINT"You need";(6000-GO);"more gold bars" 27 GOSUB68:RETURN 28 GOSUB140:PRINT@57,"GOBLIN" 29 IFAR=1THEN40 30 PRINT@120,"You have just met a GOBLIN! This horrible evil creature really hates wizards." 31 IFRI=1THENPRINT"It is so dark here that your ring is useless." 32 GOSUB68:PRINT"In the darkness of the cave the Goblin can sense you but you can not see him." 33 GOSUB68:CLS:PRINTTAB(40);"The Goblin is now chasing you are the cave, will he catch you?":GOSUB202 34 GOSUB188:GOSUB68:Q=RND(1):IFQ>.75THEN42 35 PRINT"Ha! Ha! Ha! He has you!" 36 IFQ<.25THENPRINT"You hav been boiled in oil!" 37 IFQ>=.25ANDQ<=.5THENPRINT"You have been roasted for dinner!" 38 IFQ>.5ANDQ<=.75THENPRINT"You have been dropped into a lake of molten lava!" 39 GOSUB200:PRINTTAB(10);"aaaaaarrrrrgggggh!":GOSUB68:GOTO166 40 PRINT"The Arkenstone protects you against the Goblin." 41 GOSUB68:RETURN 42 GOSUB205:PRINT"You have escaped him!!.":GOSUB68:RETURN 43 GOSUB140:PRINT@56,"SERPENTS" 44 PRINT@120,"You are in a cave which has many pits filled with serpents" 45 IFAR=1THEN51 46 PRINT"Can you get through without falling into a pit?" 47 GOSUB68:GOSUB202:GOSUB188:Q=RND(1):IFQ>.5THEN49 48 PRINT"You have fallen down a pit.";:GOSUB204:PRINT" The serpents thought you tasted very good.";:GOSUB68:GOTO166 49 GOSUB205:PRINT"Wing Foot! You didn't fall in any pits. Well Done!":GOSUB68 50 RETURN 51 Q=RND(1):PRINT"You have the Arkenstone to protect to from serpent bites." 52 IFQ>.75THENPRINT"You are protected from bites but you have tripped into a very deep pit."; 53 IFQ>.75THENPRINT"and died of starvation because you can't get out." 54 GOSUB68:IFQ>.75THEN166 55 RETURN 56 GOSUB140:PRINT@57,"BALROG";:PRINT@120," " 57 IFAR=0ANDRI=0THENPRINT"You have met the BALROG, a DISGUSTING creature with very bad manners."; 58 GOSUB200:PRINT" He has just split you in two --aaiiieeee!" 59 GOSUB68:CLS:IFAR=1THENPRINT"You have met the BALROG, but the Arkenstone protects you." 60 IFRI=1ANDAR=0THENPRINT"You have met the BALROG but you are wearing the MAGIC RING; he can not see you." 61 IFRI=0ANDAR=0THENPRINT@120,"That's the way the WIZARD crumbles!" 63 GOSUB68 64 IFAR=0ANDRI=0THEN166 65 RETURN 66 GOSUB140:PRINT@58,"ORCS"; 67 PRINT@120,"There are ORCS here, sensible since we are in an Orc cavern.":GOTO69 68 PRINT@295,"<>";:LINEINPUTQ$:CLS:PRINT:RETURN 69 IFRI=1THENPRINT"Your Ring is useless against Orcs." 70 IFAR=1THENPRINT"The Arkenstone has no effect on Orcs." 71 GOSUB68:CLS 72 PRINT"The ORCS are going to give you 3 guessesat their secret number (between 1 & 5). If you guess correctly they"; 73 PRINT"will let you go. If not, they will blast you with their PROTOPLASMIC IONIZER." 