0 ' LICENS.BA This program prints license plate numbers in the popular format 1 ' of three numbers, followed by three letters. Utilizing only six characters, 2 ' there are 17,576,000 possible combinations, (10^3)*(26^3), or 10*10*10*26*26*26 3 ' Question is, how long will it take this program to display them all on your 4 ' computer? First right answer wins a hearty "well done"! 5 ' 6 ' Note the interesting construction of Line 100. Did you know you can do this? 7 ' 8 ' PUBLIC DOMAIN NONSENSE. Free! Have Fun. From Tony Anderson. Ynot? 9 ' 10 CLS 20 FORA=0TO9 30 FORB=0TO9 40 FORC=0TO9 50 FORD=65TO90 60 FORE=65TO90 70 FORF=65TO90 80 PRINT STR$(A);MID$(STR$(B),2);MID$(STR$(C),2)" "CHR$(D)CHR$(E)CHR$(F)" "; 90 FORG=1TO25 100 NEXTG,F,E,D,C,B,A