74 GOSUB188:Q=INT(RND(1)*5)+1:GOSUB68:CLS 75 FORF=1TO3:PRINT"Enter Guess -->";:INPUT" ";G:IFG=QTHEN78 76 NEXT:PRINT"zzziiiiippp!!";:GOSUB200:PRINT" You have been ionized":PRINT" -- Bye Bye":GOSUB68:GOTO166 78 PRINT"Correct! You lucky dog!":GOSUB68:RETURN 79 GOSUB140:PRINT@57,"TROLL";:PRINT@120," " 80 IFAR=1ORRI=1THEN87 81 PRINT"You have met a TROLL. This is a greedy, sharp toothed creature. He wants 2000 pieces of gold, or else.";:GOSUB68:CLS 83 IFGO>2000THEN92 84 IFGO=2000THEN91 85 PRINT@40,"You haven't enough gold. OH DEAR! That means he will eat you!":GOSUB68:PRINT@44,"crunch crunch crunch *** gulp***" 86 GOSUB200:PRINT@120,"Well, at least you can try to give him indigestion":GOSUB68:GOTO166 87 IFAR=1THENPRINT"The Arkenstone is protecting you from the Troll" 88 IFAR=0ANDRI=1THENPRINT"You are wearing the Ring; he can not see you" 89 IFAR=1ORRI=1THENPRINT", but you may leave him some gold if you wish." 90 GOSUB68:RETURN 91 PRINT"Aw! He has taken all your gold.":GO=0:GOSUB68:RETURN 92 PRINT"You have enough gold to give him 2000.":GO=GO-2000:GOSUB68:RETURN 93 GOSUB140:PRINT@58,"EXIT"; 94 PRINT@120,"You have found the EXIT. This is actually the Sorcerer's Transmatter Portal." 95 GOSUB68:IFAR=1THEN98 96 PRINT"But you haven't got the Arkenstone. The portal will not work without it." 97 GOSUB68:RETURN 98 PRINT"You have the Arkenstone! Oh you are a clever adventurer!!":GOSUB68:GOTO141 101 L(X,Y)=0 102 GOSUB140:PRINT@55,"MAGIC RING";:GOSUB205:GOSUB205:GOSUB205 103 PRINT@120,"You have found the one true MAGIC RING. You will be invisible to all save Orcs and Smaug." 104 GOSUB68:PRINT:RI=1 105 PRINT"DAMN!! Now you might survive! Oh well, I can still try to kill you." 106 PRINTTAB(10);"...I suppose":GOSUB68:GOTO12 107 GOSUB140:PRINT@54,"NOTHING HERE";:FORN=1TO300:NEXT:RETURN 109 IFY=1THENBEEP:GOTO12 110 Y=Y-1:GOTO7 111 IFX=4THENBEEP:GOTO12 112 X=X+1:GOTO7 113 IFGO>=6000ANDX=1ANDLE=3ANDY=7THEN157 114 IFLE=3ANDX=1ANDY=7THEN124 115 IFX=1THENBEEP:GOTO12 116 X=X-1:GOTO7 117 IFY=7THENBEEP:GOTO12 118 Y=Y+1:GOTO7 119 IFLE=1THENBEEP:GOTO12 120 GOSUB206:LE=LE-1 121 GOSUB189:GOTO7 122 IFLE=3THENBEEP:GOTO12 123 LE=LE+1:GOSUB204:GOTO121 124 CLS:GOTO137 125 CLS:PRINTV$V$V$O$R$T$R$" "U$" "U$" "T$V$V$Z$ 126 PRINTV$V$R$" "T$R$X$" "V$U$X$T$V$V$ 127 PRINTV$O$Z$R$X$X$" "S$Z$L$O$L$X$" "T$V$Z$ 128 PRINTV$R$X$X$" "V$Z$O$X$" "V$Z$ 129 PRINTZ$O$R$X$X$" "V$V$U$X$" "V$Z$ 130 PRINTO$R$X$X$" "V$O$U$T$Z$O$X$" "T$V$O$ 131 PRINTO$" "S$U$" "S$U$X$" "V$Z$T$U$" "T$R$X$" "V$O$ 132 PRINTR$" "S$V$Z$O$U$" "H$V$Z$R$" "T$C$X$" "S$V$O$; 133 GOSUB186:PRINT@168,"SMAUG":PRINT@210,"RULES" 134 FORN=1TO1300:NEXT 135 GOSUB140:PRINT@55,"Smaug's Den"; 136 FORN=1TO200:NEXT:CLS:RETURN 137 GOSUB125:PRINT@40,"You are in Smaug's Den but don't have enough gold for the guard":GOSUB200:PRINT"...so he kills you." 138 GOSUB68:IFRI=1THENPRINT"The ring's magic won't fool Smaug";:GOSUB68 139 GOTO166 140 CLS:LINE(3,3)-(236,20),1,B:LINE(4,4)-(235,19),1,B:RETURN 142 FORG=1TO12:LINE(G-1,G-1)-(240-G,64-G),1,B:NEXT:RETURN 143 CLS:GOSUB142 144 PRINT@133,"very well done" 145 FORN=1TO500:NEXT 146 PRINT@133," " 147 PRINT@50,"you have shown," 148 PRINT@85,"that you are as" 149 PRINT@138,"brave, cunnning," 150 PRINT@180,"clever and nifty" 151 PRINT@222,"as a Master Wizard" 152 PRINT@248,"" 153 FORN=1TO1000:NEXT 154 FORN=1TO6:PRINT@(40*N+4),SPACE$(31);:NEXT 155 PRINT@126,"any key for another game...": 156 IFINKEY$=""THEN156ELSECLS:RUN 157 GOSUB125:PRINT:GO=GO-6000 158 PRINT"You have entered Smaug's den":PRINT"and have bribed the guard":PRINT" with 6000 gold bars." 159 PRINT:PRINT"But Smaug always sleeps":PRINT"with one eye open & has seen you.":GOSUB68 160 CLS:PRINT@47,"You have ony 5 arrows with which to shoot Smaug.":PRINT"Press "+CHR$(34)+"1"+CHR$(34)+" to shoot.":AR=5 161 IFINKEY$<>"1"THEN161 162 GOSUB188:IFRND(1)>.80THEN164 163 PRINT"zzzzzzziiiiiiiippppp you missed":ARR=ARR-1:IFARR=0THEN166ELSE161 164 PRINT"zzzzzziiiiiiiipppp you hit him":PRINT"You have won the Arkenstone":AR=1:X=1:Y=7:LE=3 165 GOSUB68:GOSUB170:GOTO7 166 CLS:GOSUB142 167 PRINT@131,"You are no longer":PRINT@171,"a ranking Wizard":GOTO153 170 CLS:PRINT@226,"GOLD=";GO:PRINT@266,"LEVEL ";LE;:IFRITHENPRINT@306,"Ring" 171 IFARTHENPRINT@311,"Arkenstone" 172 PRINT@0," "S$H$" "D$H$C$S$H$U$D$H$C$D$H$C$H$H$H$" "H$H$:PRINT@40," " Z$P$Z$K$Z$O$N$V$K$Z$O$N$Z$" " 173 PRINT@80," " T$O$A$G$O$A$T$O$R$B$O$A$B$O$A$T$O$R$D$P$" " 174 PRINT @120,S$Z$P$Z$P$Z$P$N$O$U$S$O$P$P$O$U$Z$O$C$ 175 PRINT@160,G$G$O$R$G$O$A$T$O$R$G$O$R$G$O$A$T$O$R$G$K$G$R$ 176 PRINT@200," "Z$P$Z$P$N$Z$P$O$K$Z$O$N$O$P$Z$O$C$ 177 PRINT@240," "B$O$R$G$O$A$U$O$S$C$O$U$G$O$G$T$O$R$S$N$H$U$ 178 PRINT@280,T$Z$K$Z$K$Z$O$K$Z$L$O$P$N$O$K$A$Z$K$; 179 IFLE=3THEN180ELSE185 180 PRINT@20,S$K$G$L$U$" smaugs" 181 PRINT@61,O$" "T$U$"den "CHR$(153)S$Z$U$ 182 PRINT@104," "T$V$V$O$U$ 183 PRINT@144," "T$V$V$O$ 184 PRINT@184," "T$V$Z$R$ 185 PRINT@DA,CHR$(147);:RETURN 186 RESTORE187:READLN:FORN=1TOLN:READI,J:SOUNDI,J:NEXT:RETURN 187 DATA 10,9394,40,8368,10,7456,20,9394,22,1,50,9394,40,8368,10,7456,20,9394,22,5818,40 188 M=VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,1)):FORI=1TOM:Q=RND(1):NEXT:RETURN 189 A=X:B=Y:GOSUB196 190 FORN=1TO12:GOSUB197:L(X,Y)=1:NEXT 191 FORN=1TO2:GOSUB197:L(X,Y)=3:GOSUB197:L(X,Y)=6:GOSUB197:L(X,Y)=2:GOSUB197:L(X,Y)=5:NEXT 192 GOSUB197:L(X,Y)=4:GOSUB197 193 IFLE=1ANDRI=0THENL(X,Y)=8 194 GOSUB197:IFLE=1THENL(X,Y)=7 195 X=A:Y=B:RETURN 196 FORX=1TO4:FORY=1TO7:L(X,Y)=0:NEXTY,X:RETURN 197 X=4-INT(RND(1)*4):Y=7-INT(RND(1)*7) 198 IFX=1ANDY=1ANDFL=0THEN197 199 RETURN 200 FORZJ=1TO20:SOUNDINT(RND(1)*16383),1:NEXT:RETURN 201 PRINT@160,"Ho! Adventurer! You, a Wizard of great renown have been asked to recover the" 202 PRINT"Arkenstone from Smaug the Terrible, a Dragon of ill repute.";:FORN=1TO300:NEXTN:RETURN 203 FORZX=1TO20:SOUND9235,1:SOUND1,1:SOUND400,3:NEXT:RETURN 204 FORZX=1TO60:SOUND400+ZX*8,1:NEXT:RETURN 205 SOUND 4000,4:SOUND1500,25:RETURN 206 FORZX=60TO1STEP-1:SOUND400+ZX*8,1:NEXT:RETURN